6 Dragons
Fantasy (Medieval)-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1999.
Ranked 479th of 787 worlds statistically.
Ranked 207th of 363 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (52 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

Classic 6 Dragon Codebase Credits:
SMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,
Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.
MERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. DikuMUD by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, 
Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer.  Chronicles by Brad Ensley.
6Dragons by Vladaar, Remcon, Volk, Taon and Aurin.

Greetings, Classic 6 Dragons game is a seeing impaired friendly game.
To learn how we support the blind within the game refer to this link 

Enter thy name stranger, or TYPE NEW if you're new to these realms.
All names must be medieval sounding names, you may be asked to change it.
Are you tired of slaying wimpy dragons in other games? Well, it's time to step into a realm where dragons are what they were always meant to be - powerful, awe-inspiring, and absolutely incredible FUN to play! Welcome to Classic 6Dragons, where adventure meets humor, and the world is as epic as the dragons that roam it. In a world where accessibility is key, 6Dragons goes above and beyond, offering a soundpack and settings tailored for the seeing impaired. No player is left behind on this epic journey! But if you're not the type to hack and slash your way through the gaming world, fear not! You can trade in your sword for a blacksmith's hammer, a jeweler's magnifying glass, a baker's oven or...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3]

November, 2002 [1]
1999 [2]
2002 [3]

Heavily Modified [1]
Smaug - Heavily Modified [2]
6Dragons 4.6 [3]
Smaug [4]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

USA [1] [3]
VA, USA [2]

Server Type:
Smaug [1]

Medieval/Sci-FI - QUESTS are our BUSINESS! [1]
medieval fantasy [2]
Medieval Fantasy [4]

Dikumud [3]

Sub Genre:
Medieval Fantasy [3]

Hack and Slash [3]

6 Dragons is a completely original high fantasy mud coded from the smaug code base. We have a friendly Staff that work for us, and we have something to offer for everyone. Whether it be monster bashing, player killing, trade skills, role playing, or one of our hundreds of quests. We are addictive as anything you have tried! But don't just take our word for it, check out our reviews: Player Albrecht says, 'I knew 6 Dragons was different from the moment I logged on. The game pops at you with interactivity and flavor.' Player Sarkai says, 'Looking for a mud you can call �home�? Looking for a place that offers something new? How about a mud that is constantly improving? How about a mud that welcomes new players, and values them greatly? Well, look no further! You have found your new home.' Player Payle says, 'While I have just started on 6 Dragons, I have really enjoyed my experience and found it to be very unique when compared to other muds.' Player Vagnor says, 'The first thing that caught my eye was the very interactive and original tutorial system. It is actually the only tutorial I have ever fully enjoyed and haven't skipped. :P' [1] [2]
Greetings Travelers, Welcome to a mud that you can be an actual dragon in. We have coded it in such a way that balance of power does not suffer. Imagine blasting a ogre with fire breath, or stomping on a dwarf. The possibilities are endless. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Mud Magic
So my old mud was deleted, and I was orphaned to go find a new place to play. I found 6dragons on a random search, and thought 'Why not?' I created a dragon to go cause some chaos in this new [to me] world, and made my way through the tutorial, which was actually helpfull for a change... The skills I am gaining with every level are just a blast, there are quests spread all over the world, and very easy to locate.. I find myself blissfully lost in a HUGE world, with fun surprises, riddles, and quests around every corner! To add a side note for just how happy I am with 6dragons, I purchased Diablo III a few days ago, yet I find myself logging nearly double the hours in 6dragons than I have been logging in Diablo III! This server is amazing!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 23, 2012
So...6 Dragons huh...bet it's all wings, wands and stuff and no real challenge. Blind friendly huh...yeah I've heard that before! Just two of the thoughts I had as I trawled through the countless listings on TMC looking for a mud which offered RP, Quests, challenge, was screen reader friendly and that 'difference' that set it apart from the general hack and slash muds. No; I didn't think my list was too much. After all, surely variation, quests, a decent size environment and good configuration are a part of all MUD's. Yeah, right! So I happen upon the listing for 6 Dragons and the content caught my screen readers eye! Shades, Mindflayers, Centaurs and of course, Dragons, are all among the wide range of starting races available to a player; Skills and spells to match any MUD I've previously played. Limited multiplaying is allowed and RP is encouraged to be a part of your character if that's what you like. And just like on the Infomercials 'there's more!'...the MUD is very blind friendly with some config options specific to screen readers which allow the trimming of specific info to make listening far easier. So, come along and give 6 Dragons a go; share time with Dragons, Shades and Elves and an admin staff who really care about your gaming experience. Veritus 'Duke' of Forbidden.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 17, 2011
Shades, Mindflayers, Goblins & Demons - just some of the creatures traversing the land beneath the mighty wings of the various dragon races found in the realms of 6 Dragons. Being blind I sought out a specific type of mud -- one with RP, plenty of areas, quests to challenge and a supportive staff. I found them all. 6 Dragons is a truly blind friendly mud with many great features that allow screen reader users to limit text without reducing the overall experience of the game. The huge environment provides areas for all levels and the staff whilst supportive don't play favorites; there is an expectation that you should find your own way within quests and brave the various challenges faced. Features like limited multiplay, double & triple experience bonuses and a full and rich RP environment have hooked me quickly and completely. Come along and join in the fun, experience the glory and share space and time with a dragon or two if you're lucky. Veritus(Duke of Forbidden).
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on May 15, 2011
6 Dragons is the MUD I keep coming back to. I am fairly new to the world of MUDs as a player (two years) versus knowing what one is (10+ years) but have tried numerous other games. There is something about 6 Dragons that keeps drawing me back. Character generation is a breeze. There are plenty of races to choose from such as the good (humans, elves, halflings, etc.), the bad (orcs, trolls, etc.), and the downright awesome (the dragons). Not all races can multi-class, but the majority can, and you can dual or triple-class with the associated benefits and drawbacks of each. Dragons cannot multi-class, but the five colors have differences in strengths, weaknesses and skill sets, making for an interesting variety of choices without being overwhelming. I have tried a few MUDs that had so many possibilities it was very tedious for me to figure out what I really wanted to be in the game. In addition to the traditional spells and skills, there are also tradeskills. Non-dragon races can take on one of three trades, which introduce new trade- specific skills. Imagine being the mighty crusader able to forge your own weapons of destruction. You can do it in 6 Dragons. Dragons cannot practice a trade, but when you're a mighty dragon, what do you need trades for anyway? 6 Dragons has a nice mini-quest system that keeps track of your progress for you so if you are off the net for a couple of weeks and come back, you can figure out what you were doing when you were last on fairly easily. The quests are interesting and some are very simple (especially in the beginning), while others get more complicated and will have you running from one end of the world to the other to successfully complete the given quest. Speaking of beginners, 6 Dragons has a very nice beginning tutorial that gets you acquainted with basic commands as well as the lay of the land in your home city. Depending on your race (good/bad/awesome) you will start in one of three cities. I've read some of the other reviews and will concur that the admins of the game are constantly working on the 6 Dragons world. Sometimes these changes do affect gameplay. When I first started it was phenomenally easy to obtain adept status on skills and spells, but more recently that has been changed so it is tougher but not impossible. It definitely takes a little more grinding to get those skills up. New regions have been added to the world since I started playing 6 Dragons, and there is frequently at least one admin on who is always ready to help out with questions, bug reports, general conversation or what-have-you. Gaining experience is not difficult. There are a wide spectrum of mobs that will give you experience, as well as the quests you complete, to help you in your efforts. Unlike other MUDs I've played where it took four days to go from level 1 to level 2. The levels progress as they should. You'll power level the first group of levels, but things start to level off as you get deeper into your character and you have to work a little harder and longer for each succeeding level. Dragons by far take the longest to level, but the trade off is you end up with one of the best races in the game. The average number of players online is on the low side which does hurt the MUD as far as raiding parties, PVP and so forth, but the folks that are online, particularly the veterans, are as helpful as the admins on helping newer players or lower-leveled players. It is not an uncommon occurrence to have a level 100 red dragon pop in, buff you up, and pop back out. Folks are generous in the 6 Dragons world, I've had players give me items they knew or thought would be useful for me character. I try to reciprocate that as much as possible myself. Generosity is contagious, what can I say? Those into RP may find the RP elements lacking, but that all depends on how you play the game and who is on. There are several regulars and semi-regulars who are into the RP side of the game and play it to the hilt. The admins also strive to make the game as usable as possible by the sight-impaired, which really says a lot to me. They have also done a good job as far as color schemes for those of us who are not sight-impaired. I have played a couple of MUDs that were very hard to look at and I had to turn off the color just to be able to read the text on the screen. 6 Dragons is definitely worth taking the time to check out. There's something for every level, every class, and it remains my personal favorite.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 6, 2010
This mud has some really positive things going on with the code, as I wrote in a review earlier. The races are fascinating, as vampires, dragons, etc. are unique in my mudding experience. Unfortunately, most of the characters who obtain Avatar status (max level), and most of the staff leave after a time. Avatars tend to leave because the code is constantly changing, and they end up, often, finding that their characters who they built up are underpowered for PVP (player vs player)while some other race of class combo has become way overpowered. You may be potent one day, and weak the next. Also, roleplay does not seem to be valued by the staff. All the Imms who really encouraged RP, and ran RP quests have left. Without RP, clans, PK, etc seem empty, and the mud seems to be merely a place for video game style play and an experiment in coding. I applaud the efforts made by the administrator to make the mud friendly to blind players, and I wish him success in that endeavor. I think that this will be the main function of this mud. I also tip my hat to efforts made to constantly code new areas, and to try to improve things. Unfortunately, these efforts, all too often, wind up making things unstable so that older players grow tired of things constantly changing and never knowing where they stand in regards to character abilities, spells, etc. Skills and spells can actually disappear from your character. Also, glory points were awarded for good RP, and for writing reviews, etc at a modest rate. Glory can be used to gain powerful abilities for items, to improve stats, and so on. Code changes allowed characters to exploit an automated city seige system that, imho, was not well thought out, so that some players were gaining thousands of these points. Imagine having worked your behind off writing things for RP and Imm quests for a few points, and seeing this. Anyway, it is an interesting place. Unfortunately, most of the players and Imms I enjoyed RPing with are gone, and I am tired of trying to keep up with code changes. I wish the best for the mud.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 4, 2010
Thank you for your review Sarkai. I do not agree with some of what you are saying though. For the most part as a player you have logged in and only chatted for the past year or two. Many of us, players and Staff have tried to tell you of the new areas for gear to keep up with changes to the game. You really have not made an effort to keep up with the game. Then yesterday you face the number one player in the game in Player vs. Player yes you lost and rightly so. Thank you though for your comments, and commitment you have given the game over the years.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 6, 2010
Basically this is a rant from the reviewer because he got beaten in pvp by a level 93. So take it with a grain of salt. The game isn't changing so fast people can't keep up with it readily. From what others tell me this particular person wasn't even able to legitimately level to 100 without piggybacking on someone else. If you spend time and care about how you play the game is fine. If you're petulant and don't put any time into your character you're bound for the same disappointment this individual suffered. That is, however, true of most things.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 6, 2010
As staff, I would like to address some of the points that this review brings up. For avatars 'disappearing', some of them were alts and the player has simply moved on to new characters. They haven't actually left the game, as we do have quite a few old characters who switch around to try other classes and races. We haven't received other complaints about the code changing too much, but we actually get more suggestions for new code daily by the players. As for staff, some of them come on randomly now and then, but it's true that we sometimes are a bit short on them. However, saying that RP is not valued is exaggerated. Before me, the PR staff was always good about holding events. I'm now working on a series of RP events, and the game has a newly opened Stories board, which is a newsboard for RP. We will continue to develop the game further, so code changes are inevitable. For one, balancing out certain aspects while fixing bugs and implementing player ideas. Even the largest MUD's undergo waves of change, because it ultimately benefits the players. -Rene
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 11, 2010
The tutorial and skills drew me to the game, and it has hooked me since then. There are quests which make the individual areas unique, but at the same time connect throughout the game. With active, helpful staff, and a friendly, if small, playerbase, it is easy to receive advice and questions get answered quickly. With more players, its arena events and city siege features could easily be some of this game's strong aspects. As it is, players can try the many quests and practice different crafts on their own, or hunt their way through the various areas.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jun 13, 2010
6 Dragons is a really refreshing mud and no doubt about that! There are currently 18 races to choose from, ranging from the classics such as Human, Elf and Orc to the more exotic Dragon, Mindflayer and Celestial (Angel). Some races have unique abilities, Halfling for example have the inherrent ability to detect evil, Pixie has the ability to fly due to their wings. There are currently 15 classes such as Warrior, Mage and Druid through a nice spectrum of uniquely skilled and spelled classes like Monk, Bard and Hellspawn. Each class has unique abilities. For example Monks have Martial Arts, allowing them to butcher their enemies without even wielding a weapon. Once you choose a race, which all have unique base stats you are given the opportunity to select classes. Some races have only one class such as Celestial, but many give you the option to select up to 3. There are advantages and disadvantages to choosing more than 1 class per character, the primary benefit being that you can increase your skill and spell pool. On the downside and for game balance we are told, multi-classing takes longer to gain your overall levels and you don't gain the single class health bonus. Once you are in the game, you are taken through a nice little tutorial, helping you to orientate yourself with the area. Once you complete this, you gain enough xp to get level 2 and a few new skills without much work involved. Low level quests are plentiful, with a total game quest count of 96 to date. There is also a very nice 'Time Machine' quest which gives access to the old stock areas for those who like to play such areas. That reminds me, many of the zones are uniquely coded by the 6D staff and therefore have unique quests and fresh excitement for those looking for something different. One great new feature they added recently was Citizenship. You can gain a city title and there's a great feature where you can actually lay siege to another city. This gives a lot of excitement and live arena feel to the game. There are clans and optional PK and RP for those who want something more from their game. As a blind player, I find their ability to make things accessible and screen reader friendly very nice. The staff are all nice, one of them is blind and works with them to make it all work right for us. They pay out glory and gold for good ideas and reporting bugs and are very quick to fix and create. There are weekly events, trivia, arenas and other things and they pay out glory and sometimes god level potions just for taking part in the events! Overall, there's a low but very nice player and staff base and it's really nice to play on 6 Dragons, well worth spending a few days online and getting to grips with it.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 4, 2009
As a blind player this mud is fantastic. There is plenty to do, a good sound pack to help you. My char is Hedrick and I am Duke of Paleon. A friendly set of players and staff. Events such as trivia every Friday evening. Loads of quests and plenty of fun. Thanks 6 dragons.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 30, 2009
6Dragons is an excellent game! I have played many muds, but was stuck in a rut and started looking for a new mud to play. When I found 6d, I was thoroughly impressed. They don't have a newbie school, they have a tutorial which is even better. This forces you to immediately get out in the world and explore, while simultaneously allowing you to learn the game at a self paced rate. Both the players and staff of 6D are great. Of course there is an occasional exception or two, but that's true of any mud. The staff really work hard to make every player's experience an enjoyable one, and they don't get a big ego like immortals on many games, part of why they prefer staff over immortal or god. There are also many things to do. You can have up to 3 classes which go to level 100, a crafting class, one of 3, that go to level 20, kill mobs, quest, and all sorts. RP is not enforced, which is nice, and PK is only mandatory if you join a deadly clan. There is a neutral clan that is peaceful and doesn't do player killing. There are also arena games which are probably fun, though I haven't done them. Fact is, there is a little something to do at all times on 6D. Ah yes, and you are rewarded for being online in two ways. Every half hour you get a code to enter to build up a meter and get triple exp, and you sometimes get a message that the staff have rewarded you and given you exp or money or whatever. Sometimes when the staff are on they will cast heaven's blessing too, which is a very helpful spell. They also have double experience on from time to time, which is very nice. And speaking of exp, you don't just get it for killing, but for raising skills and spells too! Multiclassing takes a little longer to level, but I'm glad I did because I think it will be more rewarding in the end. If you log on, you can tell the staff Xuara sent you if you'd like to help me out. If referred by another player, that player is rewarded, and then you can do the same. I am still new myself, but my ultimate goal is to help newbies, so feel free to contact me when you log in. I'd be happy to help any way I can. Shadowknight/Priest Xuara
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 16, 2009
With a truly dedicated Administrator, and an extremely active Imm staff, I cannot understand why this mud is not far more visited and played than it is presently. Code is being constantly updated, and worked on. New areas are being added continuously to keep players interested. There is almost always a staff member on who will talk to a player who wishes to ask questions, or who needs help. What is more, the code for races and multi-classing is impressive. I have not played a mud with a better set-up for dragons, and other non-human creatures to be characters. You seriously need to give this one a try. What do you have to lose? Get on here now!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jun 30, 2009
I recently came back to mudding about a week ago. I tried several games until I stumbled upon 6 Dragons. This is an easy game to get into the staff and players are very friendly. The tutorial is fun and not just a bash through the newbie school like it is on most muds. I came back to this game and i've been hooked anyone who hasn't mudded or is just looking to get back into mudding, this is the game I recommend. I'm hooked, the classes are extensive and very well balanced. So if you're looking for a new mud give 6 Dragons a try. Druss
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 28, 2009
Come join a fantastically run mud with helpful staff and players and an active PK base (for those who want). In the time I have been playing the game there have been probably about 40 balance tweaks, spell adds, or other changes. This is not because the game is not already good, but because it's staff is consistently striving to be better. I've seen the introduction of six new areas. Not slapped together sections, but rather a diverse landscape filled with different monsters and quests. The quests are completable, but many require things like reading and attention to detail. I have enjoyed every new area put out as well as the ones installed prior to my joining the mud.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 28, 2009
I have recently joined 6dragons and so far love the mud. Players and staff all are VERY helpful. I've had no problems with the mud and plan on staying. Best mud i've played yet for sure!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 23, 2009
The important factors for quality gaming are all present. The staff is knowledgeable, they are on frequently, and they are making improvements/fixes daily. The players are pleasant moderate amounts of RP are available daily as well as an increasing player base. Peaceful and deadly life is decent. The game itself is well thought out and put together. Since joining two areas have come out. The world is constantly expanding and depth is added. Come join the group!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 20, 2009
What shall your name be? Password? Welcome back Gwydeon. And for many years that was the extend of the interaction you would get on any of the established muds I used to play...Not this one!! I can not claim to have a world of experience on this mud, but what I have seen so far has been very encouraging. The tutorial at the beginning is a playful way of getting you to explore your hometown and build up some experience when you are most fragile. The mini quests are around in abundance and a good way of accumulating exp. The Imms are very responsive and are readily available with advise and guidance; especially for noobs like me. The regulars are friendly and will help you on your way in the world. Equipment you will have to find yourself, but advice is free and comes plentiful. I like that they have done and are trying to achieve. It is a good place to hang out with always something to do. Drop in and give it a chance Gwydeon
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 6, 2009
I've been playing muds off and on since the 1990's. Over time, I have come to appreciate muds that are Smaug code based. 6 Dragons has become my new home for a number of reasons. First, since it is Smaug-based, it is in my preferred format. But it is highly modified, so it does not have a stock feel at all. It has a great look and feel to it. Its ANSI colors are well thought out and easy on the eyes. It has an excellent, short newbie introduction, which I actually enjoyed doing. The map system is great, and I find it easy to navigate around the world. Too, I have long had a preference for playing non-human characters (wolves, cougars, dragons, etc.). 6 Dragons allows for the player to create a dragon character in one of 5 types, each with different skills and spells. There is more than playing a dragon, of course. The available races are rather extensive, including pixies, shades, vampires, mindflayers and centaurs, in addition to the usual elves, dwarves, etc. A player can choose from a number of different classes. One may also choose to multi-class (up to 3 classes). There are professions one may choose to do as well. Last but definitely not least, there is an active, friendly player base. The staff is active and helpful. There have been muds that I have found downright unfriendly to a woman player. But 6 Dragons is great, welcoming, and a place I felt right at home in from the first day I arrived. It has only gotten better the more I've come to know it and the other players. Myrth, the Blue Dragon
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 3, 2009
You know, there is a mystical world out there... Wandering in the undergrounds of the internet, you come across a strange looking name, whispering of magic – 6dragons.org There is some kind of portal. It looks simple, but you feel the presence of something more. You try to enter from different places, you use the knock spell on different gates - 22, 23, 80... and then unexpectedly the 4000 gate says *click*! You are hearing the voice of ancient force, asking for your real name, ...you know that you name keeps a power in itself ...so you wonder, should you tell it? ...or do you even know it? ...you may have been forgotten it? If you do not remember your true name, the force suggest you to type the runes of NEW and start to remember who you are... Neantak the silent.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 25, 2009
I agree with your enthusiasm for this mud! I've been playing muds off and on since the 1990's. Over time, I have come to appreciate muds that are Smaug code based. 6 Dragons has become my new home for a number of reasons. First, since it is Smaug-based, it is in my preferred format. But it is highly modified, so it does not have a stock feel at all. It has a great look and feel to it. Its ANSI colors are well thought out and easy on the eyes. It has an excellent, short newbie introduction, which I actually enjoyed doing. The map system is great, and I find it easy to navigate around the world. Too, I have long had a preference for playing non-human characters (wolves, cougars, dragons, etc.). 6 Dragons allows for the player to create a dragon character in one of 5 types, each with different skills and spells. There is more than playing a dragon, of course. The available races are rather extensive, including pixies, shades, vampires, mindflayers and centaurs, in addition to the usual elves, dwarves, etc. A player can choose from a number of different classes. One may also choose to multi-class (up to 3 classes). There are professions one may choose to do as well. Last but definitely not least, there is an active, friendly player base. The other players are what really keep me coming back! The staff is active and helpful. There have been muds that I have found downright unfriendly to a woman player. But 6 Dragons is great, welcoming, and a place I felt right at home in from the first day I arrived. It has only gotten better the more I've come to know it and the other players. Myrth, the Blue Dragon
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 7, 2009
Looking for a mud you can call “home”? Looking for a place that offers something new? How about a mud that is constantly improving? How about a mud that welcomes new players, and values them greatly? Well, look no further! You have found your new home. 6 Dragons has simply amazing code for powerful non-human character types such as dragons, vampires, angels, and hell spawn. Whereas most muds treat them as variants of standard races, and force them to pick a class, this mud gives them unique abilities and powers, and treats them as totally unique. Dragons, for instance, do not use weapons or rely totally on armor. They use their natural claws, and their scales provide a bulk of their armor. These fearsome beasts grow in size, and power as they level up and age. Dragons are the specialty of the mud, and they are a blast. You feel as though you are actually a great dragon, soaring through the sky, or a skulking vampire, hunting in the night, or a holy angel blessed with vast power. Still not sold? You ARE difficult. Well, the staff on this mud are among the best I have ever encountered in my many travels. I am a veteran mudder, so I know what I am talking about. They value players, and will respond almost immediately to problems and concerns. They are working hard to constantly upgrade the mud, and make the playing experience the best they can. Good play, and RP are rewarded. Still considering? Hmmm. Well, the mud offers multi-classing code for characters, a combat arena, custom areas, and overhead wilderness map, clans, and much more! I knew you would give in. Resistance is futile. Drop by, and give it a try. I guarantee that it will be worth you while, and you will love it. I look forward to seeing you there!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 16, 2008
Thank you Sarkai, I think that is the best review the game have ever received. :) Vladaar http://6dragons.org
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 21, 2008
Hello, just giving my review :) I absolutely love this mud!~ Its got good balance, excellent players and awesome staff. They work hard to give us awesomeness every day, a new area pops up all the time. The players are good too, everyone helps each other and has a lot of fun be it RP or just mindlessly slaughtering random mobs :P Well anyways, that's my review, so come on down and play with us!~
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 7, 2008
What can i say about this mud that i can't say about all awesome things. Very creative and active staff members, constantly at work, and such a high quality of work that they do really make it a pleasant place to mud. Its very well made with very interesting features. For example, the trades, which were just implemented to give something to do besides grinding the levels. Also, there is a really good group of players. The game has a few balance quirks, but its getting there quickly; fixing every 'problem' quickly and efficiently. I really enjoy this mud and suggest it to anyone who loves a good fantasy, from being a mighty dragon down to a cute giggling pixie! So step on by and have a look see, and ENJOY!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Oct 3, 2008
While I have just started on 6 Dragons, I have really enjoyed my experience and found it to be very unique when compared to other muds. I decided to try my hand at leveling a dragon, and while it is a blast, the staff isn't joking when they say they take a long time to level. There are several features that the mud takes into account which make the game more realistic. Character size is something that has already presented itself as an issue, and while it can be slightly inconvenient I really appreciate the feel that it gives the mud. The wilderness is also something that took a little getting used to, but really adds to the overall flavor of the game. The staff and others on the mud are very friendly and more than willing to help out, but won't make the game boring by doing everything for you. It's been a really long time since I've been this excited about a mud, and I am really looking forward to playing it for sometime to come.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 28, 2008
Hail! I am Vagnor, a player of 6 Dragons MUD for the previous four months or so. Since the last review for 6 Dragons is bringing in many capable new players, I figured I'd write one as well to perhaps further expand the playerbase, and explain a few more details about the MUD! Most MUDs out there, as many of you MUD-hoppers know, are really not much more than stock, and rarely have a developed playerbase. Due to this well known fact, I didn't have very high expectations when first connecting to 6 Dragons. Within about a half hour of playing though, I realized what a gem I had stumbled upon. The first thing that caught my eye was the very interactive and original tutorial system. It is actually the only tutorial I have ever fully enjoyed and haven't skipped. :P Beyond that, the character creation and development is extraordinary! You can level up to three different classes at a time, pouring different amounts of gained experience into each so that they can differ in strength. No one class can be above 8 levels higher than the others though. It's impossible to give all the details here though, since it is so structured and complex. There are other 'race/class' beings too, such as Vampires, Mindflayers, Dragons, and Angels. Each of these have their own abilities and attributes, but still everything remains incredibly balanced. New spells and abilities are being added all the time. The playerbase at 6 Dragons is of decent size, and very active. During the busy hours of the day, it usually has about 6-9 players on at a time, which is healthy enough to encourage RP, grouping, and other player interaction. I'd like to see this number grow a bit, of course! Also, there is almost always at least one immortal online to assist the players, run quests, work on areas, program new stuff, etc. The staff at 6 Dragons is very competent and very devoted to the players. The world of 6 Dragons is fleshed out to now small degree. There are many areas in which to level, quest, and find equipment. Quests are very detailed, involving interaction with mobiles, retrieving items, slaying specific mobiles, finding secret rooms or tunnels, etc. All this makes for a great MUDding experience not found on most MUDs out there. And it's always improving! Staff work their hearts out to build new and intriguing areas for the players, and new quests to supply us with a fun and interesting gaming environment. All in all, I'm completely impressed with 6 Dragons. I planned to just blow an evening playing a random MUD, and now, four months later, it's really all that I play! I've made many friends here, and have had a wonderful time building up my character, stat wise and RP wise. If this has peaked your interest even a little bit, I strongly encourage you to visit 6 Dragons and try it out for yourself! You won't be disappointed. www.6dragons.org 6dragons.org:4000 =-Vagnor-=/
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 15, 2008
So, I've been playing here awhile. What's kept me coming back all the time is mostly the helpful and friendly staff. This place is like a family--at least, that's how I feel I'm treated. The STAFF are attentive and listen to comments made from the players, and usually implement/fix what is suggested. To aid in this, there's a great idea/typo/bug system in place that players can submit for a reward. I admit the idea's are harder to be rewarded for, but they do get rewarded. The actual play of 6Dragons is fairly straight forward and easy to adjust to. If you can't think of what command should do what, there's usually a helpfile for it. If there's not, ask someone what command you are looking for and they should be able to help. I think the best part about leveling here is that it's not entirely easy. It's a challenge once you get to the higher levels--as it should be, I know. The Events that are starting to be run are generally entertaining and the main Events that are posted for have yet to be repeated. I think this is a great thing. I mean, who would want to do the same thing over and over again? So yeah, drop by and have some fun. If you're new to MUDs, there's also a very informative tutorial in place. Heck, go through it at least once even if you're not new. Has some good information and it's not a complete loss to do it. But, if you're intent on not doing the tutorial, there's a 'skip' command so that you can skip it for quicker game play. :) Okay, losing train of thought already, so I'll stop here. :P Cheers, Ash
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 11, 2008
While I am new to 6 dragons I have grown to love it. The wide open feel and that great sense of adventure, great for getting lost in. Seems like every thing that can be done to make it feel more alive has been done by the very active and helpful staff of immortals. The classes seem fair and balanced. The dragons are a little over-powered but it takes forever to level them. There are a few problems but it seems every time i point one out it's fixed quickly. It's alot of fun and some really cool concepts.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 10, 2008
Hello :O) Hello, I, Vertos, have been a player of 6 Dragons since it started. The staff here are GREAT, and they have really made a home for me since D.O.E vanished into the realms of darkness. I really enjoy the following features, Double Experience Hours Solve Codes to add to your own Double Experience hour. I also enjoy The new Quests and Events they recently started hosting. I never thought anything could replace D.O.E but I have found my new home away from home. Come by; we are like a family... Anthony B (Vertos)
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Aug 18, 2008
Hi! I have been mudding on SMAUG derivatives since 1994 and played on possibly more than a hundred muds in that time. I can safely say that though i've left and returned many times, at the end of the day 6dragons is my favourite! It has many cool features such as a CUSTOM overland map (not Sammy's snippet just patched in), a fully integrated quest system, hundreds of coded spells and skills, custom multiclassing, server side lua scripting, rewarded bugs/typos/ideas system AND DRAGONS! That's right, you can be a DRAGON! Or you can fight dragons, if you prefer! But eclipsing all that are the dedicated staff, in particular the owner Vladaar who tirelessly commits several hours every day with a full time job and large family. He doesn't sleep much! Supporting him are a great team of builders, coders and PR who consistently pull out all the stops to implement new ideas or tidy up obsolete ones. Hope to see you there
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 9, 2008
6 Dragons is a great MUD. Being one of those people who play MUDs off and on, I found that when real life called, I was reluctant to close it down. 6 Dragons intrigued me, as it was the first non-GodWars MUD to have dragons, and they even stepped away from the norm by giving the dragons unique breath weapons, etc. You can play as a great many things, from angels to dragons to demons, and still be quite balanced. 6 Dragons has a helpful staff, friendly players, and a GREAT combat/RP system.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 30, 2008