Star Wars-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2005.
Ranked 394th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 10th of 17 worlds in the Star Wars genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (52 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
3 (last 30 days)

CircleMUD 3.1

Average Connected:
1 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                              W E L C O M E    T O                              
                              _   _   _   _   _   _                             
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                      /                | /   \    |   _  \
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                 |________/    |__|  /__/     \__\| _| `.________|
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                  \   \  /  \  /   / /   \    |   _  \  /        |
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                      \__/  \__/ /__/     \__\|__| `._______/

                   d20MUD Created by Gicker (Stephen Squires)                   
               Built from CWG Rasputin by Zizazat (Mark Garringer)                 
                 Based on CircleMUD 3.1 Created by Jeremy Elson                 
    A derivative of DikuMUD (GAMMA 0.0), created by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt,     
        Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer               

Enter your account name.  If you are a new account, simply type what you would like it to be: 
d20MUD: Star Wars is a MUD with a ruleset based heavily upon a combination of the d20 and SAGA edition rules for Star Wars released by Wizards of the Coast. We are role play encouraged, with role play being highly incentivised through exp rewards as well as other rewards that allow you to unlock feats, advanced races, prestige classes and other bonuses. The game is set during the reign of the Galactic Empire, following the battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star. We have a number of planets implemented and a good variety of zones. Starting classes are Solider, Scout, Scoundrel, Squad Leader and Trader. Characters have a chance to become Force Sensitive after creation, though it is rare. also...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
February, 2005 [1]
2012 [2]
2005 [3]

OGL (D&D 3.5e, d20, Pathfinder) style rules [1]
CircleMUD - Based from CWG Rasputin and Heavily ReWritten for d20/SAGA rules [2]
CircleMUD 3.1 [3]

English [2] [3]

Star Wars [2]

Server Type:
Circlemud [1]

4th Age Dragonlance [1]
Star Wars: Empire & Rebellion Era [2]

USA [2]

The War of the Lance is over and peace has returned to the free lands of Ansalon. Or has it? The dragonarmies have been defeated, but not eradicated, and there are new threats forming throughout Ansalon. The minotaurs build their war machine on their Bloodsea Isles, biding their time and preparing for conquest. Chemosh is growing an army of the dead, and preparing to unleash it upon the free peoples. The dragonarmies have crowned new Highlords, and rumor has it that a new knighthood is being created by the late Lord Ariakas' son, Ariaken. No, not all is as it seems. Peace is fleeting in Krynn, for though evil will turn on itself, it never sleeps for long. It is up to men and women like you, brave hero, to ensure that these horrors and more do not destroy the victory that was gained by the Knights of Solamnia and their allies. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Age of Dragons d20 Edition is an Open Gaming License rules MUD. The Open Gaming License rules are also found in such systems as the d20 System, D&D 3.5e and Pathfinder. We are a role play encouraged game with automatic rewards for those who role play. We have a central quest line that will take your character through a gripping story of good versus evil. We are constantly building on this main quest line, and adding side quests with their own unique stories. We have implemented about 85% of the d20 srd, with some modifications from other systems (such as the pathfinder srd). We offer a custom crafting system as well with the option of being a full time artisan and foregoing combat altogether. Our combat is turn based and is always growing and becoming more feature-rich. We add new content on a daily basis, with 3 or 4 new things added almost every day. Our player base, though currently small, is growing as well, with each week bringing in new blood who add to our already friendly and helpful community. If you like dragonlance, role play, and OGL-style rules, then you will love Age of Dragons d20 Edition. Come check us out! For proponents of classic CircleMUD style rules, we also offer our mud in a version using those rules. Check our web site for more information. LATEST NEWS: April 2011: We have completed phase I and II of our crafting system updates. We have consildated the crafts into 3 main groups, to encourage player interaction and focus on specific crafts. We have also implemented a supply order system and removed the experience gains from harvesting so that people can level up at a decent rate by actually crafting things instead of being forced to make bots to harvest for hours on end afk, which is against game policy. We have also reduced the time it takes to harvest a unit of material from 30- 40 seconds to 10-20 seconds. [1]
d20MUD: Star Wars is a MUD with a ruleset based heavily upon a combination of the d20 and SAGA edition rules for Star Wars released by Wizards of the Coast. We are role play encouraged, with role play being highly incentivised through exp rewards as well as other rewards that allow you to unlock feats, advanced races, prestige classes and other bonuses. The game is set during the reign of the Galactic Empire, following the battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star. We have a number of planets implemented and a good variety of zones. Starting classes are Solider, Scout, Scoundrel, Squad Leader, Force Adept and Trader, with the Entertainer classes coming soon. We also have a large variety of advanced classes that can be obtained as you rise in levels and accrue account experience (obtained via role play and other methods). We also have a large variety of races and are willing to add new races on request. Most races can be selectable from the start, but others require spending account experience to unlock. We are a MUD that is in constant development. As such there may be bugs and/or instability issues at times. We ask that you bear with us when these sorts of things occur. But that also means we are always adding new features and functionality, as well as new content. We also have a web-based quest editor that allows both staff and players to make their own quests. Finally, we are always looking for dedicated and talented staff members, who have a good grasp of the English language, and are willing to build areas, work on documentation, and us the DG Scripts (m|o|r)prog language, run role-play events, or even just want to be able to help our players. Send me an email (gickerlds@gmail.com) or in-game mail if interested (Gicker). Cheers,of and see you on the MUD! Gicker & the d20MUD Staff [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
I just want to say that D20StarWars is by far one of the greatest muds I have ever played. It is still a work in progress, but for what it's worth it is put together beautifully. It is immersive, easy to navigate and really gives you the feel that you are playing in the Star Wars Universe. That you are a Hero/Villain, and that the fate of the Galaxy really is in your hands. It offers great reward systems for things such as crafting, pvp, role-playing, grouping. The Role Playing is amazing, the players have such a great imagination and really know how to build a story. As I said it is immersive, but it isn't complex. You will quickly find yourself mastering your class and the system in no time at all. And if you have ever found yourself playing table-top D&D, especially 3.0 and 3.5e and you love Star Wars you will def find yourself right at home here in D20StarWars! It isn't easy, but it isn't impossible either. I give D20StarWars a 10/10 personally.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Dec 14, 2014