Player Killing-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon).
Ranked 422nd of 786 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 3 worlds in the Player Killing genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
1 (2 days ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
1 (last 30 days) ▼50%

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

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                        /  _____/        \_____  \
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  +---================/  /======|   ||   |======\  \====================---+              
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  +---==========================|   ||   |==============================---+
                                |   ||   |
  Current code (Fury v1.0) by:  |   ||   |  Fury: Blood, Glory, and Greed
  Pestilence and Shudkher       |   ||   |   
                                |   ||   |
  Based on Emlenmud written     |   ||   |  "War does not determine who is
  by Owen Emlen (1995), which   |   ||   |  right, it determines who is left."
  was a derivative of DikuMUD   |   ||   |    
  by Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt,    |   ||   |               - Bertrand Russell
  Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, and  |   \/   |
  Sebastian Hammer.             \        /
                                 \      /
                                  \    /
                                   \  /

Options: <Player name>, Create <Player name>, or <Quit>.
Fury is a full-featured, expansive player-vs-player MUD. The basic concept is an eternal struggle between good and evil. FuryMud features a total of 23 races (11 balanced per side, as well humans - which are playable on either alignment) and more than 400 skills and spells. We have teamed with one of the industries most creative and artistic minds to bring Fury to the web, Eli 5 Stone. Besides being a gentleman and all around nice guy, he's amazingly talented. He has drawn for artists like Tommy Lee (Motley Crue), Eminem (the Rapper), and for a while was the sole writer, penciler, and inker/artist for the comic book known as The Tick. Before beginning to sketch, Eli met with us many times, discussing concepts...
- Grapevine (2024)

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