Fantasy (Polish)-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 146th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 63rd of 351 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
4 (54 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
22 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
9 (last 30 days) ▼10%

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                            Warlock wita!

      Witaj przybyszu ze swiata techniki i wszechobecnej informacji. 
  Znalazles sie u wrot fantastycznego swiata pelnego dziwnych stworzen i
 nieznanej magii. Zapraszamy. Usiadz wygodnie w swoim fotelu i pograz sie
  w atmosferze przygody i niespotykanej zabawy. Postaramy sie dostarczyc
  ci niezapomnianych wrazen i doswiadczen. Baw sie z nami, lecz pamietaj,
     ze swiat, ktory pozostawiasz za soba, na pewno sie o Ciebie upomni. 
  Pamietaj, ze to wszystko jest tylko zabawa, i nie nalezy jej poswiecac
   wiecej czasu, niz jest wymagane do tego, by zabawa pozostala zabawa.

   Swiat jest wciaz rozwijany i testowany, dlatego zechciej wybaczyc nam 
   pewne niedociagniecia i usterki ktore moga sie pojawic podczas twojego
   w nim pobytu. Bedziemy bardzo wdzieczni, jesli zechcesz poinformowac
  nas o zauwazonych bledach, a postaramy sie je jak najszybciej usunac.

  System polskiej odmiany wyrazow, ktorego uzywamy, zawdzieczamy tworcom
                   pierwszego polskiego LPmuda - Arkadii.
  Kontakt z administracja: garagoth@warlock.pl, menta@warlock.pl

  Zapraszamy wszystkich na oficjalna strone WWW, oraz forum dyskusyjne
  dotyczace naszego swiata dostepne pod adresem: http://www.warlock.pl

Wersja gamedrivera:  CD.06. 6|MySQL-1|PL-1 Jan  7 2024 14:43:22 Wersja mudliba:
CDpl 01.00.02

Powiedz mi swe imie: 
Warlock was created in April 1997, but since then it evolwed into totaly new Warlock. Many of wizards have retired, many new came... And then, after years of testing, we opened in august 2003. World has two domains: Orchia and Arda. Orchia is based on polish RPG 'Krysztaly Czasu', and Arda is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings'. There are some common races: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Ork, Reptile, Goblin, Human, Gnome, and one new, Kmaran, which is half-human, half-cat. We offer player crafting system, horses, spellcasting, multiple guilds... This mud is totaly polish (and it's still being polished...), so zapraszam wszystkich znajacych ten jezyk i chcacych sie dobrze pobawic. Garagoth, Warlock Admin and Lord of Orchia.
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
Polish [1] [2]

[LP] CD.04.07+MySQL, modified Genesis CDlib ver 01.00.03 [1]
CD.06.06 [2]

1997 [2]

Fantasy [2]

Adventure [2]

Poland [1] [2]

Krysztaly Czasy & Middle Earth [1]

LPMud [2]

Game System:
Custom [2]

Warlock was created in April 1997, but since then it evolwed into totaly new Warlock. Many of wizards have retired, many new came... And then, after years of testing, we opened in august 2003. World has two domains: Orchia and Arda. Orchia is based on polish RPG 'Krysztaly Czasu', and Arda is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings'. There are some common races: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Ork, Reptile, Goblin, Human, Gnome, and one new, Kmaran, which is half-human, half-cat. We offer player crafting system, horses, spellcasting, multiple guilds... This mud is totaly polish (and it's still being polished...), so zapraszam wszystkich znajacych ten jezyk i chcacych sie dobrze pobawic. Garagoth, Warlock Admin and Lord of Orchia. [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)