Divergence – Where The Old Story Ends, And A New One Begins! Warriors the Muck - Divergence is based on the series written by Erin Hunter. It follows strict-to-cannon the first five books of the original series and the majority of the sixth, but from there it changes. BloodClan has won, driving the Clans from their territories and leaving the warrior cats to struggle for their very survival. We are the first known Warriors-themed Mu*, and are accepting of many major canon characters with room for originals. We are striving to ensure a place of quality and adherence to the spirit and story of Warriors and welcome all role-players, experienced and new, to come and help write a new tale.
Based on the "Warriors" series written by Erin Hunter. It follows strict-to-canon the first five books of the original series and the majority of the sixth, but from there it changes. In a storm of fury and destruction, Bloodclan threw down Lionclan, and in shock and horror the survivors fled the forests they had called home since before memory, driven past Highstones and across the Thunderpath, exiled into unknown territory to lick their wounds and come to terms with the nightmare that had befallen them. Back in the forest, a victorious Scourge has led Bloodclan and several turncoat clan members to make their new home at Fourtrees, spitting directly on the vaunted StarClan who Scourge proclaims non-existent. If they were true, than why would they let their precious clans be destroyed? The so called 'nine lives' of the leaders were nothing! Scourge could take them all, even if he insisted he didn't believe in them. The clans were decimated. Tigerstar, leader of Shadowclan, slain by Scourge in a single fall. Dozens of cats were lost to the claws of Bloodclan. Worst of all... even Firestar, the last hope of the clans and prophesized hero of Starclan, was stripped of his nine lives one by one by the cruel claws of the Bloodclan leader. With the forest's two most powerful warriors lost, the survivors fell into despair as they settled on the chilly, foreign fields at the base of the mountains. The survivors, tentatively led by Tallstar and Leopardstar, must now recover their strengths and either forge a new hope out of their crumbling alliances or retake the forest. But, with so many cats lost and their faith in Starclan shaken, can the clans survive, and how could they ever find the strength to overthrow Bloodclan once and for all?