Eternity's Trials
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1994.
Ranked 336th of 786 worlds statistically.
Ranked 141st of 362 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
2 (6 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
3 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
2 (last 30 days) ▼33%

Minimum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

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                         Welcome to Eternity's Trials

What will you be called for all Eternity?
Eternity's Trials is an established ROM 2.4b mud that has been heavily modified for your enjoyment. It features several new and exciting ways to keep you always on your toes, and always having fun. Some of these Cool New Features include: * Total Pkill. Choose to be in a clan or to be a loner from creation. * Get instant help on clans to choose from! * A very fun, friendly and experienced immortal staff! * Nightly quests for all players! * A LOT of color, all configurable! * Intermud chat. Interact with players on other muds! * A banking system! * 8 classes, 13 races to choose from! * Instant help for newbies! ...and thats only the beginning. You want to have fun on the 'net? This is the place to go. Come check us out!
- The Mud Connector (1997)

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
ROM [1]
ROM - heavily modified [2]
Rom [4]

USA [2]

fantasy/Fun [2]

English [2]

1994 [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Eternity's Trials is an established ROM 2.4b mud that has been heavily modified for your enjoyment. It features several new and exciting ways to keep you always on your toes, and always having fun. Some of these Cool New Features include: * Total Pkill. Choose to be in a clan or to be a loner from creation. * Get instant help on clans to choose from! * A very fun, friendly and experienced immortal staff! * Nightly quests for all players! * A LOT of color, all configurable! * Intermud chat. Interact with players on other muds! * A banking system! * 8 classes, 13 races to choose from! * Instant help for newbies! ...and thats only the beginning. You want to have fun on the 'net? This is the place to go. Come check us out! [1]
No Rules! No Imms! Player-run mud! Evil killers are needed for the darkness clan. Rise in power with the aid of evil, mighty Exodus. Join his reign of terror today! Crush the pacifist majority. Surpass everyone and even assault your own clanmates! -Unrestricted player killing after level 40 -Current clans: darkness (evil), rose (good) and syndar (neutral) -Races: Centaur, Cyclops, Draco, Dryad, Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Giant, * Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Illythid, Lizardman, * Pixie, Shadow, Troll & Wendigo. -Classes: Bard, Cleric, DarkKnight, Druid, Mage, Necromancer, Ninja, * Paladin, Psionicist, Ranger, Thief & Warrior. -No experience loss -New skills, spells, items, commands and areas every month -Some of the latest things added: *cleric and mage spell, rekindling: rekindles lights. *new ranger skill, steak: cuts steaks(food) out of a corpse. *new necro skill, drain: drains blood(food/drink) out of a corpse. *enhanced perception now detects sneak (ranger/thief/ninja ability). *mark command: create your own personalised recall room anytime. *5 new spells for druids every 30 levels: spells summon an elemental. *void is gone, one justs goes afk after 22 ticks. *shopkeepers will tell you what time they re-open. *you now only need one hand free to cast spells. *you can see any classes skills and spells now: seespell . *mobs can't pick up furniture on which players are resting. *you can now buy items 5 levels above your level. *ambrosia, aka godsend, the best spellup, added as qwest item. *clerics can now uncurse their own stuff. *healers can uncurse others' stuff. *grouping range increased to 30 levels. *new area: Sawred's Grand Isewynd for levels 30+. *much better xp for groups. *more xp for killing aggressive mobs. *consider command: level range expanded. *remove curse now castable on others, only removes the maladiction. *creation re-roll stats improved. *easier to scribe and brew multiple spells now. *closed doors viewable with autoexit on. *searching reveals hidden and blended people. *new level 60 bard spell: screech. [2]
Heavily modified Rom mud, Clans and Pkill, Vast world with many new areas, very friendly imms, lots of quests, very very fun. Come explore... [3]
ET is a Medieval fantasy player-run rom mud with total, pure, pvp, pkill, PKing, player-killing after level 40, and clans. Good xp, experience points, for grouping and against hostiles. Current clans include Darkness (neutral evil), Rose (lawful good), Syndar (true neutral) and Gatulot (chaotic neutral). Evil killers are needed for the Darkness clan. Rise in power with the aid of evil, mighty Exodus. Join his reign of terror today! Crush the pacifist majority. Surpass Exodus and kill him too! Races: Centaur, Cyclops, Draco, Dryad, Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Illythid, Lizardman, Pixie, Shadow, Troll & Wendigo. Class: Bard, Cleric, DarkKnight, Druid, Mage, Necromancer, Ninja, Paladin, Psionicist, Ranger, Thief & Warrior. -New skills, spells, items, commands and areas every month -Some of the latest things added: *cleric and mage spell, rekindling: rekindles lights. *new ranger skill, steak: cuts steaks(food) out of a corpse. *new necro skill, drain: drains blood (food/drink) out of a corpse. *enhanced perception now detects sneak (ranger/thief/ninja ability). *mark command: create your own personalised recall room anytime. *5 new spells for druids every 30 levels: spells summon an elemental. *void is gone, one justs goes afk after 22 ticks. *shopkeepers will tell you what time they re-open. *you now only need one hand free to cast spells. *you can see any classes skills and spells now: seespell . *mobs can't pick up furniture on which players are resting. *you can now buy items 5 levels above your level. *ambrosia, aka godsend, the best spellup, added as qwest item. *clerics can now uncurse their own stuff. *healers can uncurse others' stuff. *grouping range increased to 30 levels. *new area: Sawred's Grand Isewynd for levels 30+. *consider command: level range expanded. *remove curse now castable on others, only removes the maladiction. *creation re-roll stats improved. *easier to scribe and brew multiple spells now. *closed doors viewable with autoexit on. *searching reveals hidden and blended people. *new level 60 bard spell: screech. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List
  4. Mud Magic
Spare yourself the pain and agony and give this mud a miss. However if you 1.) like 12 ppl botting online with noone to reply to your comments 2.) like Immortals who love to power trip 3.) love to play in a system where classes arn't on equal grounds. 4.)..I could write a thesis on its faults alone. Lets be fair here theres a reason why this mud isnt in the top 10. Do yourself a favour an go play the number 1 or 2 mud ...unless you of course are a sadist.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 2, 2006
I want to tell you that this is the greatest mud ever...but you wouldn't believe me, would you? But if you want to play in a world that is ever-evolving, Eternity's Trials is the place to go! I have been playing here since 1996 and I have been always been amazed at the ideas the imms/implementors come up with to enhance the game! Not only areas with mobs programmed for a variety of actions, and objects that can talk back or even attack your opponents on their own, but new spells, skills, races, and classes! Just when you think they can't do anything else, they do!!! The player base is fluid enough that even when one clan becomes powerful, other clans begin to rise in power to challenge them and restore balance. New clans appear as older ones fade. There is alwaysthe chance to create your own clan - all you need is an idea and the will to do it. I've done it! You can rise to leadership in any clan you join! You can cause mayhem, massacre the enemy, or help those in's all up to you! And that is the greatest thing about ET: it is what YOU make of it!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 29, 2006
I have played Eternity Trials since the mid 90's. I always find myself coming back there for the comarderie and excellent areas. The place is huge area wise, with lots of unique areas with quests built into most. The mud is a giant story just waiting for you to add your chapter. We recently have revoked all rules and the mud is chaos, but to anyone who can and is willing to explore a very newbie friendly mud this might be your chance to take advantage of a no rules mud. At the moment we are incorperating Ravenloft into the mud, if you are familiar with ravenloft then you should come get some familiarization with the mud before you are swallowed up by hte mists. Hope to see you there!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 23, 2006
Thank god there are now no rules on this mud, I hated getting nailed by imms for doing certain things. Smart move! And coding players ideas instead of just doing what imms want is a good move too, hell, imms don't even play so it doesn't even make sense to make the mud how imms want it. About f'in time! Most imms I know were slackers anyway.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2006
This mud has done away with imms and has a player coding other players' ideas. Already two of my ideas have ben put in and I have only been here a month. Since there are no imms per se there are no quests, just an auto-questor: I'd rather have no imm quests than have imms who harass me for breaking stupid rules. The mud is also policed by the mortals and majority rule prevails. It's is a very challenging mud. Players over level 40 can be pkilled so it allows newbies a lot of time to get used to the game. Even though there is pkilled the players seem to do it in moderation, in other words, i haven't been killed by the same player every 5 minutes, which takes away from enjoying a mud. There are many races and classes to choose from, and more in the works. There are many original areas too. Mud School has been changed to consider the needs of players who have never mudded before. Depending on a player's race, stats can be trained from 40-70. I get 16 practices a level with a wisdom of 70 as a gnome, and I love that. Imagine the hit points I could get if my constitution was also that high, or the damroll I would have if my strength was higher, or the great armor class I could have with a high dex.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2006
Not a bad mud. There's a lot of variety. When I started there was a good interactive training area which not only teaches the basics of rom muds, but also teaches the specifics of the mud. Most of the areas are custom made and seem to stress quests and stories, and there is an abundance of items even in low level areas. I looked over the 18 races and 12 classes carefully before I chose to play an Illythid necromancer. Beware when choosing a race, make sure it fits the class you choose or you will have a harder time: there is a mention of which ones work best together when you create your character. One of the players has an awesome website which helped me a lot: Oh yeah, a very important fact: it's a player-killer mud but a player can't attack or get attacked until after level 40, which gave me some time to learn my way around. I'm amazed at all the skills and spells necromancers get, and a few were even added in the few weeks I've been here. A number of players have helped me a lot, mostly from the holy rose clan. There is a merchant clan called syndar, sometimes they help, but a few only for money. The evil clan, darkness, doesnt have many members, but the most active one is definitely evil: he's killed me a few times already. It's a small mud, for I've seen about 40 different characters overall, while at a given time about 15 are online. I like it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 11, 2006
I've played Eternity's Trials a few hours a day for a few weeks now. There is no restriction on player killing, except that players under level 40 can't be killed, which has allowed for more than ample time to get to know a good part of the mud. I have to be on my toes because after I hit level 40 I was killed easily by a few high level players, but not so often that it became annoying, and I have also been able to escape from some close calls. Killing aside, most players I have met are friendly, even the ones who killed me. I have been impressed with many of the mud's zones, but there are a few week ones too. Oh yeah, news areas and code has been put in recently, code done by one of the mortals who gets ideas from the players, which is nice. Also, recently, rules and imms have been done away with, which I like since I want to have a good time, not get punished.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 4, 2006
*The one thing that sets this mud apart from the rest is that it is an extremely well developed mud, it is huge with lots to do. However the players are down now because of past pwipes(there will be no more) so if you are looking for a Well Developed MUD where you wont be 1 out of 2000 or even 200(ET usually has about 10 players online at the moment) Then READ BELOW* In 1999, i started mudding and my first mud was Eternity trials. Mudding was new and caught my interest quickly as i began to devote more and more hours toward learning the ropes and leveling my character. I was shown the mud through my brother who i guess randomly found this mud. First off let me say that Eternity Trials is very newbie friendly. There are tons of help files for just about everything and also people will answer your questions instead of look at you like a dumb newbie. As a beggining mudder, this made the mud fun, it was fun to play because the players interact with each other instead of ignore you. Character creation has been widely expanded with new races and classes. Each Race has widely different attributes, Giants have as high as 95 strength while illythids have 80 intelligence and wisdom. This allows your character to be stronger or weaker based on the class and diversifies class race combos. Races have racial skills as well as vulnerabilities(except humans) and resists which all add to the diversity. While there is a lot to take in, The creation is not overly complex and If you use the command "seespell (class)" you can see what levels you gain your skills and spells during creation so you do not need multiple attempts to create with the right skills and spells. The Mud itself is huge, it has close to or over 200 areas and many areas are in full color with many mprogs. Eternity Trials boast many original areas and is the originator of areas such as Sidhonia, Twin peaks, Redmoon, and many many others as well as your standard rom based areas(many have been redone). Size wise, you do not feel like you are limited in where you can go, the mud is so big that it feels almost endless, there are many areas hidden within areas or through areas. The coding on the mud is very well done, there are mprog based qwest to kill mobs or retrieve items in which you obtain qwest points to buy spellups, qwest eq and many other cool things like slay scrolls. The qwesting system is level based and you get qwest assigned based on level, and your reward in qwest points is determined on level as well. Eternity trials boast things like a weather system in which druids can control, item restrings to restring names of items, gold and banking systems, original eq with oprogs that do cool things like spells, many equipment from... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 19, 2006
Out of all the muds ive had a look at this has to be the best, they have a fantastic (yet somtimes annoying) weather system, a fantastic qwesting system which just about every mudder plays, its is newbie friendly and area's are fantastically built, great for exploring. Immortals are pretty cool, some overly friendly and some are just there to enforce the rules, and there isnt a single moment when your not being watched (even if you cant see them) Only mud that i send my friends to so come join the realm mud ever.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 16, 2004
this mud is great, areas are awsome, challanging and well produced. the are friendly people about the mud, clans are well run and overall Etrials rocks. come and play etrials, you will not be disapointed!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 2, 2004
When i posted my last review of this mud at no time did i criticise the people or actions of people from this mud, i only stated that me personally have never and will never crash the mud and still.. im banned. And while it's all well and good for Kallel to say these punks got what they deserved or whatever.. he isn't the one copping shit for doing nothing.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2003
I have been with this mud for over 4 years. I have seen 2 pwipes and the mud's up and down. Recently, some punk decide to constantly crash the mud by abusing a bug. The imms acted quickly to stop this abuse and now the said players are complaining about being banned. Ever since the banned, the mud has been up and running smoothly. There has been no news of crashes. I find that imms have done an impressive job keeping the mud up and running. If you ever need to find a new mud to play, come to Eternity Trials and meet the fantastic people who plays.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2003
I had been playing ET for around 3 years until recently when a bug in the coding allowed players to "crash" the mud. Somehow the immortal staff came to a conclusion that mine and around 10 other player's ip addresses were responsible for the mud crashing. Although I had nothing at all to do with this happening, I now find myself banned from the mud. My character's total hours add up to around 600 this player-wipe. If you are considering a new mud to play I would strongly consider not choosing this one. The people, the area's, the mud in general are awesome.. but the fact that all your hard hours work can be taken away from you for no reason hardly makes it worth the effort.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 7, 2003
ruen you an idiot
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 6, 2003
i think that this mud is great and would really like to be able play again. i prommise that it wasnt me whos been crashing it all the time. thanks, Neo.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 6, 2003
when this mud crashes, the imms just block the australians that play it, we are the easy targets, geez it was none of us bloody hell why is it alwaysour fault??
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 6, 2003
maybe u can compete..but why compete? apply to join Gladius today.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 9, 2003
Gladius, Gladius, Gladius..why try to compete? this is a sik mud come and play.... Bad Gladius = good..clear enough?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 9, 2003
this mud is great, great clans, people to help u when u need something, easy to level areas when your low, the immortals are good to. please come and play eternity's trials. Helix (Darkstalker 4 life)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 3, 2003
Why's Et Wizlocked?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2003
This MUD is good but is hostile towards low lvl players, if u dont have a high lvl friend u may find it hard to leave the "Temple" with out being sent packing by a syndar member.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 13, 2003
Play ET its the best mud out there
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 13, 2003
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 22, 2003
This is one of the best kept secrets in the mudding wolrd! i've been mudding for ... well too long :) and from my experiance as a player and a immortal this place rocks! this ever evolving world has something for everyone. from the social mudder to the hard core fight to the death, take over the world, and roll in the wealth mudder. for the first time in a while i'm not bored!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 3, 2003
the telnet link doenst work for this mud, what is the new ip address?
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 29, 2003
I have never played a MUD before this and i love it i have tried many other MUD's after this one and i hate to say it but all of the others suck!! This is the best so come play with the best it is very easy to do things on this MUD and very easy to learn MAKE SURE YOU GO THROUGH MUD SCHOOL it help you out allot and it does not take that long there is always somebody on to help or if your level 11 or higher they might just kill you for a laugh but they won't do it repeditly they will help its very colorfull and there are binary graphics allmost everywhere that makes the mud more interesting instead of seeing that green bunch of words Please come and play Eternity's Trails right now you will never go back to another mud TRUST ME
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 14, 2003
Ive been playing on ET for about 3 years now and I will mud nowhere else.. ET has so many great areas and players...There is usually about 10-25 players on at a time so if you get stuck or if you need help someone is either there to kill ya or help ya. Theres clans and areas that arent anywhere else.. come check it out its the best there is...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 27, 2003
I wasnt sure how long these reviews were meant to go for so i decided id better write two. I started playing a little while ago when my mate adam told me about this awesome new game he had found out about. Eternity's Trials usually has between 10 and 25 players on at one time. It has an easy to follow mud school and many low level areas to get started in. It has a good selection of races and classes and many skills to choose from. At pretty much any time in the day you will find someone on that will be more than happy to help you get started. Please come and try Eternity's Trials.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 3, 2002
I have been playing ET for around a year now under multiple characters. Recently my beloved mud was down for a short period of time.. wandering what to do with myself i started looking around and trying some other muds. It was because of this that i decided to write this review. ET is by far the greatest mud i have ever had the honour to play, it is so addictive that i find myself forgeting to eat and drink while i am mudding. It is so difficult for me to put into words how much i want all of you to come and play with us. So i issue a challenge to all of you.... play Eternity's Trials for a couple of hours and you will see why i am raving.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 3, 2002
I have been playing Eternity's Trials for a good 2 years, and it has been incredible. This mud is extremely newbie friendly, you can get a total sense of how to play a mud just by going through the well designed mud school. Even though we have a small player base, many of these people have become friends of mine, and because it is a small player base, you aren't just some number on a giant mud. You have immortals that will respond to your questions, and will do whatever they can to make your time on the mud enjoyable. It has been so much fun being on Eternity's Trials, and I hope that you will come and visit us here. Wren DragonHeart
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 28, 2002
I've been associated with ET for going on 6 years. It seems somewhat strange to think that I keep coming back to this text-based game. But, I can't help it. It's been home to me in many ways. It always amazes me the dedication of those who happen to be in charge at any one particular time. Wink, the implmentress, always seems to make sure that ET has a home and a dedicated staff. The constant players, the ones that can't quit, are there to bitch, to give ideas, and to promote the mud. I haven't been around ET consistently, like I have in the past. I've been in and out this past year, but I haven't really looked around. The changes that have been made, although they may seem small to the untrained eye, they are in fact huge. New classes have been added. New wear locations have been added. There are constant updates, upgrades, and additions by a very devoted Glimi. The web page, although it appears to not have been updated in a few weeks, has been changed dramatically. Yes, it still has a few kinks that need to be worked out (especially for those of us still working on 15 inch monitors - and that's not the viewable area) but the change from how it FIRST looked is incredible. Not to mention the fact that ET is still in the top 20 on this site, amazes me. It cannot die. So, I recommend for any goofball reading this to check it out and see why it cannot die. Thanks for listening to my ramble. Alexis -- however faithful in my own ways.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 26, 2002
I like Eternity's Trials (ET) over other muds for several reasons. First, you don't have to go looking for you corpse when you die. ET has a morgue where corpses are transported so all your eq is right there, only a step away from where you respawn. Second, ET doesn't have an overwhelming number of players on at a time so you don't feel lost. There's an average player base of about 10 players at a time, reaching as high as 30 that I've seen. Obviously, that's not many compared to some of the bigger muds but it's nice. Makes for a more closely knit group of players. Finally, ET is open PK. Although at low levels this isn't so great, but once you get high enough to compete can become an exilirating experience. I'm a big fan of the hunt, heheh. Some other reasons I really love ET are the clan system, cool immortals that like to have fun and joke around with the mortals (players), and the great areas that are unique to this mud. So come check it out if this sounds interesting. Look me up, I'll be happy to show you around and answer any questions you might have, as will most of the players or immortals around.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 23, 2002
I've been playing this MUD for a few weeks now and I am utterly addicted. It is pure pkill, surprisingly the people are easy to get along with. There isn't the traditional whining and constant bickering you find on a lot of muds which makes the visit more enjoyable. The Immortals are always willing to lend a hand (within reason) and wars are run on a daily basis. They have a detailed pkill system, with warcharts, pk points and pkgear. The questing gear doesn't have astronomical stats on them so that whoever has them dominates the pk world. There is a lot more to tell about this Mud, I've been mudding for 7 and a half years, not sticking to 1 mud, but this one i can learn to stay in.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2002
Eterity's Trials is a Vast, and everchangeing world With something for everyone. For those who like to explore the're are many zones tailored for just that, with there own "mini" qwests for items and eq. For the hack and slash /pkillers there are also zones that are very fierce and chalenging, as well as the clans that some of which are always at war. There are no requirements to join a clan . but it has it's advantages. There is also a place for the social types that just want to hang out at the local pub where everyone knows your name and you can just sit and chat between qwests. There is almost always an Imm on which is impressive in itself , from my own 10 years of mudding. almost everyone is very helpful as well as a completely updated help file data base(almost complete). so if you are serching foe a place to call home. come see us , all are welcome here.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2002
I have been playing on ET for quite awhile now. I have played a wide variety of class/race combinations. I have taken part in and help run quests for prizes, been a weak and strong character, and was even given the chance to be an immortal to help make the game fun for others. I have been mudding for years and ET is by far the best experience I have had in all my time playing. I would recommend ET to anyone and hope to see you there. Look me up, I will be more than happy to help you learn your way around... Thanks and enjoy
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 9, 2002
I started playing this mud about 5-6 years ago. stayed for about 2 years, i found that the clans were very exiting for each clan had 5 title/rank along with 5 clan spells that only your clan had. we can say that the clan wars were going and kept on going which was what i liked about it. always exiting. i recently came back to find tha clans stripped of clan spells, with a very good reason. no one was joining clans to suit their characters anymore but to power game. the mud wants to lean towards an rp enviroment. with a well coordinated plan with each clan leaders that can be accomplished easily. I really enjoy playing ET and hope that you will also.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 6, 2002
Eternity trials is a very well built mud that you can feel at home playing at. For me, i jumped around from different muds for about 3months and then i found ET. ET is a huge world with over 100 areas. Areas like Twin peaks have many mprogs that make the area feel alive when you are journeying through it. Eternity trials world has many continents and was well built(low level areas are closer, high levels are farther). On ET there are many different races and classes. Races include human elf pygmy gnome pixie dryad dwarf goblin lizardman draconian giant cyclops and troll. All of these races differ in 3 ways. First off the stat maxes for attributes are different for each race. for example giants have 90 strength while pixies have only 40. Races are also different to each other because they have special affects like flying or fast healing etc. with this, the exp needed for level is also different for every single race. Lastly each race is strong and weak against certain elements. there are also many different classes which include warrior thief mage cleric ranger druid paladin necromancer ninja psionicist dark knight and bard. Each class has a different set of spells and is unique. Also many classes are getting many new spells and skills :). Eternity trials also called ET is a friendly atmosphere where pking is unrestricted but people still get along. Even though pk is unrestricted, people on ET will lend a hand if you need help with things. Player killing is only allowed if you are above level 10 so you have time to learn the game but some people wont even get killed even at 50. There are 5 different clans on ET, Darkness rose crimson world sylvan. Each one is way different in what it stands for and what they do. FOr example sylvan is a mercenery clan and will do anything if the price is good enough. There is also a war system and clan raiding system that was added in. Eternity trials also has Qwest items and immortal run Quest that reward you with prizes. There is just to much stuff for me to mention here so come by Eternity trials and try it out. Create a guy and just wander around to see how you like it. I'm sure in no time you will be hooked to this mud because there is so much stuff that you can do. Also this mud has excellent help files for practically everything and a very easy to follow newbie training. Doraimon, the newbie
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 29, 2002
There are plenty of other reviews for this mud, so Ill only review the basics to allow me to get to the good stuff. Eternity's Trials has been around since 1994, and in those 8 years, it has grown and evolved in many ways. It has a clan system, choose from one of five clans, from good to evil, chaos to honor, and of course, a middle ground. It has many classes to choose from, as well as numerous races. ET has been constantly changing since the beginning, some recent additions include the addition of Bards to the class pool, and a revamp of many of the classes to make them unique. One notable change includes the addition of Bows, with a bow, you can shoot an arrow, and hit your opponent from other rooms, and this has proven to add much flexibility in tactics, no more mindless hack and slash. Mages have also seen a change, instead of simply gaining spells, they must go find Runestones to allow them to learn the spell, this requires them to venture to the far reaches of the mud, searching for the secrets of the arcane. Another major revamp would be the Necromancer class, this class has been heavily modified from its original, Necromancers now carry an arsenal of spells and skills which require dead or dying organisms, or pieces. Necromancers can fling the skulls of their past defeated opponents at their current ones, as well as conjure up demons from the depths of the unknown or raise the corpses of their victims to aid them in their travels. Come Check it out! I guarantee you’ll find it unique and entertaining. Telnet: Port 9000
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 30, 2002
Truly a great place. Many areas to explore for every level. an Imm staff that is not only there but add new things and update old ones on a constant basis. a great world to exlpore. see you there.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 17, 2002
I've been off and on ET for the last 5 years.. and i can honestly say that it's been a helluva lot of fun. You can really get immersed in the world of ET, and unfortunately for anything else you need to do - it's hard to pull yourself away. I've tried others, and nothing compares to the environment you can create for yourself in Eternity's Trials. The Immortals and Builders keep things interesting when the slow times come by, and amazing areas occupy the rest of the time.. if you're going to try a MUD - try ET.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 3, 2002
This is the first mud that i ever played on and im lucky that it was because i have stayed here for a long time. This mud is The BEST but dont take my word, try it out for yourself and you will see why i like it so much. This mud has many things that are way cool and are a must. This includes 5 clans, Darkness Rose world Crimson and Sylvan, each different in there total way of life and how they do things. There is an automated quest master so you may quest even without immortals on but there are immortal quest too. the spells and skills on this mud are unreal and each class and race is different. Also Every stat counts on this mud so your class can really make ur guy a lot better or worse. But there is also a helpfile for practically alll the things you might need to know about this mud. If your looking for a mud where you can just get right into the swing of things, this is the one because at the time we have a small player attendence even though there are many players. This is an excellent time to get very well known and improve your skills along with learning the mud without having to worry about highbies to kill you. The mud is set up where you may also raid other clans and clan eq can be aquired. This mud has many areas and is multi continental. It also is the origin of some areas like Twin peaks and Sea of Sorrow. Well if you decide to come by, just make a char and look For Doraimon and i will gladly help you out or answer any of your questions.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 6, 2001
This mud is best over all others.. recently I tried another mud (I was just curious) and man I tell you what, I would rather not mud at all unless Im on ET.. Ive been playing this mud for over 3 years now and I wouldnt want to mud any where else. ET is my home and will stay that way. So many friendly players on and sooo many areas to choose from.. Dont mud anywhere else.. Et is the best. Its very player friendly too, no spammy who lists, and people to HELP you when u have no idea what you are doing. There is always someone there to help you out. And if you have never mudded b4 ET is the perfect place to start Mud school is very helpful signs and plaques everywhere to teach you all about muds and the commands and everything.. but im already giving too much away, try it for yourself.. and you will see that you will want ET for your home as well :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 23, 2001
Eternity's Trials is a great place. Ive been there for over a year now, and would never think of leaving. ET isnt a large mud, well, in respect to the player base, its fairly small, and thats a good thing, everyone knows each other, we all get along... well, usually. When it comes to the physical mud itself... its HUGE... we have 150+ areas open, and waiting to be explored. The atmosphere is exptremely friendly, especially for newbies, there is almost always someone on who would be willing to answer your questions, or help you out. We recently added a new class to ET, as well as some new skills, and even some new wear locations... We also just put in a new Area, based on the popular board game of monopoly. Come check us out. I assure you, you wont be disappointed.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 11, 2001
I have been playing this mud for over a year now, and I have had the time of my life. With friendly players, immortals that you can just sit around and hang out with (after they finish their work on the mud, of course), and all sorts of awesome areas. The clans are awesome too, with a clan for every type of personality. Their is the Rose clan, which is good, the Darkness clan, which is for evil, the Sylvan clan, which is the chaotic clan, the World clan, which is the neutral clan, and there is the Crimson clan, which is all about honor. I pretty much learned how to mud on ET, and almost can't go anywhere else, just because their mud isn't as newbie friendly as ET. Great work, Immortals! You have a great mud!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 4, 2001
Et, as we all so lovingly call it has been my mud home for almost 4 years now. The players are all so friendly... and the areas, ohhh the areas, there are so many to choose from. Whenever I need help there is always someone there, and believe me I am always full of questions.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 31, 2001
I have been mudding for 9 years. Each mud that I was in seems identical to the next. They were basically a bunch of clones with different name. However, when I was introduced to Eternity's Trials by a couple of friends, I saw something new and different. Eternity's Trials has a friendly immortal staff who is willing to answer questions. Many players also help you with equipments, spell ups, and directions to area. There also two different types of quest system. One is the immortal run quest system where you get tokens that you can use to trade in for exceptional items. The other quest system is through a quest mob that distributes quest points use to buy items from him. Many areas on the mud are not just hack and slash but consist of puzzles and riddles. Unlike other mud that tells you to just level, this mud allows you explore. This is not a problem since many of the players are willing to tell you directions. All in all, this is one of the most enjoyable mud I have played in my 9 years experience.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 31, 2001
This place is one of the best i've seen. I've been mudding for 8 years, 6 of them i myself was an IMP. there is almost always at least 1 imm (if not 2 or 3) the world is growing rapidly. it has a qwest master. as well as imm ran quest's and what i call mini quest's built into the mud that reward you with items or other things of worth. the peoiple there are great. very helpful and willing to help new players. thease are just a few thought's on the mud, things that i never seen much of even as a builder on other muds. if you're looking for a great mud to call homer this is the place.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 30, 2001
Although it has only been a few monthes since i've started playing at Eternity's Trials, i feel like i know enough to encourage others to try this game too. For one thing the classes are balanced in their power and skill. You wont hear players complaining about any one all-powerful class, only perhaps that ALL classes are tough to play. while this might seem detrimental, it actually makes for a challenging and engaging time. players band together to gain experience, i feel free to ask other players for help with getting experience, and everyone ends up investing a lot of time into the detailed, complex characters they create. another good thing is that we have a good set of immortals that are committed to making et a good place to stay. for instance, the immortals are right now re-doing our entire clan system, to make it more intricate with clan constitutions, equipment, and putting their bases in places where they can be taken over. also they have gotten rid of parts of clans that they thing were bad, like removing clan spells so that there is more roleplay. of course, its not a perfect place. one thing i dont like is that there arent a lot of people on all the time, we dont regularly peak at over 100 players like other muds. but on the other hand, all the players get to konw everyone because the player base is small. so people become close. we often trade fun websites, or even get together on for a fun game of monopoly, where you have the chance to bankrupt one of your immortals (for instance, an immortal whose name might rhyme with smarius) and rub it in their face ;-) like i said, there are pleanty of room for improvement on et, but with fun players and smart immortals, it is always getting better. the areas are hard, and i admit i havent explored too much but the places that i have gone, i have liked. there are lots of spells and different htings to wear. ive only been playing for a few months, but its been a blast so far.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jul 28, 2001
I like ET because of the variety. There are many classes to choose from: ninja, dark knight, necromancer, psionicist, warrior, paladin, mage, cleric, ranger, and druid, among others. Druids are so cool: they can control the weather, which comes in handy because it is impossible to move during some storms (which points out another cool thing about ET: the added realism brought to it by the weather system). And classes are more dependent on one another since unlike on some other muds, not everyone can gain skills and spells that don't seem proper for their class. Also, clans will be re-forming soon, and there will be great variety there. Of course there will be a very evil (Darkness) and very good (Rose) clan, and a neutral (World) clan which seeks balance between these clans, but there will also be some clans which don't easily fall within alignment categories, like possibly the Crimson clan, which lives for honor, or the Gatulot clan, which takes Machievelli's "Prince" for its inspiration and lives for "might makes right"; but "might" through knowledge as well as through a military-like discipline. After clans form, they will be able to fight for the control of areas, something unheard of in the world of mudding to my knowledge. This should bring a fantastic amount of intra- and inter- clan interaction to ET, and add to the challenge of an already challenging game.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 26, 2001
ET is a very challenging mud. There are many races and classes to choose from, and more in the works. There are many original areas too. Mud School has been changed to consider the needs of players who have never mudded before. After level 20 one loses a point of constitution after death and resurrection, but no experience is lost. A players' constitution just cannot handle death as well at that age. Depending on a player's race, stats can be trained from 40-70. I get 16 practices a level with a wisdom of 70 as a gnome, and I love that. Imagine the hit points I could get if my constitution was also that high, or the damroll I would have if my strength was higher, or the great armor class I could have with a high dex (much of this in the tradition of AD&D). Now is a perfect time to join ET because clans are be re-formed and the near future will bring a very original aspect to the world of ET and mudding in general: that of clan fighting over the control of areas. ET will be hot! And you can be there getting used to the mud before the rowdiness begins!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 25, 2001
Eternity's Trials is a wonderful place to MUD with endless sources of challenge and fun. The MUD provides an extensive world to adventure in and has both MUD-wide and single player quests to keep you entertained. Eternity's Trials is also extremely newbie friendly with a MUD School and a donation pit for equipment. Your character can be customized to your liking at creation and players are willing to help get you started. The Immortals are also friendly and work hard to ensure that you have fun playing. Playerkilling is allowed and your equipment saves when you quit - two Mud features I always look for. I have been mudding for 11 years, and even though I am still relatively new to ET, it's the best MUD I have ever played.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 23, 2001
I just got back to playing ET. Let me tell you, that some of the changes made since I've left have just been incredible! Not only has there been a huge boost in areas, but eq, spells, skills, and even classes and races! This homecoming is more like a new begining for me because 1) I have not only reexplore the familiar areas, but explore all those that I've never been to 2)there are no clans as they are in a rebuilding state as of yet but that's all the better because you (if you choose to play) would be able to submit your ideas on what can be done per clan or your clan of choice. I've had tons of fun meeting new players and old, and once again getting to know the MUD and regain the strength I once had. I'd recommend this to anyone interested, especially now because YOU could help shape this world. You could make a difference......
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2001
Eternity's Trial is a great place to go. The IMMS are very friendly and very helpful. They do a lot of extra stuff to make the mudd a more relaxing by running quests and other fun games to gain gold and other stuff. They even heal players at times. The best thing about them, they let the player voice out their ideas on how the mudd can improve or complaints (but not often)so everybody is heard. Even though this is a pkill mudd there are a lot of people willing to help you out. I started playing on this mudd for 2 months. I still consider myself a newbie because this world is very big and it will take time to explore. Take it from me once you try it you wont regret it. See Ya There
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 3, 2001
I just started playing ET a few days ago, and i was pretty impressed by it. It is not nearly as serious and boring as most other muds i played. The players and immortals are extremely friendly, and they have a quest-type thing for the players almost every day, whether it be blackjack, trivia, and from what i hear they do other things too, but i haven't experienced them yet :) On top of the fun, the world is very large and from what little i've seen there is a lot of opportunities to explore, etc. The main reason i like this mud however is the players and immortals. As soon as i came on there were players asking me if i needed help, along with the imms. This is a great mud if you are looking for a place to have fun.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 1, 2001
You could say I'm slightly addicted to ET. I've been here for four years. I was first introduced to ET in 1996 by several guys I know that went by the names of Taj, Qwerty, and Ulf. Didn't do much throughout that year, but in 1997 with Taj's help, I created a character. That was the beginning of the end, maybe. I've been hooked ever since. I watched that character grow as a character, a regular mortal to a clan leader, and finally an immortal. Yes, there are always things that are challenging, as with everything in life. However, deep down, everyone involved in the admin area of the game development has the best intentions in mind for the game itself. Eternity's Trials is hardly stock ROM. ET has come a long way from even being considered stock ROM. The first thing Wink did when she created ET was to make a new city, called Greyhaven. Greyhaven is the center of it all. We now have two continents and well over 11000 rooms. Some of the areas on other muds started here, such as Twin Peaks. No, this isn't the greatest review, yes I'm writing this as an immortal of the game. However, I have been to other muds and toyed around with them for a bit. Nothing has been able to hold my attention like ET. Check it out, it's definitely worth it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 25, 2001
This mud is great. The people are great, and the imms are nice. There's something for everyone. I've been on this mud for some time now. The only gripe I have about this mud is how addictive it is.........
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 24, 2001
I have played this mud off and on for several years. The following is a brief explination why I feel this is one of the better muds out there: Player Creation: I think the player creation is perhaps a little lengthy, but is detailed enough for a players imagination to be able to roll when you get into the actual game. It is col to be able to inspect other players and see what they have chosen as their hair eyes etc..... Balance of classes: For the most part I think the classes are balanced. Perhaps with the exception of Palidins and Rangers. Perhaps a more enhanced version of Lay on Hands that did a restore with a tick counter for reuse might give Pali's more appeal. As for rangers the ability to summon pets of the wilderness nature with a strength and hp graduating in level as the ranger does might be a cool idea. Spells: There is an enormous array of spells to chose from for each class. Many that I have only seen on ET. I especially like the clan spells as it fleshes out the differences between the clans and for those that roleplay it helps get you into character whan you ast Lunacy or White Petal. There are a few spells in clans with names that don't perhaps do the clans name's justice; however, this is a small thing. Clans: There are the right mix of clans on this mud. A pure evil(Darkness), a pure Good(Rose), a clan for Nature lovers(Sylvan), and a clan of the neutral balance(world). A few others in the past I liked such as a clan of casters Gautolot. There are some good fueds between the clans and some great roleplaying. Also the ability to raid other clans strongholds is relaly the greatest thing I have seen on a mud ever. The clan eq is limited and appropriate for mud balance. Immortals: The immortals for the most part are friendly and helpful. A couple quests are run every day and you can get Immortal rewards for winning quests via Tokens. Areas: I feel that the areas are very diverse. There are solving area's with some cool stories)Antipodes and Amnity/Sidhonia. And there are some more leveling based areas. I would like to see more exploritory areas with things to do for all classes. Some more Mprg'd player completing quests would be cool too.(ie Get flute of the wood and return to Druid of the Grove for a cool earring...very general but you get my point)The item could be hidden in any area and could take players months to figure it out. To stop people from just running and completing the quest mprogs for the quest mob to load could be rare to space out how many of the reward go out. Well I hope you like what you saw here come check out the mud. It has a lot of nice people. I am not one of them >).
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 23, 2001
Eternity trials is a great mud. This was my first mud ever and i learned a lot from the players and immortals about mudding. The player base is friendly and the immortals are cool. When i played other muds for a while, i quickly got bored and went back to ET many times. I love this mud for many reasons. First off i love the clans (darkness rules). There are also clan raiding and clan spells which i also like to do. Qwest eq's in this game are the best because they give u stats and other good stuff. The immortals here are good immortals, they work hard and like what they do. The mud has lots of rooms and the mud is very colorful. But most of all i like the amount of options you have in this mud. There are many classes, races, eq choices, etc etc. Well if any of these things i mentioned sound good, come log on, create a character and ill gladly help you. Doraimon, newbies 4evah
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 23, 2001
Sheesh, what can i say. The first mud i ever played. The first time i log on, i create a char, start tryin to attempt to level, not knowing what to do, and then, this guy asks me if i need any help. He immediately outfits me in eq for my level, shows me where to level, and, i'm set. Almost a year later, i've become good friends with him and many others on this incredible mud. The amount of work the imms put in here is awe inspiring. They are almost constantly working on something, but they do find time to hang out with us morts.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 23, 2001
I've been on ET for some years now, off and on. I was introduced to ET by Halcyon, a former immortal there. It's been through a lot of changes since I've been here, and I won't lie and say I agree with them all personally, but I can honestly say that they were all for the good of the MUD. They've grown from the half-stock MUD that was there when I started, to a uniquely diverse and thoroughly interesting place to stay awhile. I've been around, and played a number of different MUDs, and I always come back to ET. It just gets better, over time. The fact that it's around after 7 years is certainly a testament to both the dedication of the imps, and the interest of the players. I've seen people and places grow there, more than anywhere else I've been. It's a place I can go to hve fun, and relax. People are friendly, and you don't have to level to enjoy the game. Of course, if you do like levelling, it's not hard, and the new skills and spells that the imms put in make levelling not only a challenge, but a definite reward. For those that don't like to just level, and aren't quite as talky as me, there are a high number of quests by the immortals, of all types, and of course we also have our own cranky questmaster. It's like a second home to me, and I urge anyone that likes MUDding to try it out. And stay awhile, I bet. ;)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 21, 2001
I've been playing ET now for about 2 and a half years. It's probably by far the best place to mud i've seen, especially because of the length of time it's been up. It's based on ROM but has been HIGHLY modified, to the point that you could ALMOST call it original. Some of the most popular areas in the mudding community originated in this mud, like Amity, Sidhonia, Twin Peaks, Dreamscape and others. That is just a small testament to the immortals and builders here that work day in and day out to make ET a more lively and fun place for everyone to play. It has an in- depth clan system with clan ranks and feuds and is currently being upgraded. It features a plethora of original spells and skills and more are in the works as we speak. They have done a fine job in balancing the races and classes, although (and the imms are working on it) the psi's are a little powerful. An automated qwest system combined with numerous imm ran quests equals lots of player interaction. If your new to mudding, been mudding a long time and are just looking for new muds to play, or if your an admin looking for ideas....this place is atleast worth stopping by and saying hi. But consider yourself warned...if you get addicted it's not my fault! ;p Have fun.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 18, 2001
What can I say? this mud rules it has everything you need. I love it, and you will too Come play with us.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 17, 2001
Good mud good people good fun Plain and simple Played here for several years now. Ive seen it change and grow. You couldnt ask for a better group to bs with or to just play around. hey and to all the new players there is a lot of help available so come join us . :)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 17, 2001
Eternity's Trials... What can I say... I had a college friend introduce me to this mud in the dorms and just watching him play it was pretty interesting. I decided that i wanted to jump into ET and after getting the gist of what to do and the areas (which are very deep and interesting) i was hooked. Ive been playing for over a year now and the variety of races and characters still make it interesting. Currently im playing a ninja character and they have a lot in store for them. A lot of characters have a lot going for them and the variety of skills and spells that they have are amazing. The immortals here put a lot of time and effort into making ET a worthwhile place to play and for the most part, the players appreciate what they do..or at least i do. Pretty much what im trying to say is that check this mud out and stuff... lates...
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 16, 2001
Being an old timer, and a new timer, this mud constantly changes. The implementors are thoroughly involved in making the mud seem fantastically real. The new weather code is fun, innovative, and quite frustrating at the same time. It makes things seem like its more than just a text based game. The snow impedes your progress, and lightning may strike you. The immortal staff has created a mud that they want you to keep playing, so things are quite more difficult than the normal muds that people can just slide by with. The clan structure builds a sense of family and friendship, and automatically makes other allies that will help you in your quest. Everyday life is always a tough trial, but with your clan behind you, and perserverence, you can achieve fame (or infamy). --Syorlo
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 15, 2001
ET is a well rounded mud. It has a lot of everything... Good Clans Good People Good Imms Good Areas Good Eq and Skills/Spells A lot of everything. Anyway, Enough for the shameless plug... Here comes the bulk of the review... Ive been on ET for about 8 months now... Not a lot of time compared to some, and there is still lots to learn... I know most of the players, its a very cozy mud, everyone knows everyone else, at least, knows of them if not more... This atmosphere, along with a friendly and knowledgable player base make ET one of the most newbie friendly Muds around... There is always someone on that you can get help from, and if they dont know, or you prefer to figure it out on your own, we have extensive help files. On to the Areas... Ets areas are definately Unique and dynamic... We have a small army of active Builders, and openings for any of you who care to share your talents. Leveling... Leveling on ET is Experienced based, and has been tweaked throughout the years to near perfection, its easy for new characters to get up to a fairly respectable level quickly, and then it gets more challenging as you progress to bigger and better things. There are two major ways to level, you can either kill mobs for experience, or Qwest. Qwesting is ETs Automated quest system, it allows players to quest 24/7, as opposed to the daily quests thrown by the imms. It also has different rewards, For Qwests, you get Qwest points (which are later used to buy things), Expereince, and Gold. Qwesting provides an alternative to hack and slash leveling, as well as forcing players to search out new areas or revisit the lower ones. Well, Ive said enough as of now, If you want to know more, youll just have to come visit. Its a great place, even if you have no clue how to mud, we can even hook you up with a Mud Client. But, you have to make the initiative... Try it, You wont be sorry you did... ~Flannel
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 15, 2001
Ok heres my input on Et. Its the best mud around, ive tried to find better yet only failed in my attempts. Et is good for newbies and oldbies alike. I still consider myself a newbie even though Ive been here for over 3 years. I am still finding new stuff that ive never seen before, theres areas, spells, skills galore on this mud. Give us a try. WE are extremely friendly and helpful, even the imms are helpful. Try us and you'll see that this mud is the best mud around. course im biased. but it really is...... theres not a whole bunch of players so when you type who 50 bazillion names of whatever/whomever take up yer whole page, connect to us. we will have fun and so will you. that is all for now.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 10, 2001
I have tried other muds. I have tried MANY other muds. I wandered from mud to mud for nearly 6 years before I found Eternity's Trials. The first day I played here, I knew I didn't need to look further. All the muds I played on, they all lacked something, but I didn't know what. When I logged on the very first time here, over ten people started greeting me, and chatting about nonsense subjects. It was RP, and it wasn't RP. It was easy, and it was hard. There's good, there's evil. If you want it, you could have it. Maybe not now, maybe not for a while, but eventually, if you work hard enough, nearly anything is possible. I am forever biased towards muds. No mud will ever come close to this. It has skills and spells galore, new additions weekly, it seems. An extremely friendly player base, and it's good for both newbies and scarred veterans alike. If you're a hardcore RP leveling machine, we've got it here for you. If you want to chat and level occasionally, you can do that easily. Hell, we have a guy(who wrote a review previous to mine) that has been a level 7(out of 293) thief for as long as I remember. He sits, chats, and enjoys himself. That's what he wants, that's what he does. Myself, I like to hit those higher levels, than boost my hour ratio by chatting up a storm about absolutely nothing. If you're bored, come on by. If you only have a few minutes, come on by. Just come on by. It all works out in the end, you'll see.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 9, 2001
in all likelyhoods, I'm the mortal who's been on ET for the most amount of time...6 years and counting now as a mortal. over the years I've built up quite a reputation, and while most of the other players might not think too highly of me, ask any of the older players, and they'll recognize my name quite readily. that being said I feel that in light of rivan's review I am perhaps best qualified to set the record straight. over the past 8 or 10 months or so I've only logged on to ET's main port just once, to announce a new area I had recently finished building. mainly because a lot of players, newbies, clannies, and even older players had begun to treat me like they treat nearly every imm on the mud (and I do know exactly what they put up with, seeing as how its the main reason I've not even once applied so much as applied for immship, but always help out in whatever form I can). I cannot say that this treatment was not undeserved tho, I do realize that I have tendancies to act as the imms have...very few actually see or notice the things I did to help my clan, as I chose a more passive approach. the same is true of the entire immortal staff. they are quite fond of surprises, and enjoy unloading new things en mass to ET's players...sure things may get slightly stagnant at times with nothing new coming in for weeks on end...but this is all balanced out by a few days/weeks in which the sheer amount of new things being implemented is mind boggling. this is also to ensure that when code is implemented, that it is as bug free as it can possibly be made without actual play testing by a real player base and not just a few imms playing around. to say that ET's code base is a slightly modified form of ROM, is without a doubt ubsurd. I've seen ET almost from the beggining, when indeed it was just that...however over the years I've also witnissed a remarkable transformation...the extent of which resulted in ET's present form, a MUD which has sooo many unique spells/skills/features that given a few more years should be considered a completely new type of code base (well not completely new, since it would be wrong not to give credit to those who originally coded ROM) I've been with this mud through 3 pwipes, numerous site changes, and calamities...and through it all the one thing thats kept me there for so long is the imm staff. Wink (our long time imp) has put in so many hours, money, and devotion into this MUD that it could almost be considered her child...Darius (who takes all the flak, gets no where near enough credit, and is always misunderstood...much like me) our co-imp who has temporarily left us (I sure hope its temporary) has implemented too many things me... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 9, 2001
I'll be frank as I can get. As a 4+ year player on ET, there has been good times and bad. ET moved around 3 or 4 times during the time I was there, several times involving a total pwipe and fiancial issues. In that process, we lost a lot of players because many simply do not want to start over again. Once during the summer ET was down for an entire month, most of us scattered and tried our lucks on muds started by former players, some stayed there, other came back, I was one of them. Yes, I was one of those whiners that your average immortals love to hate. I did have issues way back with the guys on top, because I feel there was not enough communication between immortals and mortals on issues concerning the mud, many notes and ideas from players would go to the imms unanswered. There were charges of favortism for a while on certain immortals, because, and I admit, sometimes it would seem they are very close with their mortal friends while the rest of us lot were afraid to get their attention. A lot of the players I know left because of the immortals. They could not bring themselves to agree with the gods on the mud, and there has been several instances where the immortals changed something some players do not like, and was told to leave if they, as one player puts it, 'can't handle it'. However, all that has changed quite a bit in recent years, if not months. Many immortals, though it is not in their job description, took it upon themselves to listen and debate ideas and suggestions by players. Darius, the main coder, has been a lot more open about his recent accomplishments to the player base, and I must say, is doing a very impressive job while being a full time grad student. Quests are being held regularly, although it no longer had the old days excitement because participation has been lacking due to the now very small player base. ET features a variety of clans, now each with their own clan hall, bank, clan lantern/orb complete with special clan spells. Although the gradual decline in player number meant the death of at least couple of clans with unique background and history. The clan spells has always been something of a controversy, charges of "this spell is too powerful" has been through around between different clans for ages, though it is expected. A good example would be the introduction of the spell 'silver shield', which protects the player from any personal spells casted upon them and reflects it back at the caster. This as anyone could guess, effectively reduced mages to nothing, not to mention rendering all other clan's own spells useless. Thus it was met with fierce criticism from members of other clans. The clamor died down after a while though, today to my knowledge Silver Shield still remains as clan... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 8, 2001
I have to agree with Rivan when he writes in his review that the mortals on ET are very cool. But then again I'd also have to say that he and a few other players do not seem to have much of an appreciation of what has been done by the immortals on the mud. If they only knew 1/100 of what Darius has done their heads would spin. I know my head spins when I think of all the great work Darius has done. Mortals have been given powers to lead clans, the weather system and many many other codes have been based on PLAYER input, such as many new races, classes, skills and spells, a con instead of xp loss like d&d, a system of continents, room and object programs for olc among so many other things, as if this wasn't enough. So I really don't know what Rivan is talking about. Perhaps there were some ideas Rivan and other players wished implemented but were not and anger is being expressed in the review. There is so much imms have to do it's not even funny: much time is spent dealing with making players things as quest prizes, dealing with arguments and with players who break rules, making areas, coding and help files. Quests are not the only thing imms do. Sure there could be more quests. But a quest requires players and unfortunately we dont have enough players on sometimes to run a quest. One thing for sure though is that the prizes for quests are pretty good. Finally, the imms spend a lot of time just chatting and having fun with mortals over public channels. I think this is better than imms who mainly code and don't interact with players except to punish them for breaking rules. The ET imms love to chat with players; they like the players; they are friends with the players; and if this takes time away from their imm work I think it is well worth it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 8, 2001
ET is a mud that has been around for longer than many other muds. It has seen many times of hardship and it has been home to people who I think, are some of the most interesting mudders around. When you come to ET, don't expect to be amazed by its content. ET is not known for having impressieve skills/spells, or having quests that are run daily, or having constant pkillers plaguing mudkind. ET is only around because the people continue coming back to it. The immortals on ET are hardly what you would call 'workaholics'. There are changes that are supposed to be made to certain clans for the last 4 weeks, that havent even been started. ET has a few skills/spells that are not on the code base for ROM but nothing impressive. ET does have brilliant builders however. People like Dimi are the ones who made the mud what it is. Darius also is a great coder and tries to implement things as they come but either for lack of time or laziness they dont get put in. Most of the other immortals who are active on the mud are only there to run occasional quests and I do mean occasional, and to try to keep peace. Nearly anyone who wants to be an immortal on this mud can do so with little effort. ET also does not have a large player base. THE average number of players per day is around 12. If the immortals wanted to attract players they would take some initiative and implement new and better ideas into the mud instead of just squeaking by with their reputation alone. Recently implemented was a weather system on ET. IT doesnt allow you to walk in the fog or hail and is quite realistic. Players themselves got their chances to have their says in what the weather system would be comprised of. This was just a clever ruse to pull the wool over the players' eyes. The weather system does not help ET get players, it doesnt give anyone on the internet another reason to play this mud. It is only there to make the players think that they were actually doing something. Dot get me wrong, this is not a negative review. I am just saying things like they are so that any new players wont be mislead to play ET for something that does not exist there. The only thing that HASNT remained constant over the 7 years it has been up are the players. There is a wide variety of characters and clans on the mud which add intensely to the mud's playability. Without the wandering imaginations of the players, ET would just be a near-stock ROM with no future. If you are looking for an impressive skill/spell base, or a mud where it is easy to level, or an intense pk mud, then you need to look elsewhere. If you want to come to a mud where you chat... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 8, 2001
Hey! ok stop laughing at my email... ya ya... bite me :p Well I'm a 5+ year veteran at et, yes I have no life... again bite me... et is a dynamic mud thats always changing and evolving... so if you don't like something just wait and it'll change. All wisecracks aside this is a great mud... total pk and lots of great people who once you get to know them they're family, even the dark pkillers who bug you everyday. We got a great staff of immortals who give tons of their time and effort to make et a better place. We got tons of interesting quests and our own lil qwest master mob who hits on players (guys too). Et in my opinion for the mature audience... we got too many players with minds of children already so we need some adult minded players to balance out. So if you're reading this far and come to et... gimme a call... maybe if I'm not idling I'll hook you up with some spells ja ne!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 5, 2001
This mud has it all. Lurid love affairs, killing, wealth, and that's just the immortals. The players have all the fun here. If you want to do it, you can do it. And, if you can't do it, post an idea, and most likely it will be impletmented. The only mud I've ever found that truly goes by the rule of fun. Just give it a try, and I swear you'll keep coming back. Also, and I see this as a bonus, roleplaying is allowed and enjoyed, but it is NOT ENFORCED. Okay, well, I have to go, but remember, just try it out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 2, 2001
I like the humorous chat on ET. I have a great time laughing at all of the funny things that is said and done on the gossip channel. Also, there are many interesting, serious topics discussed on the channel such as philosophy, music, history, movies, politics, etcetera. But what I really love are the clans, roleplaying and player killing, which is quite a rush! I even get into getting pkilled: it really gets my blood flowing! And I get killed a lot, heh, but with no xp loss or anything, I don't mind, and getting revenge is so sweet. To kill players, I need the best equipment I can find, and this mud is loaded with it. Of course, there are tons of areas one has to search to find better stuff, but that's half the fun. Also, there are tons of interesting objects in many of the areas. But, the best stuff can only be won via quests run by immortals. Tokens are given to winners of quests. One token can buy an immortal spellup, armor or weapon enchant, 500xp, or 10,000 gold. And nothing beats a weapon enchant from an immortal for me at this price! Anyway, there is a range of things one can buy for more tokens. I will just mention my favorites. 20 tokens allows you to add a one die increase to the average damage of your weapon! Believe me this really helps increase your power. With 25 tokens you can add a weapon flag to your weapon like poison, frost or flame, among others. 100 tokens gets you your own room on the mud. 200 tokens gets you a wish, which is the greatest prize on the mud. With a wish one is able to get the best weapon or piece of armor on the mud: very powerful! After a wish I was able to get a weapon powerful enough to kill a few players who had killed me many times before. God that was so sweet!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 1, 2001
Eternity's Trials is my home. I have been living there more or less since it's birth over 6 years ago. The reason I made it my home was the people who I have met on the mud. The mortals and the immortals are very friendly and I have become friends with many of them over these many years. Newbies are treated with special care on ET. Many helped me when I first came on the mud. I begin with the people because I think they are what makes a mud a great place to be. Both immortals and mortals chat with each other playfully and seriously on ET. Immortals run quests often, and many mortals also run mud-wide quests using their own valuables as prizes. This charitable practice by the mortals is heartwarming to see. There are clans on the mud which are run by mortals whose leaders are given immortal like powers by which they can lead their clan. There are many races and classes to choose from, each with a great variety of skills and spells to choose from, many unique ones based on mortal and immortal input. There have been very many code changes that make the mud more interesting and "real": some recent ones include: a weather system with what seems like an over 40 different weather effects; the adding of room and object programs to the mob programs already found on the mud; many new races, classes, skills and spells; powers given to mortals to run clans; constitution instead of xp loss during death (heh, save your trains and set wimpy higher, because when constituion is gone, so is your character); no constitution or xp loss when killed by other players, a kinder and gentler roleplaying feature that I love for it's hard enough on one's psyche just being killed! The areas made for the mud are some of the most creative areas I have even seen, and they keep getting better and better. Many areas are quest and subquest and story oriented, with mob programs providing appropriate story/theme oriented quests and atmosphere. Also, the ascii art in some of the newer areas that I have seen recently is great! In sum, these code features and areas are great, but it's the people that make ET my online home within my home!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 30, 2001
I must say that I love this mud. It has everything from a taunting sea dragon living in an ocean to kobolds and leprechauns. This mud has a lot of places to explore and to level. I have tried other muds and failed but Eternity's Trials is by far the easiest to learn how to mud on and even as you get better at mudding you are still learning a new thing every day, or finding a new area. I will always mud on Eternity's Trials.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 30, 2001