Waterdeep: City of Splendors
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 211st of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 93rd of 352 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
5 (5 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
10 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
6 (last 30 days) ▼25%

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

           ;::::;                             Original DIKUMUD by Hans
          ;::::; :;                           Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom
        ;:::::'   :;                          Madsen, Michael Seirfert and
       ;:::::;     ;.                         Sebastiand Hammer. (c) 1991
      ,:::::'       ;           OOO\
      ::::::;       ;          OOOOO\         MERC 2.1 Code by Hatchet,
      ;:::::;       ;         OOOOOOOO        Furey and Kahn. (c) 1993
     ,;::::::;     ;'         / OOOOOOO
   ;:::::::::`. ,,,;.        /  / DOOOOOO     RoM 2.4 Code by Russ Taylor.
 .';:::::::::::::::::;,     /  /    DOOOO     (c) 1996
,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;,   /  /       DOOO
;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/  /        DOOO    RoT 1.4 Code by Russ Welsh.
:`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::#  /          DOOO   (c) 1997
::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# /            DOO
`:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/             DOO   WDM 2.0 Code by Waterdeep
:::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::##              OO   MUD Entertainmant. (c) 2007
::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::#              OO
`:::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::#              O  Owned & Operated by Jergal
 `:::::`::::::::;' /  / `:#                 E-Mail:  jergal.events@gmail.com
  ::::::`:::::;'  /  /   `#
          ##    ##  ####  ###### ######  ####  ######  ###### ###### #####
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                         C I T Y  O F  S P L E N D O R S
                                  [ Est 1997 ]
Why have you come....go away or choose a name: 
Looking for a place where everybody knows your name? Sick and tired of the cold sterile feeling you can get from MMORPGs? Want to take up a hobby that jogs your imagination, sharpens your reading skills, and vastly improves your typing skills? Looking for a mud with (mostly) friendly people and a dedicated staff who treats (almost) everyone as human? More than a simple internet game, Waterdeep - City of Splendors has been a way of life for hundreds of people since its creation more than 17 years ago. Having never been shut down, Waterdeep maintains its unique and hugely modified RoT codebase, as well as its original ownership and distinctly "death metal" feel. With a devoutly dedicated staff and player base, Waterdeep a...
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English [1] [2]

[Rot] 1.5b2 Heavily Modified [1]
Custom - Highly modded RoT codebase [2]
ROT [4]

1997 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Forgotten Realms / Final Fantasy (6 & 7) [1]
Forgotten Realms and Final Fantasy [2]

Forgotten Realms [2]
Fantasy Role-playing Worlds, Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

Looking for a place where everybody knows your name? Sick and tired of the cold sterile feeling you can get from MMORPGs? Want to take up a hobby that jogs your imagination, sharpens your reading skills, and vastly improves your typing skills? Looking for a mud with (mostly) friendly people and a dedicated staff who treats (almost) everyone as human? More than a simple internet game, Waterdeep - City of Splendors has been a way of life for hundreds of people since its creation more than 17 years ago. Having never been shut down, Waterdeep maintains its unique and hugely modified RoT codebase, as well as its original ownership and distinctly "death metal" feel. With a devoutly dedicated staff and player base, Waterdeep is a MUD whose doors will be open as a home to new and old players alike for years to come. Waterdeep's story is largely based on a Forgotten Realms themed roleplaying atmosphere with a very open approach to personal and global roleplaying - meaning even a single player's roleplaying experience has a chance to change the MUD! In addition to our Forgotten Realms themes, there is a mix of Final Fantasy 6 & 7 steampunk seen throughout the world, with entire areas dedicated to the theme. However, while role-play is highly encouraged, it is not (nor will ever be) mandatory - your gameplay style is your own. While Waterdeep's code is based on RoT 1.4 and 1.5, it has been extensively modified over its long history and rebuilt into a world containing over 80 original areas with 55,000+ rooms. We still maintain a 2-tier/101 level reroll system and many of the old areas; however, significant changes have gone into the surrounding gameplay. We offer 23 unique races and 15 total classes - 7 basic classes for 1st tier and 8 advanced classes for 2nd tier. Along with this, Waterdeep is home to a slew of extracurricular activities including (but not limited to): 1 v 1 & Free-For-All Arena Matches with Leader Board, Organized Team Player-Killing Matches, Free-For-All world Player Killing with Leader Board, Leveler-Based and Hero-Based Equipment Runs, Questing for all levels, Area Quests, a unique Gambling System, Fully-Customizable Player Housing, Customizable and fully-functioning Airships with Air-Battle capabilities, Player-led Clans, and much much more. We welcome everybody to come give us a try; we have a very accommodating staff and player base, and all are willing to help new players get started. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail our immortal staff at wdmudimms@gmail.com. Additionally, to get the latest on MUD happenings or for general discussion, join our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/80108373552/. Lastly, you can find a lot of MUD information and even a starter guide at our Wiki here - http://wiki.waterdeep.info/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Here comes the soul collecting Train of Murder a-Comin'. It longs to take your putrid blackened soul away from you... WaterdeepMUD, Entertaining Globally for nearly two decades. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]
Looking for a place where everybody knows your name? Sick and tired of the cold sterile feeling you can get from MMORPGs? Want to take up a hobby that jogs your imagination, sharpens your reading skills and vastly improves your typing skills? Looking for a mud with friendly people and a dedicate staff who treats (almost) everyone as human? Waterdeep is a Forgotten Realms / Final Fantasy (6 & 7) RoT 1.5b2 mud with extensive work and additions to its stock format. Most of this work been concentrated on additional codes, features, zones and stock code repairs. Our Class - Race - Level System very much retains the original 101 level 2 tier system with 23 races and 7 classes. We feature Quests, Banks, Equipment Runs, Mini-Quests, Area Quests, One on One Arena Matches, Mass Arenas, Hero Skills, Gambling, Ascii Maps, Political Factions, purchasable and customizable Airships, purchasable and customizable Player Housing (Property) which players get to create their own mini-area. Our world is split into two continents and 34,000 rooms. The Great Realms continent contains many well known stock areas and vast new zones, while the Faerun Realm has been built in close replication to the Sword Coast, and features areas such as Icewind Dale, Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Shadowdale, Myth Drannor and Candlekeep. Our roleplaying world resembles Forgotten Realmian medieval times with steampunk influences such as FF6. Our global campaign is an on going story of Governmental Wars, the struggle for power and the evils of technology. Yet as politicians blind the common people, the true threat to the world continues to grown unnoticed, the return of an out casted deity in the form of a meteor. Details on our web site. Here comes the soul collecting Train of Murder a-Comin' It longs to take your putrid blackened soul away from you... WaterdeepMUD, Entertaining Globally for over a decade.bit [2]
Waterdeep is a heavily modified RoT 1.4 codebase that's graced the internet for 6 years. A unique world with a mixture of Final Fantasy themes and the Forgotten Realms Campaign World of AD&D, the world is brought together with the style of mideval with a touch of old world technology, such as steam engines. The mud itself retains the usual 2 tier rot levelling system with added skills and spells. Also features airships, area quests, quests, player housing, player areas, tradeskills, battle arena, airship arena, tag arena, and more features always coming. [3]
Waterdeep is based in the Dungeons & Dragons world called Toril, home of the Forgotten Realms and based loosely on Final Fantasy 6 and 7. WaterdeepMUD was founded in August 1997 as an ROT 1.4 codebase MUD. Unlike most muds we have spent our time developing and enhancing the codebase itself rather then the direct approach of changing levels, races, classes, skills and spells and still feature the basic ROT setup. Additional skills and spells have been created for the various classes and work has been made to fine tune a balance between the races and classes. We have a 2 tier remorting system with 101 levels per tier. With the help of Sauron and the Infinite Point MUD, we were one of the few ROTs to convert ROM 2.4 OLC for ROT, before a patch and already made code source was available. The MUD features your basic additions such as Banks, The Vassago Quest System, Area Quests, Player Battle Arena with Mass Arena option, Clan-System Player Killing, ASCII Area Map Command, Exit Compass, Equipment - Adventure Runs and countless small aditions too numberous to list. We are also in the progress of working on some major additional systems to the mud, with several already completed or still in development. Airships are purchasable and customizable vehicles that players can own. They can only be described as virtual areas that can move about the world in the form of a portal object. The system was based under Sauron's Vehicle Code. Airships have multiple rooms which players can custom name and describe, along with adding furniture. With the purchase of some cannons your airship can even attack and destroy other airships, and use of the 'Force Boarding Ramp' will allow you to board the enemy airship. You can also use the airship to run cargo around the world for money. Property is a player housing system which allows players to buy and build their own house, and could be described as a mortal friendly OLC that costs money. Players can customize the room name & describe along side setting Sectors & Room Flags, or creating lockable doors and creating keys. Factions are a guild like system in which both PK and NPK players can join together and are mainly used for roleplaying. These groups are 'in control' of certain towns of the mud and operate as a government. Future coding projects will allow these groups to build their own towns and be able to wage war on each other. We feature a 34,000+ room world divided into 250 zones and split into two continents. The Great Realms Continent is based on both the ROT stock zones and unique zones, and the Faerun Continent is taken directly from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and features key zones such as Icewind Dale, Candlekeep, Baldur's Gate, Myth Drannor and Shadowdale connected by roads and wilderness. You are able to walk from Icewind Dale to Shadowdale. The actual city of Waterdeep for which the mud is named after is sometimes available to the public but is constantly closed for construction. Blackstaff's Tower and the City of the Dead remain open. Roleplaying is highly encouraged but is not forced, we cater to both those who wish to roleplay and those who wish to player kill and require players to 'join' with the Roleplaying flag, available by typing a command twice. We feature a medieval fantasy world with steampunk themes. People use swords and wear armor while walking streets illuminated by gas lighting. Travel is conducted by walking, riding a horse or chocobo, taking a train or an airship unless of course you are blessed with magical transport. Our homepage is a vast library of knowledge for roleplayers. The world theme itself varies between Forgotten Realms, Final Fantasy 6 and Final Fantasy 7. Player Killing is conducted within clans with the Non-Clanned 'Outlaw' option. Each clan has a clan hall with features such as Shops, Portals, Healing Chambers, Personal Arenas, Training Dummies and personal chambers. PK players are vulnerable to those +/- 5 levels of their current level and while not in SAFE rooms. There are also LAW rooms which when attacking another player in front of an Enforcer Mobile, you will be flagged WANTED making you vulnerable to attack anywhere and by any level. We have operated for just about a decade with no major downtime and a steady player base, averaging 20 to 50 players 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Help is available by both our well trained immortal staff and 'mortal' administrators, players elected to help other players. The mud itself can be described as stable for an ROT based mud, uptime varies from a single day to more than a week straight. We are an adult oriented mud for violence and graphical content. Come find out why so many call themselves addicted to Waterdeep. [4]
Waterdeep is a D&D 3E MUSH based in the city of Waterdeep and it's environs in the Forgotten Realms. Just open for build/code at this point. Thematic details and policy are in the process of being sketched out. [5]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Mud Magic
  5. The MUSH Warehouse
This mud is again looking for Player killers, theres is new option to reroll into Hardcore PK. 50 levels in first tier and youre 2nd tier Hardcore PK. Hardcore PK means Loot is back! Hardcore Pks cannot be looted by regular Pks and cannot gain pracs/trains by questing, but can gain AP points by questing and gain double trains gains by level! try it out! Lets Fight!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2018
Waterdeep is a mid-sized mud based on the forgotten realms and the final fantasy series of video games. There are a variety of classes to play and 2 tiers of levels. During the first tier you learn the basics or if you have mudded before learn a few new commands here and there. They have a nice wiki and website that helps explain everything pretty well. Leveling up here is easy and once you get to second tier there is usually a veteran around to hand you a nice set of equipment to level through your second tier with. With the ability to customize your starting xp and buy skills/spells, you can choose how much you want to grind on your way up vs. having to quest later to get more practices. Once you are done leveling and become a hero (lvl 101) there are about 8 or so hero 'runs' (areas requiring a group of 3-6 or more max level characters including a healer, tank and damage dealers), some small group activities and various crafting mprogs (mob code). There are also a couple places you can go to grind money or end game currency. The property system is highly customizable with plots of land you can build and add flags to, shop mobs, equipment lockers to hold items. I have no experience with the pvp here so I can't really give an opinion on that. Pros 1)Easy to level up if you read the wiki 2)The hero runs are fun if you can get in a group (see Cons) 3)Updates still happen fairly regularly Cons 1)Some of the classes are effectively useless in the end game hero runs so if you choose one of them you won't really get to do those. The wiki and players can fill you in on those during first tier though. 2)Low playerbase. Most of the veterans just sit around idle and don't participate in end game activities. Those veterans who do participate in the runs will bring you along if you are needed to fill numbers but otherwise you probably won't get to go. You will either need to get lucky and be needed or bring along some friends. Most of the info needed to do the runs is on the wiki so they're fairly simple to set up if you read about them. 3) Very grindy in spots. Getting practices to max out your hit points and mana (for classes that use mana) can take years of running quests every 10 minutes for hours a day if you do it on your own. You can of course buy practices from veterans who have maxed out their stats but that just means more grinding of currencies that most newer players need to spend elsewhere.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 28, 2018
Waterdeep has been a welcome home on and off for many years since I started in 2002. The staff and player base are friendly and helpful, there are multiple things to do (PVP, Dungeons, Mini-Runs, Mprog Crafting) outside of just being social, and the feel of the game is very smooth. Some features I found hard to mud without are the simplist, there is a built in ANSCI-Colored Map that you can open anywhere and it will show you what you know of the area, I found spamming M even i've ventured somewhere before just as habbit and when i've tried other Muds its a feature i very much miss. The runs/dungeons operate on timers and are easily accessed through some in-game commands, they are enjoyable and offer items for all stages of the endgame, the staff will also *spice* up a run creating it into an Immortal Quest which will yeild better rewards, besides that there are heroic versions of a few that give new challenges. The coloring of the world is very well done, finished is the times of perpetual grey and black, and the options you have as a player to modify your own space is pretty endless as long as its on theme. The leveling system of Waterdeep is simple and strait forward, it doesnt offer a long grind which allows the creation of multiple characters of different classes a labor-less task, depending on your creation XP. Once at hero you have the activities described above with Runs and PVP being the most popular, and in-between there is a pursuit of extra skills, hp/mana, and various forms of currency to push your hero to cap which can take quite a while and is enjoyable. In conclusion if you're looking for a Mud that has a social adult crowd, forgotten realms & Final Fantasy flavor, with some fun activities, Waterdeep is a good place to visit.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 17, 2018
Restarted 9.28.2016. Despite the claim that they have active players. they do not. They have 9 people who are logged in, but never there, which makes me think its the owner, running multiple accounts, despite stating that its against the rules, in order to make it look like there is active players. Newbie guide is not even close to accurate, and you are more likely going to die kill a level 1 mob than ever getting to level 2, because the moment you attack said level 1 mob, suddenly 2 to 6 level 40 mobs rush into the room and destroy you instantly. This was a great mud back in the old days, when the admins actually played and were active and helpful. Its quite clear they are gone now
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2016
Waterdeep is a great place, I've definitely spent enough time there to say that its enjoyable. I can honestly say someone, staff or player, has went out of there way to answer any question or concern I've had which is refreshing. I can't give the community of the mud as a whole enough compliments for anyone to understand without coming themselves to check out Waterdeep. The newbie school is a little long winded, but is entertaining at least. I think that a newbie to muds in general could learn a lot from the school itself. The mud is huge, with lots of things to find and discover and even has a wiki with lots of useful tips and info for newbies. It has a little bit of everything for somone even when leveling, quests all the way from level 1 to 101. When you get to the level cap, there are still plenty of things to do for the endgame. Which again, if you want it, the players are extremely helpful in getting gear for your newly acquired level.'Runs' are raid-like quests that you can do to get gear that require several or a few players to complete. Most of the player base do these daily and are always willing to take anyone along with them. Granted some will expect you to know things even when you are new, but others are extremely helpful in trying to teach you the ropes. There are some cons that I've found, which like I said before have always been addressed in some way. I have actually seen a few updates and changes made in the short time I've been playing there that really make a difference. - There are bloated skill/spell lists with several being useless or directed that way in the help files for the skill/spell. Some classes have very few effective skills/spells. (With that said, I have been told by a few imms that they are looking at some ways to fix this in the future.] - PK needs some balancing imo, with veteran players having the leg up on a new character as most have been playing for several years and have acquired end game gear/stats. - With it being such an old mud with so many areas, some are unfinished/have quests that no one seems to know how to finish. Its notable, only because it has frustrated me more than once. I recommend waterdeep to anyone, I have a blast here.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 8, 2016
Waterdeep is great! The newbie school is great for learning basic commands and getting started with muds. Commands are pretty intuitive..generally they do what you expect them to do. Waterdeep has two tiers of levels. The first tier is a great opportunity to learn and you don't have to worry about your mistakes leaving you with a sub-par character forever. The second tier is the one that sticks and defines WHO YOU ARE! It's really fun to explore...if you're not into that, there are also wiki guides with tips and tricks to level quickly. The realms are huge! I doubt I've seen 10% of it in two months. There's always people around to answer your questions. Generally immortals are online to solve your more challenging problems too! Great social environment and chit chat is encouraged! Property building, running cargo (airships), quests and area-quests are all pretty fun activities. The cargo & quests can get stale after a while... OK, the cons. 1) Handful of veterans, fewer newbies. - Once you hero, the way to continue advancing is to get better and better equipment. This usually means doing 'runs' which involve multiple people (2-10+). I'm not sure if the veterans are bored by them or what, but it is difficult to get a group together to do them. Newbies also have a tendency to piss the veterans off when they don't do something correctly. - The good news is, there's currently a group of approx five newbies who are trying to do these and are helping out other newbies to get them to where they can help! 2) Not all the tips and tricks are published - Some things you have to learn by asking lots of questions, or trial and error. Which is fun but can be annoying at times. 3) Player Killing (PK) will DESTROY YOU if you have never played Waterdeep before. The veterans have MUCH better equipment, so plan on fleeing all the time. Better off to create a NPK first, then consider a separate PK character later. 4) Speedwalking command is kind of lame. Easily fixed with a good MUD client. 5) No active coders. Fortunately, the realms are huge and there's LOTS to do without additional code.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 24, 2015
Just to address a few of the comments in this review with some updated information. (Not that it was wrong at the time). The mud does indeed have a very active coder and immortal staff. Vast improvements have been made to things like speedwalk and other previously not user friendly commands. The mud has a webpage designed to share alot of the more 'common' knowledge people have gathered on the mud. Obviously some things remain closely guarded secrets, but thats to keep some things relatively rare, or not to spoil the work intended to do them. I believe given the time frame of this post that the player was on durring a massive slump in our activity that was due to several unfortunate factors, most if not all of which have been or are in the process of being resolved. Activity levels are back to what we like to see as an average, but more is always better!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 21, 2015
Of course.. I'm biased, but I've been with waterdeep since near the beginning. I used to play a variety of different realms but this one has become and most likely always will be my home. Things have changed in so many ways from the time I started, yet there is always some sort of ever present algorythm that keeps the heartbeat going.. economic ups and downs. All in all its one of those places, that once you get by the initial icebreaking, is very good to you. Newbie friendly, both PK and NPK activities and environment. Come.. talk a walk in our shoes.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 24, 2012
Waterdeep is a great mud based on forgotten realms and final fantasy. Too many great things to list, airship system, arena system, player housing and equipment storage, valuable equipment runs for hero level characters as well as levelers. Great environment where everyone is helpful (very newbie friendly). The Class - Race - Level System very much retains the original 101 level 2 tier system with 23 races and 7 classes. Player killing and non-player killing clans available as well as clans that feature both PK and NPK. Roleplay is encouraged but not enforced. If you're looking for a great new mud to try out, come make Waterdeep your home and say hello to Draven while you're there ;-)
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2011
I can never really remember how long I've been playing Waterdeep. I remember when DKs cost 100k. I remember Thunder. I remember when there wasn't a whole lot on the other side of the ocean. Most of WDs players can also remember these things, because they've all been here for 10 years or so. 10 years!! Think really hard, how many people do you have contact with now, that you did 10 years ago. I'm gonna guess not many. 10 years is a long time. It's a testament to Nisstyres vision, that his game has never gotten old. After a while some of the bigger muds tend to slide into a 'lets just give them whatever they want' mentality. Nisstyre (Wds Owner) would never allow that. Working for it, is part of the allure of the game. The Game itself has it all, you can see that for yourself on the listings page or at the muds website. It's the the things that you don't see on those pages that matter the most. Pure Pkers. I've seen top top pkers come from other muds and get slapped around like 3 legged mongrels by WDs pkers. Bar none, they are the best of the best. RP. Every so often the global RP of WD shakes the mud to its foundations. Where huge sweeping changes take place to keep every aspect of the game fresh. The Immstaff. At least 6 out of 7 days if not more, the Immstaff runs some sort of mini Immquest for the players. That's not including special events etc. The Imms love to be loved. The Players. I know of at least 3 couples who've met on WD and gotten married! We have every type of player you can imagine. From bad to good, but even the bad, are really just looked upon as 'that cousin you just can't stand', yet they are family nonetheless. I know that if I ever needed to flee my country, I would be taken in on 3 different continents and given a place to stay. These people are the best. People make the game, any game. This game sits above all others of its kind because of that fact. Yeah, the innovations and cool coding is great too, but the people make you spend 10 years of your life here. This game is more than just a passing time sorta commitment, it fills your life. 'More addictive than tetris in the 80s' One of the coolest aspects of the game is the secrets. There are mprogs out there, that people have no clue about. Waiting to be found. You will be hard pressed to see or own all that is out there. You will try really hard to do so though. Maybe that's why we've all been here so long. Waterdeep is into it's second decade. This is something that WILL change your life.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 11, 2009
You can find me as Skyla on waterdeep. I searched and searched muds and I came across Waterdeep. Let me tell you that this is the greatest mud you will ever find. Who knew you could have so much fun on a mud as a NPK'r. Log onto Waterdeep and type 'CLAIMED' you will see a list of hero runs that are set up to give a group of hero's a challenge. They are not open all the time so the equipment they give is rare. And worth a lot. The runs sometimes don't have enough equipment for everyone so they have a lotto system that randomly chooses winners of each equipment. One day you might win the best item... the next.. you could get nothing. Everyone is so newbie friendly all the way up to Nisstyre, the owner. They are always working on something new and doing a lot of fun stuff with their mortal players. GIVE WATERDEEP A TRY! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. Add me to Msn if you have any questions. paintedframe@gmail.com
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 2, 2009
WaterDeep Mud, is a great MUD. It is friendly in all aspects and very newbie friendly, although the MUD has seen better days. It is in kind of a slump right now due to the holiday period. It is a great MUD to start out with and awesome in general. I'm sure once you start you will not quit because there is just so much to do. It keeps on giving the more you are there. Boredom in never an issue. The quest system is outstanding, and the battle system whether PK or NPK is understandable and able to learn expeditiously. There is a number of Hero Equipment runs where you can constantly upgrade yourself, a great equipment statistics system. A lot of detail and care goes into the creation of all EQ, the time spent building by the staff is highly visible. The information about any issue is accessible. With hundreds of help files, all are self explanatory so learning is quick and painless. I highly recommend this MUD for everyone and anyone. You will not regret it. The more you are on, the more you learn about it. If you enjoy quests, solving riddles, and personal challenges, you will never have a dull moment here on WaterDeep. There is so much more, I must invite you and let you see for yourself. Come take a look, There will be many people willing to help you and we are always honored by new faces. So join in the addiction and neverending great times. Thanks, and i hope to speak with you all soon. -Matthew McNew.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 7, 2009
Waterdeep is a well built, player friendly, diverse mud. The spell and skill system has been well developed from stock ROT code. Your standard skills and spells are there, as well as graphically pleasing (if there is such a possibility from a mud) new ones as well! Major improvements have been made to the stock code to create a very unique environment. In addition to unique spells and skills, the builders (some actual players) have created a very well thought out equipment system. Over 30 pieces of equipment can be worn at all times, leaving the possibilities and combinations endless for what you would like your player to look like. There are hundreds of zones to explore, each well maintained and well put together. Almost every zone has a piece of equipment that you can use or find use for throughout the game. Leveling is a breeze on Waterdeep. There are multiple zones where numerous players can level at the same time. Leveling equipment is abundant, and most of the time, someone is willing to help out a new player. As you progress in the game, you obtain skills and spells like normal, until you reach hero level. Here, uniquely implemented skills and spells provide for additional entertainment as different race and class combinations are required to collaborate on ?hero equipment runs (gathering sought-after hero equipment)? Now for some brutal honesty: Players on waterdeep have the option to either be labeled as Player Killers, or Non-Player Killers. If you are a Player-Killer, you have all the advantages of a non-Player Killer, except you can attack other end-users. Non-Player Killers can not do this, unless given explicit immortal permission. Player Killing used to be a huge aspect of this game. When I first started, there were numerous player killers (10-20+ at a time). This number has diminished significantly. On average now, I would say 5-10 Player Killers are online at one time. They are a good bunch, well versed in Waterdeep, as most of the remaining player-killers are long time Waterdeep(ers) themselves. I am calling out a challenge to all supreme player-killing mudders out there. Come to Waterdeep, get yourselves to hero level or however you see fit, get well-versed in the game, and lets fight it out! We need more PK action? However, if you catch the players of Waterdeep on a good day, you will find them quite chatty, entertaining, or unique bunch to say the least. The player-killers that remain are usually active or around, the players in general are usually quite friendly, and if you can catch an immortal staff member online, they are usually helpful. No matter what your opinion of mudders in general, the people that have collaborated to create this game have spent countless hours compiling code, creating zones and equipment, and maintaining the game in general. I have been a player for almost 10 years now, but urge anyone who is looking for a fun, colorful, entertaining MUD to check Waterdeep.... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 9, 2008
I first started playing this MUD in 1998. I then took a ten year hiatus and began playing again in February of this year. I must say that there have been AMAZING changes to this MUD, however it also contains all of the areas and helps that first drew me to Waterdeep. This group claims to help newbies in their quest to get started, and I can testify firsthand that is a true statement. I have been navigating on my own, but every time I have asked for assistance, Immortal or player, I have received nothing but eagerness and willingness to lend a hand. The newbie school is wonderful, it takes the time to plainly outline every facet of the world and how it operates to a new player. The area helps and map helps are also an added help to those who are new to the MUD. They are quite descriptive and keep an ongoing compilation of your exploration. One of the most challenging things I have found with any MUD is to figure out where you can go and what needs to be done to progress, and this MUD pulls all the stops in making that transition. I am not fluent in code. However, I will say that there is ample information regarding the improvements that have been made, and the staff is eager to any new suggestions that are given to improve the site. They also have a bevy of options such as playerkill, clanning, factions, arena fighting, Hero Quests, and other things that continue to challenge after one has mastered the achievements that can be gained from the basic levelling and exploring. There is something for everyone here and that goes from newbie to an experienced player. I would invite anyone to check this MUD out because of the user friendly nature of the surroundings, and also because of the wonderful people that compose this site. If you are looking for a change of pace from an established group that understands the interests of gamers, please check this MUD out. It will be well worth your time and i would venture to say that you will become a fan like I have... Thank you.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 19, 2008
Waterdeep is a world somewhat based on a unique blend between TSR's Forgotten Realms and Final Fantasy 6 & 7, however it is nowhere near exclusive to just those two worlds. The mud contains tons of areas with numerous themes and endless opportunity for exploration, discovery, and RP. Online for over 9 years now, Waterdeep has grown to be one of the largest international MUDs I?ve ever seen; entertaining people from all around the world including North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia (and those are just the people I know). I?ve personally been playing on Waterdeep for about 7 years or more now, and though I?ve played (and staffed) on a number of different MUDs over the years, Waterdeep will always be my home. The Waterdeep world has A LOT to offer indeed with a wide variety of races and classes to choose from, and other features like clans, factions, cults, hero-runs (group raids), arena battles, group arena battles, quests, property, and even frequent immortal quests and much much more. The MUD is exceedingly newbie-friendly, with friendly players, mortal admins (MAs) and even immortals (staff) constantly available and willing to help and answer any questions. The mud even offers a ?map? command, displaying a player-map of the immediate explored area. The mud design and areas are based on many things, one of which is humor, which is clear in many area descriptions and even some mobs like ?Hulk Hogan? and ?Sting? (Hogan is kind of a WD mascot :P) Both Player-Killing and Roleplaying are very popular on WD, as well as optional. PK (which doesn?t apply to NPK characters of course) is also level-limited, where only players within a certain level range can PK each other, which makes newbies safe from being hunted by just any higher level player. (Though there are also special ?FREE PK? areas on the mud where anybody can kill anybody, just incase you feel bored sometime :P ) Waterdeep is also ever-changing, with constant tweaks, improvements, enhancements, additions, new areas, etc. The immortal staff is always open to suggestions and ideas, and there?s an ?idea? board actually solely dedicated for this, so players can discuss ideas with immortals and each other. And for additional assistance, as well as Global Roleplay history, group Roleplay campaigns, updated news and information, etc we can always check the WD website (wdmud.com) which is updated weekly. Of course, not ?everyone? on WD is a saint, or even a nice guy. In every community there are people who like to ruin things for others, or just generally like to be jerks. Fortunately though, the good greatly outweigh the bad on WD. Ultimately, I?d say WD is just a great place to hang-out, make friends, roleplay, waste time, talk, be creative, and just generally have fun. There are tons of things to do, endless rooms, places, secrets, mprogs, etc to explore and discover, and ample opportunity to make a difference and advance. The place is so huge, that even oldest... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 22, 2008
Looking for a great place to roleplay? How about a place where you can hack'n'slash your way to infamy? What about a place where the Player Killing is active, and the divide between Non Player Killers is existent but undivided for other aspects of gameplay? I was too, and luckily i found it pretty quick. Its called Waterdeep and you've been fortunate enough to stumble upon it. On Waterdeep there is a very active playerbase that boasts 50+ during the day and still roughly 20 average players during the wee hours of the night(I base this off of PST). We have players from all around the world, and though there may be people from all walks and morals of life. There's always someone on who is willing to help out, team up, and/or answer your questions. The mud consists of 2 tiers, those being of 101 levels, the first 20 levels are comparably easy to attain compared to the rest. The leveling system may be quicker than your average D&D based mud, but that's because the gameplay focus has been mainly on the hero level offering a vast ammount of things to do. Regardless, people have still found ways to entertain themselves long term below the level of hero (101). Waterdeep has an ever expanding world propelled by a very capable team of builders made up of dedicated players, and even the staff member immortals themselves. The Staff is always willing to listen to suggestions and is always working to enhance and balance the gameplay. The playerbase boasts a very vast cultural diversity, we have players throughout europe, southern asia, australia, america, canada, and theres even a guy who claims to be egyptian. Should this review wet your pallet and you find yourself logging on, i guarantee you you'll be hooked. And there's no harm in trying because Waterdeep has never charged the players for playing, its simply run out of the goodwill of the Immortal Staff. Regarding the immortal staff, there just always seems to be at least one online! Usually more, they are pretty active and most of them are known for often holding mudwide events tailored differently to the styles of gameplay. Some times its Mass Pk Arenas! Sometimes its long Roleplay campaigns, sometimes its some gargantuan beast requiring the likes of 20 or more players! Either way its always a hoot. I started playing this mud when i was 13, I'm now 22 and still enjoying it. Waterdeep has always offered a vast dynamic of styles of gameplay. Theres the people that Roleplay, theres the people that hunt for the greatest Equipment, theres the hardcore Player Killers. Its hard to believe, but the mud has always offered a great atmosphere for all of the styles players have cared to take on. The mud has been through alot but always held strong through it. The lead immortal and owner, Nisstyre, has personally vowed to never shut the mud down until no one logs in a... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 20, 2008
Waterdeep is a world somewhat based on a unique blend between TSR's Forgotten Realms and Final Fantasy 6 & 7, however it is nowhere near exclusive to just those two worlds. The mud contains tons of areas with numerous themes and endless opportunity for exploration, discovery, and RP. Online for over 9 years now, Waterdeep has grown to be one of the largest international MUDs I?ve ever seen; entertaining people from all around the world including North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia (and those are just the people I know). I?ve personally been playing on Waterdeep for about 7 years or more now, and though I?ve played (and staffed) on a number of different MUDs over the years, Waterdeep will always be my home. The Waterdeep world has A LOT to offer indeed with a wide variety of races and classes to choose from, and other features like clans, factions, cults, hero-runs (group raids), arena battles, group arena battles, quests, property, and even frequent immortal quests and much much more. The MUD is exceedingly newbie-friendly, with friendly players, mortal admins (MAs) and even immortals (staff) constantly available and willing to help and answer any questions. The mud even offers a ?map? command, displaying a player-map of the immediate explored area. The mud design and areas are based on many things, one of which is humor, which is clear in many area descriptions and even some mobs like ?Hulk Hogan? and ?Sting? (Hogan is kind of a WD mascot :P) Both Player Killing and Roleplaying are very popular on WD, as well as optional. PK (which doesn?t apply to NPK characters of course) is also level-limited, where only players within a certain level range can PK each other, which makes newbies safe from being hunted by just any higher level player. (Though there are also special ?FREE PK? areas on the mud where anybody can kill anybody, just incase you feel bored sometime :P ) Waterdeep is also ever-changing, with constant tweaks, improvements, enhancements, additions, new areas, etc. The immortal staff is always open to suggestions and ideas, and there?s an ?idea? board actually solely dedicated for this, so players can discuss ideas with immortals and each other. And for additional assistance, as well as Global Roleplay history, group Roleplay campaigns, updated news and information, etc we can always check the WD website (wdmud.com) which is updated weekly. Of course, not ?everyone? on WD is a saint, or even a nice guy. In every community there are people who like to ruin things for others, or just generally like to be jerks. Fortunately though, the good greatly outweigh the bad on WD. Ultimately, I?d say WD is just a great place to hang out, make friends, roleplay, waste time, talk, be creative, and just generally have fun. There are tons of things to do, endless rooms, places, secrets, mprogs, etc to explore and discover, and ample opportunity to make a difference and advance. The place is so huge, even... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 13, 2008
I have been mudding since its inception...all those long years ago. Back when where was only one or two out there. There wasn't even a mudconnector to search for muds as there was barely a search engine! It has been a year or so since I have been on a mud, and honestly, hard to find a good one. I struck gold on my millionth attempt. Not only is Waterdeep user friendly, the people are very helpful but not to a fault. I have been on muds where people are so bored, they grab you and level you leaving you in the dust. The players on Waterdeep help when asked, but do not offer the answers to everything. If you are looking for a user friendly, huge mud, check it out! You will not be disappointed. Tell them Stabilo sent you!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 29, 2008
It was a fun place 7 years ago, players come and go, new friends came and old friends left. Yes the place was fun, not anymore. The immstaff said it's is an international mud and it was. Bit by bit the old asian players begin to return to the mud and was thinking everyone might actually be the same, but they were wrong. They get dissed in return, being called names, being discriminated against. Even the innocent got dragged along. A clan known as the Crimson Guardians are known as the helpers of the mud. They must help if asked. It is their duty. Now if a non-asian asks for help it will come extremely fast. However, if an asian player asks for it, they get dissed and being called silly names. One of the Crimson leaders who deleted himself recently was Elbryan, thinking he's everything and disses every asian player there is just because they are in the same clan. I wonder what triggered it, until I realised they can't accept the fact of having a large number of asians inside 1 clan. Before anyone knew where I was from I got treated fairly. For those new players who wish to join this large family, I welcome you, if you wonder why I wrote this, come join it and experience it for yourselves.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 26, 2008
I would agree with the staff member who commented. This is bad blood between 2 groups. And its one-sided, as the whole of Crimson Guardians are not against any group of players, especially by race. How are we to know race of someone on a mud? The role of Crimson Guardians is to help those we find worthy, and only in an rp sense at that. Anything beyond that is simply people being nice. I personally help anyone who asks, unless i have reason not to (slander, stolen eq, etc). Perhaps the writer of this review should think about their own actions and what might cause disdain toward them before blaming a group? That being said, there is a rift going on recently between Church of Nightmares and Crimson Guardians, which is unfortunate, but being fueled on more than one side. There is a lot more to the mud than this simple disagreement, and i think its unfair to the mud, as well as the immortal staff, to base an entire review on one disagreement that is so easy to avoid.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 21, 2008
It has also been brought to my attention that it isn't as much as a blood feud between two clans, just several individual players.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 22, 2008
For being around for longer than I've been playing, Waterdeep has an uncanny ability to keep you hooked even if you don't realize it. It was one of my first muds and, though I've tried several different ones, and even a creation of my own, I could never turn away. With a once-again growing pbase, a staff made of friendly immortals and a Mortal Administrator staff of knowledgeable players, it's a great place for people new to mudding altogether or people simply looking for another one to play. After many years, WD has never stopped changing.. always for the better. Constant area and code updates are being made, with new changes being added regularaly. It's worth a look if you're looking..
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 20, 2008
When I first found Waterdeep, seven years ago, it was very nice. Plenty of colour and easy to find things. They have a nice map system too. I've looked around on other muds, but there's not been once like it. It's easy, it's colourful... it's great. The Immortal staff are nice and they interact with the players constantly. There are numerous PK and NPK clans both of good, neutral and evil alignments. There are factions as well as room to become a rather important person in Roleplay.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
I've been playing Waterdeep for several weeks now and I must say it is one of the best MUDs out there. The player base is larger than most of the MUDs I've played, averaging 20-60 players at any given time. However, i've found this to be even better, as there's always someone willing to answer questions or chat with, making it feel less like it's just you and the game. The immortals are friendly and seem to really care about the players and above all, about running a fair and quality game. Some unique things I've found on this mud: Players can own their own properties they can fully edit and even charge rent. Players can also own "airships" which are large flying vehicles where they can fight each other, taxi, or hang out in and socialize. There's a whole lot of color in almost everything, making it very pleasing to watch. The MUD itself is very big. I could spend days exploring it, by airship, horse, magic, or good old walking, and probably only scrape the surface. This might be my only complaint about Waterdeep: there's almost too much going on, but at least I know i'll still be finding new things years down the road (The motto posted on their MOTD reads "Addicting players for 6 years". I believe it!) --Bottom line: Waterdeep: City of Splendors, highly recommended and is in my opinion one of the top MUDs, still standing after all this time.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 22, 2005
A highly modified mud, I was introduced by a friend, Rot Codebase but very customized. Mapping system is the best I've seen and so is the coloring. Many things are player modifiable including prompts. Very easy to navigate once you learn the commands, very friendly player base except for the odd couple. Airships, Playerhousing, Gravity are definite plusses. I can personally say this is the best MUD out there that I can find, the features make it so.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2003
I've played this MUD for about 4 years now, and I'm still hooked. The immortal staff have created a unique world (based on Forgotten Realms and Final Fantasy) that takes place in a year of swords and magic technology to match. I've taken part in hero/leveller PK as well as lead clans and groups on quests. This mud offers clans, PK, roleplaying and more! And I hope that the game will stay up for another 4 years or more!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 8, 2003
1 think Dirk: you spend 2 hours bitching at things probably. The first bit of WD you never understand, but once you get to know the whole thing it's the most wonderful mud I've played. Just take a little time to ask things. Most players do not mind helping a new player and the immortal staff is kind and patient to listen to your idea's/complaints, though hard in punishing when you've done wrong. Fair enough, Waterdeep, City of Splendors, yer the best now and so will you be forever!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 2, 2003
I've played on Waterdeep for a little over 2 years now. Its been a mostly fun exsperience. A few problems with other players as could be exspected. its got a wide varitey of players from around the world. The imm staff is mostly helpfull and open to sujestion. its a mostly good mud that I would recomend to anyone.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 2, 2003
I've played Waterdeep for just over 4 years now, and obviously there's something there to hold my short attention span. The immstaff have collaberatively put a lot of effort into making it the most enjoyable mud I've ever played. For the most part, it's very newbie friendly, with a force of MAs (mortal admins) to answer questions that new players may have, or generally to be of help. It also has one of the more balanced PK systems I've seen, while it has it's weak points, it owns in reguards to it's stronger points. The races and classes are some of the most balanced I've seen as well. In other words, thanks to Niss, Yuna, Kossuth, Tymora, Erevan, and the rest of the immstaff and players for making Waterdeep the best mud out there.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 2, 2003
I spent almost 2 hours here, and I can honestly say, this was the most disgruntling experience of my entire life. A decent looking gamengine, there is nothing to really catch and hold interest. Thir background stories are choppy and incomplete. I will now go punish myself for wasting two hours of my life.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 26, 2003