Wayfar 1444
Sci-Fi-themed MOO (MUD, Object-Oriented) open from 2010 to 2016.

Db Size:

Players Connected:

Maximum Connected:
5 (final 30 days)
DEAD (8 years)


Average Connected:
3 (final 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
2 (final 30 days)
Connection Screen

Wayfar 1444 is a text based online multiplayer game.  You are a colonist, sent to the surface of an alien world with a few basic supplies. Join up with other colonists, or plot against them, while surviving and building a self sufficient colony.


         -- -- Space Asshole

ALPHA WARNING: this text game is in early alpha.  Some mechanics may be missing or incomplete.  Please report bugs and suggest ideas for new content.

To request a character:
  request <player_name> for <email_address>
To connect with an existing player: 
  connect <player> <password>
If you forgot your password: 
  password <player> for <email_address>

(server v1.10.6 up 6:08:20:00, 20 connected)
Wayfar 1444 is a text based online multiplayer game. You are a colonist, sent to the surface of an alien world with a few basic supplies. Join up with other colonists, or plot against them, while surviving and building a self sufficient colony. Features robots, space ships, aircraft, turrets, player shops and buildings, a procedurally generated universe ala Dwarf Fortress (but in space!), a unique dice pool based combat system, sensible and convenient command interfaces, and reroll incentives for completing multiple skill backgrounds.
- The Mud Connector (2018)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3] [4]

April, 2010 [1]
2011 [2] [3]

Hellcore/Wayfarcore [1]
MOO - Hellcore/Wayfarcore [2]
[ LambdaMOO running a custom hellcore (hellmoo.org) database ] [3]

Futuristic [2]
RPG [4]

Science Fiction, Survival, Cyberpunk, Space Colony, Far Future, Dystopian, Corporatist, Hacking, Exploration, Building, Procedurally Generated, Sci-fi Camp/Pulp, Star Wars Galaxies Inspired Crafting, conquestMUD Inspired Interface [3]

Game System:
[ Purchase skills with points earned by in-game actions while acquiring resources to sell to the central administrative complex, or hunt alien wildlife with scavenged weaponry. Compete or co-operate with other colonists for control of alien worlds, with [3]

USA [1]
Texas [2]
United States [3]

Server Type:
MOO [1]

Futuristic [1]
far future science fiction/cyberpunk [2]

MOO [3]

Sub Genre:
Post Apocalyptic [3]

Wayfar 1444 is a text based online multiplayer game. You are a colonist, sent to the surface of an alien world with a few basic supplies. Join up with other colonists, or plot against them, while surviving and building a self sufficient colony. Features robots, space ships, aircraft, turrets, player shops and buildings, a procedurally generated universe ala Dwarf Fortress (but in space!), a unique dice pool based combat system, sensible and convenient command interfaces, and reroll incentives for completing multiple skill backgrounds. [1]
Wayfar 1444 is a text based online multiplayer game. You are a colonist, sent to the surface of an alien world with a few basic supplies. Join up with other colonists, or plot against them, while surviving and building a self sufficient colony. Features robots, space ships, aircraft, turrets, player shops and buildings, a procedurally generated universe in full color, a unique dice pool based combat system, hidden objectives, dangerous wildlife, deadly hazards, and a friendly admin staff. [2]
Wayfar 1444 is a text based online multiplayer game. You are a colonist, sent to the surface of an alien world with a few basic supplies. Join up with other colonists, or plot against them, while surviving and building a self sufficient colony. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. MOOList.Com