Federation II: Community
Sci-Fi-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).
Ranked 44th of 772 worlds statistically.
Ranked 4th of 30 worlds in the Sci-Fi genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
37 (7 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
55 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
35 (last 30 days) ▲3%

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

                        Alan Lenton's Federation 2
                            Community Edition
           Copyright (c) 1985-2016 Interactive Broadcasting Ltd
                  2018 and beyond via the Fed2 Community
                         Welcome to Federation 2
If you do not have a Federation 2 character, login with the name 'new' (without the quote marks) to create a new character.  Forgot your character? Use 'forgot name' or 'forgot password'
Federation and Federation 2 by ibgames were fantasy space trading games and the first introduction to MUDs for many web users in the 80s and 90s. Federation 2 closed forever on October 1, 2018. Long live Fed2! Today, the Galaxy's exchanges await you in Fed2 Community! Fed2 Community aims to keep the spirit of Alan Lenton?s Federation 2 alive, whilst modernizing the game?s foundation, improving security, and adding some neat new changes. Fed2 Community is brought to you by a group of former Fed2 players, with updates to the original game source previously released publicly by ibgames. Can you cut it as a galactic trading magnate in Federation DataSpace? Your goal: build your very own planet. Federation 2: Commerce... politics... power... intrigue... money. in...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1] [2]

Custom [1] [2]

1985 [2]

Science Fiction [2]

USA [1]

Futuristic [1]

Custom [2]

Game System:
Custom [2]

Federation and Federation 2 by ibgames were fantasy space trading games and the first introduction to MUDs for many web users in the 80s and 90s. Federation 2 closed forever on October 1, 2018. Long live Fed2! Today, the Galaxy's exchanges await you in Fed2 Community! Fed2 Community aims to keep the spirit of Alan Lenton?s Federation 2 alive, whilst modernizing the game?s foundation, improving security, and adding some neat new changes. Fed2 Community is brought to you by a group of former Fed2 players, with updates to the original game source previously released publicly by ibgames. Can you cut it as a galactic trading magnate in Federation DataSpace? Your goal: build your very own planet. Federation 2: Commerce... politics... power... intrigue... money. Play in MUD clients and FedTerm: play.federation2.com port 30003 Play on the web: https://federation2.com Browse the Fed2 guide: https://federation2.com/guide/ Check out the solar system starter maps: https://federation2.com/guide/#sec-20.10 Fed is an online text adventure game. It looks like a MUD, and you issue commands to the game just like a MUD - but it's not a MUD. Here's some of the things that make Fed different from MUDs. Fed is not written using a standard MUD code base; it is proprietary code, written from scratch. It's an original concept, and has been developed in an original way. In Fed, you do different things at different ranks. You don't just keep on repeating the same actions but with bigger weapons or spells. You start out hauling cargo around the Solar System, and then you deliver valuable packages. You move on to trading commodities on the planetary trading exchanges, then dealing in futures contracts, building factories to produce your own goods, and finally owning your own planet. You don't have to accumulate equipment or clothing in order to advance through the ranks. If you die in Fed, you don't have to go and retrieve your corpse, or collect all your equipment. There are no rigid character classes, and you don't have to stay "in character". We're relaxed about in-game vs out-of-game conversations. You can talk about what you like, subject to the game rules. Fed is not a fighting game, and because you don't have to take part in battles there is no need to rest a lot, or cast spells, to build up your stamina/health. To restore stamina, just have a drink or a meal in a bar. No fighting means you are in no danger from other players - there's no player-killers in Fed! [1]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)