Social (Interactive Fiction)-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 62nd of 771 worlds statistically.
Ranked 3rd of 75 worlds in the Social genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
23 (56 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
34 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
26 (last 30 days) ▼4%

Minimum Connected:
21 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
**                                                                    **
**                          Welcome to ifMUD!                         **
**                                                                    **

    MONKEY:     Ook.

If you...
  have an account       Type "connect name password" to log in
  need an account       Go to and apply
  are just visiting     Type "connect guest guest" to login as Guest
  want to see who's on  Type "who" for a list of players online
  have problems         Login as Guest, type "lounge", and ask for a wizard
                        or type "wizards my problem is ..." to leave a message
                        (include your email address if you want a reply)

TYPE connect, who, or quit:
The nominal theme of the MUD is interactive fiction; discussion of IF is pretty much always welcome. That said, visitors to ifMUD will find that the conversation is far from limited to IF. Most of the ifMUD regulars have known each other for a number of years now, have hung out with one another in real life, and so forth; we're a group of friends, and talk about all kinds of stuff, just like you might with your group of friends.
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1]

AFKMud [1]

Virtual World Education, Social Role-playing worlds [2]

USA [1]

Interactive fiction [1]

The nominal theme of the MUD is interactive fiction; discussion of IF is pretty much always welcome. That said, visitors to ifMUD will find that the conversation is far from limited to IF. Most of the ifMUD regulars have known each other for a number of years now, have hung out with one another in real life, and so forth; we're a group of friends, and talk about all kinds of stuff, just like you might with your group of friends. [1]
The nominal theme of the MUD is interactive fiction; discussion of IF is pretty much always welcome. That said, visitors to ifMUD will find that the conversation is far from limited to IF. Most of the ifMUD regulars have known each other for a number of years now, have hung out with one another in real life, and so forth; we're a group of friends, and talk about all kinds of stuff, just like you might with your group of friends. [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. Pueblo/UE World List