Kallisti MUD
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1992.
Ranked 94th of 773 worlds statistically.
Ranked 43rd of 356 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
15 (9 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
23 (last 30 days)

Original / Loosely Diku

Average Connected:
16 (last 30 days) ▼6%

Minimum Connected:
6 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

  ...     ...    ...    ...      ...      ......    ...   ........ ......
  :::   ::::    :::::   :::      :::      ::::::  ::: ::: :::::::: ::::::
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  ++# +++     ++++++#++ +++      +++        #+      +#+      #+      #+
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  ###     ### ###   ### ######## ######## ######   ####      ##    ######


        Locale : U.S.A.                          Started : 1992
        One of the longest running and best MUDs on the planet!
                  Actively maintained and developed.
Enter your account name. If you do not have an account, just enter a new
name to create one.  (ACCOUNT names are different than CHARACTER names.)
One of the longest running, most feature-rich MUDs in the universe! Created in 1992, it has undergone decades of development to become one of the most evolved games around. KallistiMUD boasts a massive original world, great atmosphere of long time players, excellent combat system including group formations, ranged spells and weapons, optional PK and arena PvP battles, extensive character customization options, player lineages, clans, highly customizable player houses, item crafting, extensively customizable UI, Mud Sound Protocol (MSP) with hundreds of sounds, Mud Server Data Protocol (MSDP), extensive blind player support, a Mumble server for live voice chatting with fellow players, and so much more! This is an a amazing game that you could literally play for years and still keep discovering more - will...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3]

[Dikumud] Original / HEAVILY modified Diku with almost 30 years of custom development [1]
DikuMUD - Heavily modified - very original [2]
Original / Loosely Diku [3]
Diku [4]

1992 [2] [3]

Custom [3]

Sub Genre:
Medieval Fantasy [3]

Adventure [3]

USA [1] [2]
United States of America [3]

Medieval Fantasy [1]
Chaos vs. Order [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Fantasy [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

One of the longest running, most feature-rich MUDs in the universe! Created in 1992, it has undergone decades of development to become one of the most evolved games around. KallistiMUD boasts a massive original world, great atmosphere of long time players, excellent combat system including group formations, ranged spells and weapons, optional PK and arena PvP battles, extensive character customization options, player lineages, clans, highly customizable player houses, item crafting, extensively customizable UI, Mud Sound Protocol (MSP) with hundreds of sounds, Mud Server Data Protocol (MSDP), extensive blind player support, a Mumble server for live voice chatting with fellow players, and so much more! This is an a amazing game that you could literally play for years and still keep discovering more - you will not be disappointed! [1]
One of the longest running, most feature-rich MUD's in the universe! Started in 1992, it has undergone decades of development to become one of the most evolved games around. Kallisti boasts a massive original world, great atmosphere of long time players, excellent combat system including group formations, ranged spells and weapons, optional PK and arena PvP battles, extensive character customization options, player lineages, clans, highly customizable player houses, item crafting, extensively customizable UI, Mud Sound Protocol (MSP) with hundreds of sounds, Mud Server Data Protocol (MSDP), extensive blind player support including a custom Tintin++ pack, a Mumble server for live voice chatting to fellow players, and so much more! This is an a amazing game that you could literally play for years and still keep discovering more - you will not be disappointed! [2]
A harsh fantasy world where magic and mystical beasts abound - this is the setting for Kallisti MUD, one of the oldest DIKU muds still in existance. Come take a look at our website, which goes into great detail about our game! [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
  4. Mud Magic
Kallisti has the features you expect in an evolved Dikumud, like automated quests, pets to assist with fighting, and a PvP arena. And there are others you might not expect. The mud is remarkably transparent, allowing players simply to `examine’ weapons and gear in order to gain `identify’ information. And Kalli isn’t so single-mindedly devoted to levelling, since it is equally important to enhance the stats you rolled at character creation, by visiting a Meta Shop and buying additional strength, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, charisma, luck, hitpoints, mana, and stamina. Levelling and enhancement of stats takes time, xp, and coin, but the improvements in your character are gratifying. An array of interesting skills gradually opens up, even for a barbarian like me who relies mainly on strength and constitution. By selecting skills you mould your character. Mine for example depends on `deathstroke’, for dealing damage, and `grapple’, a skill that puts a foe to sleep. I’ve also started a necromancer, which relies on orchestrating minions to make up for its poor strength and constitution. I’ve been told that this is a very good class for solo players. There are many such classes to choose from, and many races as well.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 26, 2016
Founded in 1992, Kallisti MUD boasts an exciting and unique world with over 12,500+ rooms to explore. Characters enjoy the opportunity to play up to 8 base classes, and 4 remort classes. There are 60+ levels that can be attained, including nobility levels and legendary levels. Once you have reached the level of a legend, the challenge does not end there. You can continue to improve your character by creating bloodlines or continuing to use the unique Meta system to increase your stats. The potential growth of your character is limited only by the player?s time and effort. There are also many clans and cabals to join, each one having their own history and disposition. If none of the pre-existing clans suits you, you can create a new one and become the leader of your own clan. Whether you are out to make a name for yourself as a clan leader, a fierce warrior, a nefarious demoniac, or a powerful prophet, the adventure that awaits you at Kallisti will keep you coming back for more.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 26, 2005
Founded in 1992, Kallisti MUD boasts an exciting and unique world with over 12,500+ rooms to explore. Characters enjoy the opportunity to play up to 8 base classes, and 4 remort classes. There are 60+ levels that can be attained, including nobility levels and legendary levels. Once you have reached the level of a legend, the challenge does not end there. You can continue to improve your character by creating bloodlines or continuing to use the unique Meta system to increase your stats. The potential growth of your character is limited only by the player’s time and effort. There are also many clans and cabals to join, each one having their own history and disposition. If none of the pre-existing clans suits you, you can create a new one and become the leader of your own clan. Whether you are out to make a name for yourself as a clan leader, a fierce warrior, a nefarious demoniac, or a powerful prophet, the adventure that awaits you at Kallisti will keep you coming back for more.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 24, 2005
Updated address of one of the oldest MUDs in existence: kallistimud.com 4000 Have fun!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on May 18, 2005
Wonderful Mud, my favorite. Full of flavor and character. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys muds!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 21, 2004
Regrettably, I have to echo some of the other reviewers here. The mud itself is fantastic; many unique areas, lots of classes and skills to have fun with, the legend and noble system. But the administration is at best, inconsistent. Rules are not enforced for many many months, then all of a sudden someone takes an interest...usually spurred by a friend getting insulted, pkilled, whatever...and then the iron fist comes out. Only to be put back away again after a short time. The frustrating lack of consistency and adminitarion is driving many good players way, mostly to the "other kallisti", which does not have these sorts of problems. All in all, 2 out of 5. -Vox
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 24, 2004
Regrettably, I have to echo some of the other reviewers here. The mud itself is fantastic; many unique areas, lots of classes and skills to have fun with, the legend and noble system. But the administration is at best, inconsistent. Rules are not enforced for many, many months, then all of a sudden someone takes an interest. Usually spurred by a friend getting insulted, pkilled, whatever and then the iron fist comes out only to be put back away again after a short time. The frustrating lack of consistency and administration is driving many good players away, mostly to the 'other kallisti', which does not have these sorts of problems. -Vox
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 24, 2004
This mud has quite a bit to offer as far as zones, classes, and variety of playing styles, but the one thing that keeps me from playing on a consistent basis is the so called integrity of the administration. A friend of mine had a character of his that he had built up over a three year period taken away from him over what one of the admin considered a violation of the rules by his interpretation. If you do play here, I would definately consider turning off all communication channels as the admin is easily offended and seem extremely mute/freeze happy. I, for one, quit playing over two months ago due to these injustices, and would not recommend this mud to anyone. If you like the style of this mud, there is a sister mud extrememly close to this one at 4200, I suggest checking it out instead.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 7, 2004
A friend of mine introduced me to Kallisti. It is by far one of the best muds i have ever and will ever play. The classes are built in such a fashion that there should be little room for complaint and the levels are spread in such a fashion that you should be able to enjoy playing no matter what level you are. Between a multitude of great features and Sysop's neverending struggle to improve the MUD, i will have to say there is only one problem i could find: I have to work, go to school, and furthermore maintain a new a relationship. If it were not for the immense fun and time that CAN be devoted, i would have continued playing for quite some further. Unfortunatly i find that the best and most rewarding hobbies/experiences must come with sacrifices and i just cannot make them right now. KALLISTI RAWKS!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 22, 2004
Kallisti is one of the best muds ive played. There are 50 levels and then you can become a noble and get more. There are lots of areas, classes, and races. The players are very friendly and grouping can be very fun. The only problem with Kallisti is that its gods are never on and when they are they sit there and do nothing! If Kallisiti had better immortals it would be the best mud possible.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 20, 2003
I think that this site has some major flaws in it. Like how the players are allowed to gang up and pick so to say on another I am going to do my own gaming site and I think that it will be much more creative and fun. This site has to many disagreements amoung the people who are staffing it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 26, 2003
This was my first MUD and i've yet to find a free MUD half as good as this one. It is exremely addicting and all it's features make it even more interesting. Kallisti has some stock and some not-so-stock classes and races, providing an interesting mix. You can remort at or after level 50 into a bigger, stronger class. There are many player-run clans and cabals to choose and join. There's a top10 command to rank yourself against all other players, your class type, or just your class. Grouping with other players isn't necessary, but can greatly help! If there are no groups to join, you can participate in the random arenas, fighting PVP with no risk of losing eq or exp. Starting at level 50, you must "meta" your stats and hmv to gain levels instead of plain ol' leveling. There are many other things, too many to list here, so you'll have to check it out for yourself at legends.dridus.com port 4000 ;)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 6, 2003
This mud does offer alot but be forwarded rules can be changed on the fly and often with-out notice! This mud has had allot of trouble keeping admins and each new group brings new rules/friends. Role playing is not understood here although they claim to 'welcome' it. There are quite a bit of new areas and many to yet be added
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 31, 2002
This MUD is awesome. There are good low level areas to get you started and great mid to upper level areas to keep you challenged. Grouping is nice, but absolutely necessary. People are generally nice, and good natured sarcasm runs rampant as well! I'd recommend this MUD to anyone and have already made a couple converts! See ya in the arena!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 6, 2001
I've been in many different muds in the many years that i've mudded, and Legneds is by far the funnest. Most of the players are very friendly, some arn't, but most are. the help files are very user-friendly, and all around this mud would get 4 out of 5 stars in my opinion
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 18, 2001
An excellent mud, easy to understand, almost endless adventure, extremely challenging. All around great mud.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 29, 2000
Legends of Kallisti is a nicely original mud, with a large variety of races and classes. I have found that not only are the majority of palyers to be extremely helpful to new mudders, but the game lends itself easily to learning the basics. Automated quests and a large number of low level areas make starting new characters a ton o fun. However, there are many areas that challenge even the highest level characters. The structure of the classes makes grouping very useful, if not necessary, and thus helps promote the social interaction between players. From the variety of character possibilities to the vast number of areas to explore, LoK is worth more than a look!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 17, 2000
Having played on Legends of Kallisti for six years now, I take the greatest pleasure out of seeing a MUD evolve. What started out as a typical DIKU/Circle-based code (with all of its inherent limitations) has grown into a living, breathing world with more special processes, rapier-sharp wit, and raucous humor than I thought possible. This is due to a combination of three things that transform a normal MUD into a phenomenal forum for creativity: 1. DESIGNERS who are willing to go the distance (in coding and effort) to bring online new areas, concepts, and character development ideals. 2. A consistent playerbase thoroughly familiar with coding that is capable of sparking new ideas, asking new questions, and fabricating entirely new ways of problem-solving---on a daily basis. 3. ARETE. A commitment to excellence unparalleled in the gaming industry (unless of course you'd like to count Squaresoft's Xenogears). This pursuit of excellence manifests itself in an order so diverse as to encourage newbie exploration, while engaging the seniormost players with ever-changing challenges. These three things are the basis for a successful, enjoyable MUDding experience. Now I know I've been general in this description, so allow me to elaborate: I've dealt with game coders, creators, and implementors before--and I have run afoul of the clueless, lazy variety from time to time--I've been kicked off of a mud for "levelling too quickly", to getting playerkilled for making suggestions that upset the status quo, to taking a turn at coding myself--and I've learned that the best mud is one where the creators are actively engaged and truly interested in creating a product that enhances enjoyment, and listen to the players in order to do so. For instance, Kallisti's character development is head and shoulders above anything else out there--after reaching your maximum level, you can begin to further increase your statistics by spending your experience and gold--thereby helping your character obtain "NOBLE" status. There is an entire system of nobility on kallisti, and the highest ranking nobles can even establish "BLOODLINES" (id est, the creation of your own descendants who begin their virtual lives imbued with greater abilities). Your descendants' progress imbues the ancestor with greater abilities as well--a totally revolutionary concept in roleplaying. Weapons can be specialized in, yielding different abilities for high-level users as well as increased damage and THAC0. They even have a dual-class system in effect, called the REMORT system which allows players to start over after attaining max levels, but this time as a character class unavailable at startup--with all of the interesting benefits that it implies... Oddly enough, the most welcome change (to me, of course!) came about through an idea I had, as a returning player. The QUEST system on Kallisti formerly required an immortal online to create the quest, run the quest, assign quest points, smoothe over ruffled feathers, etc. Recently, Kallisti adopted a program that randomly distributes quest items throughout the game, on mobs, on the ground...at reboot--and these quest items yield random (and amazing)... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 3, 2000