A Tempest Season
Fantasy/Sci-Fi-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 2001.
Ranked 274th of 782 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 5 worlds in the Fantasy/Sci-Fi genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
7 (21 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
7 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
3 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
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Welcome to A Tempest Season!

With Sesi's beloved Sarion Riesuts dead, Sesi-kai went into the dark and cold
world alone and absent of his teachings.

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[C] Create a new character and account!
[W] See who is currently in the world of Eihydia
[Q] Leave the world of Eihydia
[I] See the credits for the game

Today's date: Fri May 10 17:35:38 EDT 2024

Number of people currently playing: 4
Game Status: [ Open ]

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(New Players choose C)
Three-hundred years ago, the violent, tyrannical rule of Sesi-kai came to a bloody end on the continent of Ama'rane. For years, his malice and greed ravaged the world of Eihydia and resulted in an innumerable loss of life. Within the first century of recovery, Eihydia saw the rise of five nations that worked independently to restore social and economic stability to their homelands, but a global effort was needed to ensure lasting peace. To commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Sesi-kai's defeat, the five nations entered into an alliance that formed the Alamarian Empire. Tralisia, the Alamarian Empire's capital city, was founded in Alamare (located on Ama'rane) and serves as the midway point for all five nations. Your story takes place after the tricentennial the...
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English [1] [2]

[Custom] ATS Titan Engine [1]
Custom - ATS Titan Engine [2]

2001 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Fantasy [1]
Fantasy, Steampunk, Dark Comedy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Three-hundred years ago, the violent, tyrannical rule of Sesi-kai came to a bloody end on the continent of Ama'rane. For years, his malice and greed ravaged the world of Eihydia and resulted in an innumerable loss of life. Within the first century of recovery, Eihydia saw the rise of five nations that worked independently to restore social and economic stability to their homelands, but a global effort was needed to ensure lasting peace. To commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Sesi-kai's defeat, the five nations entered into an alliance that formed the Alamarian Empire. Tralisia, the Alamarian Empire's capital city, was founded in Alamare (located on Ama'rane) and serves as the midway point for all five nations. Your story takes place after the tricentennial celebrating the end of Sesi-kai's rule. Since it was founded, Tralisa has become a major world trade hub and a cultural melting pot, but as the city has grown, so have its enemies--both domestic and abroad. Corruption, dangerous threats, and the wild, unpredictable nature of Ama'rane have all made Tralisia a deadly place to live. Take part in helping your fellow heroes maintain Tralisia's status as a beacon of peace and hope, or work with other villains to bring the city, and maybe even the world, to its knees. A Tempest Season offers a rich role-play enforced environment with a completely unique, wonderful, and sometimes weird world. We have an active combat system, quest system, and a multitude of ways to progress your character via specializations, aptitudes, extended ability levels, and more! With a full-time coder and an active staff, you can expect updates and new features being added everyday. We have an amazing community that is focused on having fun and including everyone in their many adventures. Come visit our Disord at https://discord.gg/UzK8YQ4. We look forward to seeing you in Tralisia!!! [1]
Three-hundred years ago, the violent, tyrannical rule of Sesi-kai came to a bloody end on the continent of Ama'rane. For years, his malice and greed ravaged the world of Eihydia and resulted in an innumerable loss of life. Within the first century of recovery, Eihydia saw the rise of five nations that worked independently to restore social and economic stability to their homelands, but a global effort was needed to ensure lasting peace. To commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Sesi-kai's defeat, the five nations entered into an alliance that formed the Alamarian Empire. Tralisia, the Alamarian Empire's capital city, was founded in Alamare (located on Ama'rane) and serves as the midway point for all five nations. Your story takes place after the tricentennial celebrating the end of Sesi-kai's rule. Since it was founded, Tralisa has become a major world trade hub and a cultural melting pot, but as the city has grown, so have its enemies--both domestic and abroad. Corruption, dangerous threats, and the wild, unpredictable nature of Ama'rane have all made Tralisia a deadly place to live. Take part in helping your fellow heroes maintain Tralisia's status as a beacon of peace and hope, or work with other villains to bring the city, and maybe even the world, to its knees. A Tempest Season offers a rich role-play enforced environment with a completely unique, wonderful, and sometimes weird world. We have an active combat system, quest system, and a multitude of ways to progress your character via specializations, aptitudes, extended ability levels, and more! With a full-time coder and an active staff, you can expect updates and new features being added everyday. We have an amazing community that is focused on having fun and including everyone in their many adventures. Come visit our Disord at https://discord.gg/UzK8YQ4. We look forward to seeing you in Tralisia!!! [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
I've been gaming since the early 80s, and started MUDs in like '91. Before A Tempest Season, I hadn't found a MUD that kept my attention since the early 2000s. I have played for about 13 months or so, altho some of my relationships with players extend back to the early 90s on Mythic Entertainment's Dragon's Gate MUD - GEnie, AOL, and web! (Hit us up if you're from there HEROES AND VILLAINS WANTED! You can become a hero and save the world from any number of dangers - make a legend of yourself and keep the universe balanced toward good.Or you can align with the greatest of evils - take your choice, there are a few - and attempt to enslave the entirety of the world-spanning Empire at the side of the greatest evil. So why play ATS? Lots of reasons! Hint: I only have a verbose mode. I highlighted the brief. The world is custom with layers upon layer of lore that is actively being discovered by characters. This is a lively, dynamic world where the characters (and players) influence the actual gameworld with their actions. It takes dedicated and caring staff to do that, and ATS has some of the best I've ever seen. Roleplay is required, and race as well as societal issues can be conflict sources. However, that doesn't mean you have to sit around for hours doing things to advance. To ensure that players can impact the world, as mentioned above, dedicated "Roleplay helpers" - non-staff member volunteers - experience the game by helping other players attempt to fulfill their roleplay goals. Good and Evil are supported about equally. A recent example of this: Two PCs took a relatively mundane treasure item with unique flavor (a hydra egg). They put it in a place saturated with the magic that flows through the world (essence).Overtime, it hatched into an odd bug. The bug ate the magic essence and soon evolved a bit. Other types of these essence bugs appeared - all devouring sources of essence. Several notables did different things like: trying to kill them, trying to feed them essence from a variety of sources, tried to subvert them to their power. Several incidences occurred.End result of this: a new player character race (gremlins) were born of these bugs. About half of this PC race follow another PC as a Prophet of a God because of his action during that time - and he himself follows an Ancient (very evil) God that no one else follows (openly).Also, an essence-infused race - Indago who are hauty and good with magic - were a primary target as a food source during that time, and there exist serious racial conflicts there. This game has incredible, in depth mechanics. On the player side, generally everything seems to work incredibly smoothly, and when issues are encountered staff very quickly resolves them. On a back-end side, everything is custom. Everything. The game is still growing and expanding, and have... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 9, 2019
Before ATS, I hadn't found a MUD that kept my attention since the early 2000s. The world is incredibly custom with layers upon layer of lore that is actively being discovered by characters. This is a lively, dynamic world where the characters (and players) influence the actual gameworld with their actions. It takes dedicated and caring staff to do that, and ATS has some of the best I've ever seen. Roleplay is required, and race as well as societal issues can be conflict sources. Roleplay is huge here. Layers and layers of options. Combat and magic are complex, there's no 'autoattack' bs here, this is all controlled and with fine-grained controls: You'll have to switch up your attacks to manage your risk exposure! More tangible to the game world, there are an array of unique races with their own dedicated, thorough Lore. Each race feels different from the others - lizardfolk, high magic users with purple skin, dragons that grow over time, and several really interesting races that can only be unlocked through gameplay and roleplay. Many options. Class options are huge here, too, with every class being broken into two subclasses that have definitive styles and very different skills. Magic is especially complex with several types of magic users whose capabilities are very diverse - enchanting and learning new magics to imbuing items with powers or simply calling a storm of fire down on enemies. Some of the classes are incredibly difficult to play, and are only for the advanced - which I absolutely love. Max level is 100, at which point several late-game systems become available: you can give yourself new abilities and extend the skill level of current abilities. Up to level 100 contains a material 'grind' for weapons and armor, after that are other grinds for materials and components for the late-game content. Along the way to 100 several unique and interesting systems open up - class specialization, attribute development, new skills unlock continually.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 9, 2019
I wrote my last review days after I created Amir in A Tempest Season. I now write this one a month after. ATS is a mud like no other. As I've said previously, the mob hunting and questing system is superb. However, there is more to that. ATS is an RP-enforced MUD, and when they say RP they really mean RP. Whatever you do in the game(quest, bash, idle, hunt) will affect the coarse of the game somehow. Here in ATS, players really make a difference. In ATS, there is something for everyone. Tired of being forced to choose a specific class? Then RP what you want and the staff will make you your own unique class. The possibilities are endless and the only requirement is that you RP whatever you want to happen. The staff is great. Only in ATS did I experience the owner of the game welcoming me after creation. What's more, the staff listens to the players. From skills to history to just about anything within the game, the staff asks first the opinion of the players. ATS is still new and like every other game, it has some bugs and typos. But the experience itself outweighs any problem you may encounter. Come to ATS and you may never go back.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 30, 2005
Tempest Season is a good mud, with a great hunting/bashing system, great quest system, and a vast unique world. I've been playing this mud for a week now and I'm not planning on stopping. That's a record for me since I usually play a mud for a day or two and move on. The hunting/bashing system is very nice. All week all I've been doing is hunting but I never got bored. Why? Well, the quests that you can request from npcs spices up the hunting/bashing experience. The hunting is not too complex for beginners but not to easy for veterans also. The hunting/bashing is like Imperian's Idras bashing(stances etc.) but somewhat better. However, it is relatively new. So don't expect it as polished as other games are (IRE Games, Icesus etc.). At the moment, the playerbase is small and the game needs some tweaks here and there. The game while not great yet, is very promising. Already, it could rival some of the well established muds out there. I'll definitely be staying. Join us, Amir Naryana
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 6, 2005
I'd like to share the three reasons I am making ATS my new home. 1. The hands on approach of the staff. I came from a different game because I was sick of the indifferent approach the staff took to their players. And this was a pay to play game. The fact that the entire staff that I've seen for ATS is so very friendly and helpfull is truly a godsend as far as I'm concerned. In my opinion it's absolutely vital that you keep in touch with the player base and you folks do this admirably. Truly I'm not trying to brown-nose by saying that. heh. 2. RP Opportunities. I find the detailed history and depth of the culture in the game very welcoming. It truly helps you imerse yourself into the game environment when it's well developed. The fact that the staff is continually expanding the history of the game speaks to an understanding of this fact. A detailed history/back-story offers a myriad of RP oppertunities. Both between players and staff, and between players and other players. Of course I Haven't been around all that long. However the fact that every night I have logged in since I started a staff-run event happened (Be it a world altering events or the fun little rock hunt) was simply astonishing. I have played several other "RP Mandatory" muds in the past. It seems however that the ATS staff truly takes that designation to heart, and does everything they can to make it a reality. While saying the players can do all their own RP is certainly a valid perspective, it also leaves a marvelous avenue for story development and character interaction untapped. And of course I can't finish this section without mentioning the other players I've met so far. They all have managed to stay wonderfully in character. A fact I find so very refreshing having recently come from the RP wasteland. 3. Quests I simply adore the quest system you folks have put in place. Instead of the usual "Go kill these things because" there is ana ctual reason for doing what you are doing. The NPC's come to life with a character and personality all their own. This also lends a refreshing believability to the game.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 23, 2005
The best MUD I've played in a long, long while, possibly ever. It is definitely the most player-friendly! RP is enforced and rewarded, which is very nice, and the staff is the nicest and most helpful I've ever met. The system itself is also great -- well-crafted areas that are always growing, non-automated combat, and tons of quests to do. I just can't say enough good things about this game, really. Well worth playing, and so much more!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 2, 2005
I really like this MUD, I've been mudding on and off for years and got bored easily with most of the MUD's out there being mostly the same. the above is not true for A Tempest Season. I started this MUD not even a week ago but already I have found it totally different from what I've played before. It's a totally original world. Almost every single mob in the main town has a quest to offer. The fighting system is unique, The staff and the rest of the players are very friendly and are always willing to give a hand to those who need it. Give it a try, if you like it stick with it, I know I probably will. If you don't tell the owner why and he will try to rectify it for you, what we all want is for this mud to be fun for everyone who plays it, all we need is you.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 16, 2005
If you want a mud that rewards you with your OWN class, race, items, or even LAND for good rping..Temptest Season has it!! You want dedicated staff? Temptest Season has it!! You want a brand new combat system totally unique? Tempest Season has it!! Now is the time people, we've just begun to venture past the city gates into the forests and grasslands and mountains.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 5, 2005
A base class..then you build him/her in what you want them to really be. Rogue into a Master Thief, Assassin, etc. Clerics,Mage,Fighter,etc. They all have classes to grow into. This mud is fantasic. Now is the time to start. The staff are the most friendly i've seen. I've been playing for 2 weeks and i'm just now reaching lvl 12. It's a challenge. They dont hand out lvls like the other muds, then get boring. Ye can protect the city and become part of the "watch". Ye can rob houses, mug people. All this mud needs now is YOU. Its fairly new so the player base isn't 50+ at once..yet.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 26, 2005
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 20, 2005
Although I may only be a recent addition to the playerbase, I have already become totally enthralled with the amazing qualities that place A Tempest Season among the best and most dynamic MUDs I have experienced. Still a fledgling MUD, A Tempest Season has one of the most dedicated Immortal Staffs I have ever experienced, with the dynamic coding constantly being updated daily and interactions between staff-controlled NPCs and PCs stemming into some of the most intricate roleplaying I have ever experienced. For the roleplayer, this MUD, unlike others which may boast of strong roleplaying and yet provide only simple social interactions between PCs, supports a well-developed, completely original world backed by a richly written history. The constantly evolving storyline is incredibly inclusive as does not disregard the lesser players, but bends and shifts constantly as the immortal staff runs almost daily ?quests.? These quests incite meaningful roleplaying, can make or break the inter-municipal ties that hold the immense communities and cultures together or even result in death, destruction or renewal, all dependent upon player choices. Furthermore, much is to be said for the players, who, separately and conjointly with the immortal staff, manage to create both an inviting and roleplay-condusive atmosphere for players new and old. Also, for those who favour the grind of battle or wielding all the powers that the Gaia Tributary presents to mages, the absolutely unique combat system will keep you riveted for hours. The completely reinvented combat and spell casting system is entirely interactive and player-controlled contrary to the automated, rote combat systems employed in cookie-cutter coded MUDs. Furthermore, since no losses are incurred from grouping, combat becomes both a more interesting experience in itself and also can incite further valuable roleplaying opportunities. Finally though, enough cannot be said for the dedicated Staff at A Tempest Season. They put in countless hours to develop a code and an entire world that is catered to the desires and needs of the playerbase but also facilitates an enjoyable roleplaying atmosphere. If you want to be a part of a MUD where your privilege to be a player walks hand in hand with your privilege to enjoy your MUDding experience, then I strongly suggest you give A Tempest Season a try!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 19, 2005