The Savage Soul: Scorched Earth is a character-skill-based mud set in a magic-rich, zombie-ridden, post-apocalyptic future. Devastated by a full-scale nuclear exchange and transformed by a gene-altering virus, the dark landscape of 2195 Detroit is home to monsters, magic, and dazzling technology. Player characters in the form of barbaric mutants, powerful sorcerers, worldly Zisters, 21st Century Sleepers, androids, robotoids, undead Shamblers, and cannibalistic Morlocks will struggle for survival against a nightmarish world and each other.
The Savage Soul: Scorched Earth is a character-skill-based mud set in a magic-rich, zombie-ridden, post-apocalyptic future. Devastated by a full-scale nuclear exchange and transformed by a gene-altering virus, the dark landscape of 2195 Detroit is home to monsters, magic, and dazzling technology. Player characters in the form of barbaric mutants, powerful sorcerers, worldly Zisters, 21st Century Sleepers, androids, robotoids, undead Shamblers, and cannibalistic Morlocks will struggle for survival against a nightmarish world and each other.
The Savage Soul: Scorched Earth is a character-skill-based mud set in a magic-rich, zombie-ridden, post-apocalyptic future. Devastated by a full-scale nuclear exchange and transformed by a gene-altering virus, the dark landscape of 2195 Detroit is home to monsters, magic, and dazzling technology. Player characters in the form of barbaric mutants, powerful sorcerers, worldly "Zisters," 21st Century "Sleepers," androids, robotoids, undead "Shamblers," and cannibalistic "Morlocks" will struggle for survival against a nightmarish world and each other.