Legends of the Jedi
Star Wars-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1999.
Ranked 64th of 788 worlds statistically.
Ranked 2nd of 16 worlds in the Star Wars genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
23 (34 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
48 (last 30 days)

LotJ 4.3

Average Connected:
25 (last 30 days) ▼38%

Minimum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
             ________   ___   ____ 
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   | |      Welcome to Star Wars: Legends of the Jedi     | | 
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   | |     (C)ontact us at imms@legendsofthejedi.com      | |
   | |   (B)ased on the SWR 1.0 Codebase by Sean Cooper   | |
   | |          (C)reator CYBER_Aeon (Aka Ghost)          | |
   | |       (C)oding by Orion, Rojan, Miros and Rengawm  | |
   | |           (G)ame Owners: RojanWalldo            | |
   | |              ...The Legend Awaits...               | |
   \ \_______________________    _   ___   ____   _______/ / 
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                            \_/\_/ |_| |_||_|\_\|__/ 
Enter your name, or type NEW for a new character. 
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(E)nter your name: 
Come to Legends of the Jedi and enter a gaming experience where the players can rewrite the classic Star Wars stories with their own battles, their own heros, and their own endings. LotJ operates on a progressive timeline that extends approximately 18 months, and takes players through all of major points of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. No matter what your favorite era is, you're sure to find it on Legends of the Jedi. The key positions on Legends of the Jedi are all played out by members of our player base. From the Queen of Naboo, the Jedi Master, the Princess of Alderaan, to the Sith Lord, or the last surviving Mandalorian hunter. LotJ players are never without exciting parts to role Have...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2] [3]

[SWR] LotJ 1.0 [1]
Star Wars Reality - Highly modified with 5 years of code [2]
LotJ 4.3 [3]

2000 [2]
1999 [3]

Custom [3]

Sub Genre:
Star Wars [3]

Roleplaying [3]

USA [1]
Canada [2]
US [3]

RP Enforced PK [2]

Star Wars [2]

Science Fiction [3]

Game System:
Custom [3]

Come to Legends of the Jedi and enter a gaming experience where the players can rewrite the classic Star Wars stories with their own battles, their own heros, and their own endings. LotJ operates on a progressive timeline that extends approximately 18 months, and takes players through all of major points of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. No matter what your favorite era is, you're sure to find it on Legends of the Jedi. The key positions on Legends of the Jedi are all played out by members of our player base. From the Queen of Naboo, the Jedi Master, the Princess of Alderaan, to the Sith Lord, or the last surviving Mandalorian hunter. LotJ players are never without exciting parts to role play. Have an idea of your own that you'd like to introduce? Our webpage offers an online method for submitting applications for things ranging from Jedi Force to clans to character roles or anything else you can dream up. Our playing environment features the planets and themes that are most commonly associated with Star Wars: Jedi Knights, Senators, hidden Sith Lords, Hutt crime clans, and bounty hunting guilds. Role play is strongly enforced on Legends of the Jedi. Player kills must be handled in accordance with our rules, and have strong supporting cause. Players who feel their death has not been handled properly will have the opportunity to dispute it with our player-elected Role Play Council, or RPC. The RPC is responsible for judging player disputes, restore requests, and many other in-game issues that may arise. Legends of the Jedi has a unique, user-friendly account system that allows our players garnish points from events, special quests, exemplary role playing, and the character's death (perm). Players may then use those points to purchase special races, and levels for new characters. [1]
LOTJ is a truly unique mud. It was passed on from former owners to the current ones, Anna and Orion. Since then Orion (the coder) has worked to create an accountable system of roleplaying and rewarding gameplay. The timeline is mobile, working from the earliest known themes (mandalorians, sith, old republic) through the ascent of the Empire, to the rebirth of the Republic. How this is done, however, depends on the players and the organizations(clans) that they make. For instance, instead of being in a military organization you can be an engineer who focuses on the creation of the best blasters or blades in the galaxy, or build ships from blueprints and then make a profit from selling those ships to other players. Not interested in that? Then be a smuggler, running spice (which adds a slew of bonuses along with a slew of negatives), or stealing ships. Pilots, Diplomats, Slicers, Spies, Doctors, Bounty Hunters and even Scientists can make a living and be part of our intricate storyline. All player deaths can be appealed via the RPC, or Role Play Council. This group of six player-elected jurors listens to both sides of the dispute before deciding if a death (we call them PERM for permanent) is legal or not. Our rules are clear, and our staff is accountable. Our rules for jedi and sets are simple. Jedi can be randomly rolled (you will have no idea) and then sensed by other jedi. Other jedi are set using an application/acceptance method. We give everyone a chance, and we give players the benefit of the doubt. With our account system, you never really lose everything even if all your characters die. Assuming your character has been played enough, you will get anywhere from 200-2000 points on death, usable to make a new character who is already leveled. You can even save up your points to 10,000 and purchase force, just as if you rolled it naturally! With new code added DAILY and a PR staff that strives to solve every player's issues, we offer some of the best service out there on a completely free mud. We don't even ask for donations, or accept them. Come see what you're missing, and we promise that once you enter our world you'll never look back. [2]

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  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. MUD Server Status Protocol (MSSP)
Time Connected Note
34m ago 23 players +1 player, the db grew 13
2h ago 22 players -2 players
3h ago 24 players -2 players
4h ago 26 players
5h ago 26 players +3 players
6h ago 23 players -1 player
7h ago 24 players -1 player
8h ago 25 players
9h ago 25 players -1 player, the db grew 10
10h ago 26 players +3 players, the db grew 1
11h ago 23 players -2 players
12h ago 25 players The db grew 1
13h ago 25 players +2 players, the db shrunk 2
14h ago 23 players -1 player, the db grew 63
15h ago 24 players +1 player
16h ago 23 players +1 player, the db grew 1
17h ago 22 players +1 player
18h ago 21 players +1 player, the db shrunk 10
19h ago 20 players +1 player
20h ago 19 players -1 player
21h ago 20 players +2 players
22h ago 18 players -1 player
23h ago 19 players
1d ago 19 players -3 players
1d ago 22 players -1 player
I've played LOTJ on and off for almost twenty years now. Circumstances in life sometimes caused me to stop playing for years at a time, and running an eight year storyline in another MUD distracted me, but this is the one MUD that I consistently return to and I'm surprised by all of the developments that have occurred since I was gone. I literally feel like a new player each time I have to come back. I've met a lifelong friend on this game about fifteen years ago, that I still keep in touch with on a regular basis. The MUD has a lot of custom code to differentiate it from most other Star Wars MUD's that have existed before and currently. It would be difficult to describe all of this in detail, but some standouts would be: the RPC, a council of elected players who help out with any questions you might have and debate restore requests from frivolous PK's/perms. The force system is pretty much one of a kind, but I'll leave the secrets for you to discover on the rare chance that you get to be one of the glowstick wielders.Espionage/Slicing/Medical/Science are all custom skills that aren't in a stock SWR codebase. There's a introduction/greet/dub system. Building ships and armor part by part as an engineer. Full ship interiors. Just too much to list and always something new being worked on. There's also a ton of players to interact with, as I've been seeing 80-85 players at night and even 40-50 in the wee morning hours. I've never had to go out of my way to get interaction with someone. I think the MUD is probably the definitive Star Wars RP experience on the internet. It's about the closest thing to a sandbox that you can get, in my opinion. Be careful of the addiction that might occur when you start playing.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 4, 2019
I have played LOTJ for awhile now with some breaks between firmly addicted sessions. I do have some criticisms of the place, but the most important thing to note is, in my mind, that I keep coming back. The Good Space Travel - The flight system is one of the most enjoyable mechanics on LOTJ for me. I loved it the first time I wandered into a public taxi on my first play-through, swiftly realized that after launching I had no idea whatsoever what to do that I was drifting slowly toward a sun, and found myself panicking while scouring helpfiles for how to contact other characters to rescue me. I ended up finding a way to send a radio message to other ships in my immediate vicinity, and whoever it was that answered after several such desperate hails guided me step by step, little by little, into getting into planetary orbit so I could land again. I'm sure this might SOUND like complaining, but it was actually one of my favorite experiences on a MUD, ever. I went from 'I wonder what this nonsense does' to suddenly finding myself immersed in the moment and setting, having to explain that I didn't take any naval courses at the academy, I don't want to fly into a sun, HELP. Flight is complex but not so complex that it's unapproachable. Even with a good understanding of how to use the system now, there are layers and levels to it well above what I know. Orbital bombardments, tractor beams that actually work, capital ships that require multiple players to properly use... The list of what ships and 3D gridded space travel can do for every player from a diplomat with a personal shuttle to a smuggler with a beat-up freighter, then all the way up to a major government with several capital ships is pretty endless. The Timeline System - This was difficult for me to comprehend, coming from games where the timeline is the timeline and it's always moving in a linear fashion, but it's actually pretty darn fantastic once you get a feel for it. The immortals design a three-part (each part is called an Era) storyline that extends across a couple real life years, then release the players into the often fully redesigned world to do their thing. There is usually a trigger point for the Era turnover, such as one major government managing to destroying the other. Throughout the course of the timeline, the three Eras play out. If you're still with me and don't get why this is a good thing (I didn't at first!), you have to think about it within the context of how Star Wars stories typically end - dramatically, and with massive destruction. Having a timeline means that that timeline will eventually end, which means that the players can (and probably will) destroy the ENTIRE GALAXY without it needing to be prevented by Staff so the game isn't ruined. With a story... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 24, 2019
A little more than a year ago I wrote this review for LOTJ, and as I've come back (again!) since to play some more I thought I'd revisit. As far as I can tell, literally every flaw I cited in my previous review has been improved upon, up to and including the amount of grinding that was required to do certain things. There's still some of it, but it's nothing at all like it was. It's come to a pretty comfortable balance. I'm genuinely floored by how much obvious care and work has been put in by the Staff to resolve the (admittedly minor) issues and kick things up to a whole new level. This was never a bad game, it was always good. Now, though, it's coming up on fantastic. They kept all the good and smoothed out the little rough spots. I really couldn't be happier. Game areas have taken a noticeable uptick in quality and design since the last time I played. They were never bad, they've just gotten better. I spent an afternoon fishing on the Wroonian coast the other day, because that's totally a thing now. Couldn't be more tickled by the variety of new quest types and styles I'm discovering. The builders have gotten amazingly creative. Code updates and new feature releases have become a thing, and as they never really had been throughout my time on the game it's kind of a big deal to me. It really adds to the excitement, seeing long-desired features being added and things we never knew we wanted (but definitely do) getting released. Again, kudos to Staff here. Roleplaying has moved away from being so comlink-specific and become a lot more common face to face. On top of that, almost everybody I've run into puts the effort into writing their own emotes (rather than exclusively using socials/say). This is more of a style preference than anything - different strokes for different folks - but I'm pretty thrilled with it. There's nothing wrong with says/socials, but emotes! I'm stoked. For the wordier RPers out there, if you tried LOTJ before and it wasn't your style, you may be pleasantly surprised by trying it again. Don't expect MUSH-style essays, but do expect some truly great, compact emotes that suit the faster-paced atmosphere of the game world. LOTJ has achieved that difficult to find middle-ground. Something else I touched on before were Staff attitudes, which while by no means abusive, I did feel were a kind of antiquated. It had the air of being a Staff from another time - prone to flexing unnecessarily, so on. I go back to being baffled here, because it's like somebody waved a magic wand and it all vanished overnight. Same Staff, same playerbase, completely different atmosphere. Newbies are actively being recruited, too, which used to be kind of a rough spot - any game that survives for decades gets a bit of the "old guard" mentality, especially in a deliciously environment... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 24, 2019
---ALERT: This review is written by someone who is not a native English speaker.-- Dark Lord of the Sith giving his last breath as the shimmering blue lightsaber cuts through his chest, Jedi Master battling her way through the hoarde of sith troopers, Chancellor with a look of defeat on his face as he stands in the Senate Meeting unable to acquire the majority vote, a young aspiring smuggler picking the lock of a famous bounty hunter?s ship unaware of what is about to happen, an Ace pilot bidding his farewell as he hops aboard his X-wing?s cockpit, Fleet Admiral running left and right trying to keep her fleet intact while battling against a fleet of Mandalorian Dreadnoughts, a young child standing right at the Coruscant?s famous Plaza just as the Mandalorian Dreadnoughts start to bombard the planet, a slicer trying to hack the code of a turbolift in time to escape from the enemy base? Lotj stands for Legends of the Jedi, but in reality it is the Legends of the Star Wars. Every player will have a chance to create and enjoy epic moments with their characters throughout the storyline of Lotj. I?d know, I?ve played many of those roles. Those of you reading this might wonder if this mud is worth a try. Bear with me as I tell you my own story: I was 18 years old back in 2004 when I first joined Lotj. The mud was crowded, there was about 100ish active players at every given day. The Republic hardly managing to stand straight, Kuat Drive Yards hoarding hundreds of Imperial Star Destroyers, Neru Bas dominating both the Sith and the Jedi as they had developed their own mantra and ways, the Republic and the Jedi Order crumbling down against the pressure of Neru Bas? So being the egoistical guy I am, even at that age, I create my character. Name? Easy? Nadral Skywalker. Hrm no skywalker? Okay fine? Nadral Skylancer. Race? Gee what was Anakin?s race? Now I thought I was a Star Wars fan, at least one with some decent bit of knowledge, turns out I didn?t know jack. I called my best friend, asked him what was Anakin?s race since there were a bunch of human races and I wasn?t sure. He casually tells me Wookiee, and in the blink of an eye I had my first character. Just thinking about it gives me the goosebumps. I remember I was a total newbie back then, that is the one thing I miss the most. After taking my first wage, Senator of Ryloth suggests that I buy a ship. Sure I said, how hard can it be I said? -Fast tracking 1 hour afterwards- With a defeated demeanor I finally ask to my clan mates, ?So how do we launch this ship?? Launch? Really? That simple? -grumbles- Okay cool. So where is this engineering company at? Suffice to say I am one of those annoying know it all types. then... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 26, 2019
I have been playing LotJ for close to 14 years now. In that time, the longest I have gone without playing is probably 2 months. There is always something to do, or some action to get in on and there is a fully story refresh about every 1.5 to 2 years. There's 3 Eras per timeline, progressing from Old Republic through what some may recognize as the Original Trilogy (but typically only familiar in that there is an Empire and a Rebellion. Most recently it was an Empire of War Droids with an Emperor taught lightsaber skills by a Force Ghost), to the EU or sometimes the Sequel Trilogy. But that's the only thing the timelines have in common. Every time the story refreshes, it's some new scenario and a chance to make your mark on the MUD. Become a Senator, be a Sith Lord, run your own engineering corporation and develop new and exciting equipment for the players to use. Starting up a new character can be difficult and there are parts that can be a grind but the Immortals are always listening to feedback and make significant changes often, to help balance the game. Once the grind is over, your efforts are rewarded with an open world before you with only your imagination as the limit.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jan 10, 2019
First and foremost the claimed online count is, to say the least, misleading. As this game consists of at least 90-95% AFK botting (as this is what you will do most in this game, and there are no rewards to do it by hand because it's annoying and repetitive stuff) when you see 30 players online, only a few of those are actively playing. And it becomes blandly obvious when you try to find some RP outside of US peak hours, where you will barely ever see any player around, despite online count staying around 30. But why do the bother to bot like that is beyond my grasp. The game is boring, pointless and one of those pretend-rp games, where the entirety of RP consists of withholding-name-game, where you refuse to 'greet' someone, despite introducing yourself, so that they won't remember you and the occasional scene where some rp may happen. But most of this game 'RP' is incredibly forced and works only as a thin veil to cover strictly OOC questions, like 'what is your score on galactic aptitude test' to share numerical stats in RP-way. Unless you enjoy endless botting and once a week player interaction avoid this mud.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 12, 2017
Hi there. I'm something of a long time lotj player and I can't help but feel like you were one of those newbie players we had recently that asked a bunch of questions, then completely ignored the massive amount of answers you received and then quit because you didn't want 'to read that much' on our lovely text based medium. There are occasionally people that don't utilize the greet system for their own reasons, but to supplement that, there is a 'dub' system whereby your character can assign identities to anyone you meet, and at the end of era 3 (March of 2017) there was a LOT of in-character tension between the two major clans of the game, those being the Republic Union and First Order (Empire-alike) which led to often strained public relations. There was an engineering clan group that was 100% neutral in regards to that war however, which you would have been directed to join had you simply ..asked. As for the active times of players, it's true that our playerbase is predominantly based in the United States, Canada, Mexico and SA. We do have a handful of EU and Australian players, but nowhere near the comparative numbers. If you were to ask my opinion on character grind, you'd find me generally confused because while there is a little bit of a grind in order for your character to master endgame skills which would give them a lot of powerful utility, by no means is the grind to perfect your character on lotj anything like most RPi muds at all. It's actually relatively simple to maximize your levels and adept your skills because on lotj, when your charater dies, it dies forever. Not much point to a massive grind buildup because you're not going to sit on your character for years grinding levels for remorting. I'm.. honestly not certain how to address the general tone of your complaints, which seemed to be that this isn't the mud for you. Sorry about that, and I wish you luck in your future mudding endeavors.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 25, 2017
Legends of the Jedi is by far one of the best SWR based starwars muds out there: Solid code. High player count when storylines are hot. An evolving mud wide story line that resets every few years. Quality roleplay opportunities. However that said while there are certainly positive aspects of the mud there are also some glaring issues as well. LOTJ has a clique problem that is widely acknowledged by both staff and players and these cliques run rampant in all aspects of the MUD. Be it setting up exclusionary pvp groups to settle IC or OOC scores via the use of alternate characters, attempts to guide the muds storylines via out of game methods (also called aimcliques,) using cliqued force users to 'sense' or 'awaken' friends or stacking the Role Play Council to ensure voting goes their way the cliques have been a big problem and continue to be. Just be warned that if you decide to play LOTJ there are two levels of gameplay at work: The IC scene and the secondary (or primary for some) OOC scene which tries to control the IC scene.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2017
Legends of the Jedi is one of the few real Star Wars MUDs with any real staying power. They have a unique codebase which has been carefully groomed and guarded over the years, and they have an even more unique way of running the MUD. With a system of Timelines and Eras, the game remains fresh and objectively fair over the years by progressing time in the story over a 3 era spanning timeline. Once that timeline completes, they pwipe and start a new timeline at era 1. They make sure to mix up the importance of locations and bring fresh places as well as old favorites in and out of the story as it requires. The playerbase is strong and quite a bit more helpful than trolly which is something that has really kept me around. I'm on the outside of most major RP events because I don't dedicate the time to it that I used to when I was younger, but I still enjoy my time on LOTJ both IC and OOC and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys role-playing, science fiction or star wars.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2017
LOTJ is the definitive Star Wars Reality experience, and should be your only destination if you crave a roleplay enforced environment with storytelling professionals. The systems are spot on, the intrigue is abundant, and the gritty realism/danger of a perm death universe is exciting. Stop on by, we'll get you going!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 17, 2015
I've played Legends of the Jedi off and on since 1999. I played regularly in 1999, 2003-2004 and now since 2010. Each time, I've been what I like to call myself a 're-newbie' because I have to relearn the game every time I come back. This isn't a bad thing, it's because the MUD is in active, constant development. The game is always changing, sometimes worse sometimes better. New features are being added all the time, just this last year there was a major revamp to the slicer class that made it even more competitive than before. Full disclosure: I am currently the leader of one of the game's dominant clans. My character, Zarkonian, has over 3700 hours of active gameplay on him. I have been engrossed in roleplay from the moment I made him, with people I don't like OOCly and with people that I do. This is a lot, as the game features a permdeath system. When you get involved in conflict, there is a chance you, your clan or your friends can be permanently wiped off of the map. I spend a considerable amount of time making sure that newbies and veterans alike get a position in my clan so that they can learn the game. LOTJ is an RP PK game. This means that war is a very important aspect of the game's roleplay. As happened recently, occasionally a clan can be given months to prepare for an inevitable war and still not be ready when it actually happens. A clan being defeated almost always leads to the storyline moving forward, however, which is the beauty of LOTJ's rolling timeline. We have three eras -- the Old Republic, the Empire, and the New Republic. In each of these, war is the focal point and creates a lot of internal and external conflict between players. Emotions can run high and people may misattribute a loss to immortal intervention, but this is almost never the case from my personal experience. In other reviews, I've noticed that some players complain our average player count has dropped from 76-65 to 50-35. This is true. Their reasons are mostly incorrect, however. LOTJ's player decline has coincided with every MUD's population decline since the popularity of MMOs increased. LOTJ is still very similar from an administration perspective as it was a decade ago, the only difference now is that the amount of non-text based online entertainment has increased. Walldo is one of the better game owners I have dealt with on any MUD. I will admit I am difficult to deal with at times and even on LOTJ I have been banned and silenced for months at a time because I hurl abuse at players and staff. The difference here is that Walldo is willing to hear you out when you are angry. He's also willing to hear you out if you have a plan that he thinks will benefit the MUD's storyline. I encourage everyone to give LOTJ fair... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2014
I can agree with this. Having gone from enemies with Zeromus last TL, to friends this TL, and then to enemies again, I can say that the reactivity of the mud is quite active if you yourself actively try to be involved. If you want to sit around and wait for things to come to you, this isn't the mud. You have the ability to go out and mold the Universe in whatever image you desire if you have the drive, the intelligence, and the tenacity to do so. It is entirely in your hands. Galactic domination is only a few Senate votes away, get involved and take the reigns.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 12, 2014
First things first. When you start playing LOTJ it does appear brilliant. The MUD is as expertly-coded and polished as a SWR codebase MUD can be, except for the odd happening where a coder accidentally breaks the exp to next level thing when you type 'level' and it displays random number strings for months. After you've been around for a couple of timelines, if you're paying any sort of attention, you'll start noticing that certain characters act suspiciously like ones you've seen in past eras or timelines. And the clans run by those familiar characters seem to get an awful lot of breaks that other people don't, both from the immortals and by being conveniently left alone or outright assisted by, say, a clan of pirates run by yet another character that you feel like you've seen half a dozen times. To be fair, you can't entirely blame the MUD for this, as it's inevitable with a game that's lasted as long as LOTJ. People will naturally gravitate to each other over time, and you end up with a dozen or so powergamers that have been playing together for years and collaborate on everything. Should you develop a negative opinion about the mud that you make the mistake of expressing publically, prepare for open ridicule. They won't actually bother to attempt to counter anything you've said, ad hominem attacks are much, much easier. Olivia's review is a perfect example - within hours of it being noticed by the immortal staff, there were imms and players questioning whether or not the player was really a girl, speculating that the person was a bad roleplayer or had ragequit because they belonged to a defunct clan or one that was currently on the wrong side of a war, etcetera. Soon enough, you'll either have joined the player exodus (it wasn't that long ago there were 60-70 on constantly, now it's more like 30-40) or joined the 50% of the remaining playerbase that hides in their houses/clanbases/capital ships using the game's public comms network to insult other players from comfortable safety. Maybe, if you stick it out long enough, you'll get to join the clique. Then you can win the internet.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 17, 2013
Just out of curiosity, how would I legitimately counter the loaded statement that I am part of a clique that is 'cowtowed' to by imms when I know it isn't true? I am legitimately interested to hear your response. Thanks in advance.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 15, 2013
Also within hours the owner of the mud reached out to talk about the players' opinion and I'll do the same to you. The IMM staff is always willing to listen. If you aren't happy with something that is happening, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you are quitting over something you don't like, we'd rather you talk to us so we can maybe set the record straight. Immchat or email, to the whole staff or just me, we will listen. There's a lot of theory discussion that can go into why some players always seem to get into important roles, but I would like to point out that most of our clan leaders in this timeline were people who haven't done it before, including right this minute. Our pbase numbers are always cyclical with peaks and valleys, look us up on mudstats.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 15, 2013
'Should you develop a negative opinion about the mud that you make the mistake of expressing publically, prepare for open ridicule.' This is probably a reference to us joking around on OOC (Out of character channel) after we noticed the negative review. LOTJ pbase is familiar with people yelling, 'I quit!' and leaving to cool off, only to welcome them back later when they wind up returning. The staff are completely receptive and open to discuss anything MUD related. In fact that day we were talking about this they made a mud-wide message urging people to come forward or speak privately with any/all of the imms here with whatever issues they might have via immchat or e-mail.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 15, 2013
Having hit nearly my seven year mark here at LotJ, I have to say I leave it with mixed feelings. Upon beginning to play, it was still a metropolis of well RPed characters, fun player driven timelines and a superb code; probably the most extensive and molded I've seen of the remaining Star Wars MUDs. I have spent a good portion of my adult life fine tuning and RPing characters here. In '07 I think I saw the player count hit 85 or more on a rare occation. Unfortunately, fast forward to 2012, and we see a largely deminished player base. 45 to 50 people on at a time. Most of those good RPers I mentioned before have been driven off and are replaced by constantly hiding in your clan base because the IMMs cowtow to a clique of players who actively alienate and wage war on any who oppose them, make them feel threatened or have done either of these things in past timelines to them. They control half of the galaxy, two of the major playing clans of this era and a ton of Capitol ships. Pretty much if you're someone like myself, there is no redemption, only PKs or straight up hiding in your future. Not only do the IMMs constantly overlook their poorly RPed in character decisions, player kills and metagaming, but a handful actively use their IMMship to further their own IC agendas all while helping the clique out constantly with free IC swag and zero penalties for rule violations. The extreme bias I've seen as this mud has switched owners is disheartening, and ultimately the reason I am departing after playing for the majority of a decade. At one point this MUD was player driven, RP based and fun. As it is now, if you're not on one of the IMMs good sides, appart of the super clique who always gets what they want with half the effort, or possibly Jesus, you probably will not have fun on this mud in the long haul. Might be fun for a short stint, though. Just try not to get to know the terrible people.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 17, 2013
Sad to see you decided to quit and post this review instead of talking to the staff. If you ever change your mind I hope you know that we're always listening. I'll be happy to address whatever concerns you have. There is a lot of misinformation in this review.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2013
Just want to take apart some of this: 'Not only do the IMMs constantly overlook their poorly RPed in character decisions, player kills and metagaming, but a handful actively use their IMMship to further their own IC agendas all while helping the clique out constantly with free IC swag and zero penalties for rule violations.' - Ok. If you suspect IMMabuse have you sent in logs? Or asked what happened? I know some of the people on here on the IMMside and I've seen them smack the nose of everyone, clique included. 'The extreme bias I've seen as this mud has switched owners is disheartening, and ultimately the reason I am departing after playing for the majority of a decade. At one point this MUD was player driven, RP based and fun. As it is now, if you're not on one of the IMMs good sides, appart of the super clique who always gets what they want with half the effort, or possibly Jesus, you probably will not have fun on this mud in the long haul. Might be fun for a short stint, though. Just try not to get to know the terrible people.' Why? 1) I'm friends with a few of the 'terrible' people. Two: ICA=ICC. In Character Actions equal In Character Consequences. Some things you may not have been made aware of caused the grumblings here. Just..ask next time and try. I get why you're angry but..honestly what have you done to try to fix it? 'Every' problem I've met this Timeline had a damn good solution to fix it.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 14, 2013
Legends Of The Jedi is a Star Wars based MUD that entertains era based time lines. Players will move from old republic, to Empire, to New republic, and that kind of thing over a span of about one era per year. When the final era is over, the time line restarts. This establishes legacies, and often has 'End Era Events', which consist of grand battles or nifty plots. I've had a fairly enjoyable time on the MUD, finding the RP both casual and intense at times. But the real thing that kept me around as long as I stayed was the fast paced PK and combat systems, which would pump adrenaline through my body time and time again. PROS: The staff are constantly updating things, and are mostly friendly, helpful, and open to input. People are generally nice to newbies here, and it's even forbidden in most cases to kill someone who's under a certain level. The gameplay is pretty smooth, easy to learn, and aids roleplay/PK equally. There are coded commands in the emote system that allow you to target things, people, items, even ships. It makes it so much easier to become in depth in the game. There is an account system that garnishes you points as your characters inevitably die. You can use these points to purchase levels, restricted races, or even force for your future characters. CONS: Code that's broken in some places, or virtually useless in others because of how the player base has developed. A good example would be the weapons branch. Repeaters, and swords have become the only good weapons to use. Force pikes, pistols, and everything else has become obsolete because of lesser damage, and null supply of crafting materials. The staff have made it pretty clear that they don't intend on changing this. War, which I feel is the main component of Star WARS, becomes a taxing chore when you have to mold your character ideas around what the code allows, unless you don't mind getting destroyed in PVP. Taking over planets is annoying, requiring hovering above them with a ship, and waiting for 3 hours as the popular support lowers. The vast majority of the player base, I suspect, are thirteen year olds. The roleplay here is shallow unless you can establish yourself among a group of known friends, but that's frowned upon. The boards, and OOC channels can often be filled with trolling, arguing, and people just being stupid (And not in a fun way, which I always appreciate and have been known to partake in). When you're not grinding levels here, or affiliated with some clan that's putting you to work, it can be very boring. In SUMMARY: LOTJ is probably the best STAR WARS MUD that you'll find on the internet right now. Boring at times, it's infinitely worth it when the fast paced action begins (On land, AND in space.), and if you can find the right people.. the roleplay is really enjoyable well.... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 10, 2012
Some things from this older review have been updated now. For example, when I touched on immortals not intending to change the balance on weapons and how swords/repeaters were the best choice: It's all been balanced out, and rebalanced again recently. Each weapon type is now viable in its own way. There are still factions of players who prefer PK over RP, and diminish the game sometimes in that regard. But there's also the opposite, we have some solid roleplayers here. Races are still streamlined towards certain classes, some will be better than others at things. Others are versatile. But there's a wide variety to choose from to fit different character ideas, so it's not easy to pigeon hole yourself. This game is constantly being updated and takes feedback directly from it's players. It's worth a look.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 10, 2012
Let me start off by saying this mud has problems. All old muds do. However, this is one of the few muds I've found over the years where the pros FAR outweigh the cons. This mud is quite literally the last real Star Wars MUD. Every single other competitor has either simply faded away or become so stagnant and unchanging that it might as well be considered dead. LOTJ does a fantastic job of keeping things updated, adding new things and keeping the flow of the game moving so that the curse of stagnation does not force it to meet a similiar fate as the others. There is always conflict, as it should be, and it always keeps things interesting. Again, there are a few obvious problems. Some of the players are less than spiffy, but I overlook that as the majority of the playerbase here is excellent and do what they can to make the game enjoyable. To sum it up, if you haven't tried this mud and you, like me, have skipped through every Star Wars mud you can find looking for a solid home....well come in and be happily surprised. You've found it.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 18, 2012
As far as MUDs go, the desire in them is often for content, constant review, and updating. LOTJ delivers those things in droves. A given time line is supported by three playable eras during which anything from race costs to planet layout to whatever else can change. In the time I've been playing, at least three planets have already been updated to be more functional, look better, and provide a greater overall Star Wars experience. The events hosted by the Imm staff are also a great way to be involved. Combat Games are hosted from time to time which pit players against each other outside of normal play. End of Era events bring all sorts of people out of the woodwork to play and see what happens. The MUD is RP-enforced, giving each player a limited amount of OOC usage at any time. This allows players more of an opportunity to truly immerse themselves in the SW universe. The MUD is non-cannon, so while it is the SW universe, the Imms and players drive their own conceptualizations of what is/should be going on at any time. There is even a council set up, which is elected by the players every so often, that reviews PK (player kill) cases to ensure that the MUD rules and IC protocol are followed. All around, I can't think of a better MUD to play on.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 28, 2009
I've played Lotj for 5 years now. I grew tired of the hack and slash of most muds and instantly fell in love with a rich environment where i could become one of the most influential and powerful players without ever needing to kill a single mob. A universe where everything is possible (my first character, a Jawa, fell in love with a human =D) I've seen the fall and rise of mighty empires, horrific murders, terrible plagues, treachery, and justice. I've seen planets burn and mutants unleashed. I've fought in wars, been arrested for terrorism, abducted by Sith, harassed by drug addicts insisting my name is Edgar The Brain, and much more. Whilst PK is permitted in this mud it generally only happens to those who deserve it, in my 5 years i've been PKed perhaps twice, once because i attacked another ship and another whilst a soldier of the republic, who spat in the face of a Mandalorian during a war. The Pbase are fun loving and dedicated RPers. Why don't you come join us and see what has kept me here for so long. -Rottki The Pirate. P.S I
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 25, 2008
My experiences with LOTJ as a whole, over my time playing and staffing there, have been pleasant. This is despite the ever-present problems that every MUD has of the players who are only there to cause everyone headaches and frustration. I played Legends of the Jedi for a period of several years, moving my way up from hopeless newbie, to a Roleplay Council member, to an Immortal in that blip of time. I got to see a lot of how the MUD works from every angle, and while the positions I found myself in caused me minor headaches at times the general playerbase always remained constant: Fun, devoted, and able to adapt to almost any change. It was the one thing I missed when I resigned my positions on the MUD to follow through with my education and career. When I came back two years later, I was surprised to see that the old spirit hadn't changed. The Roleplay that a lot of our players put forth is without peer at times, and while we do have a few cat-girl skeletons in our MUD-closet, most characters rolled by our members are well developed and always up to something. I would be lying if I said that bias', exploitations in code and staff, and power-gaming weren't present here like they are in every MUD at one point or another. The difference I've found is that once there is a problem, nobody stands for it. The issue gets resolved, in the end, no matter how many times someone tries to get away it. We all strive to make LOTJ better than ever, with everything that happens, and that what I feel has made the player base still appeal to me in the long run. It's why I came back, and why I'm still playing now. -- Modem
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 22, 2008
This mud rocks my socks. I mean seriously. I had to go buy a new pair yesterday. It's just that crazy. One day I was like 'lulz omg, this is awesome.' The code is immaculate and always being worked on. And there are cool players there... like... uh... well, there's a couple of them. I think. Well like me for instance. I'm pretty awesome. The immortals are ok. Sometimes they think they know what they are doing, but I set them straight, so it's all ok. They all know their places. It's very well RP enforced, unfortunately shoot em and ask questions later can be fit into the IC flow... it happens. But regardless, this is the greatest SW mud I've ever played, and yes I've played them all, including the ones that are yet to come. Seriously. Like I said, this place rocks my socks. So bring an extra pair.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
This is one of the best muds ever it has a very large community of solid roleplayers, a well thought out character development system and a very light atmosphere. If you're new to roleplaying muds it's perfect for you, trust me, I was when i started. The permanent death system is very well made and is one of my favorite parts of the mud, as it adds a sense of danger to the game. After you die, if your character is old enough you get points added to your account with which you can buy other races which adds a bit of replay ability to the game. The multiclassing system is phenomenal forgoing the whole single class then remort style for a max level in each of the 12 classes. For instance you could end up being a level 150 engineer and a level 150 scientist and have 40 levels of piloting etc. This allows for dynamic characters and a lot of fun because you could go from making ships to smuggling to being a diplomat all in a day. The clan system is also very well thought out. They can completely dictate how you play the game if you want them to, whether you're and engineer or a Combatant there's something for you join the imperials, the republic maybe? Or one of the many companies available most have job placement for everyone. This is just a quick jotting of some things I like about it. Oh did I mention droids, datapads, player made space ships weapons and armor, the huge star wars setting, or player housing and shops? Nah... you'll see when you get there. Take my word the best mud this side of Coruscant!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
Legends of the Jedi is one of the best Star Wars based MUDs around. It is constantly evolving and changing, as the code base gets updated, new areas get built, new skills get coded in... all sorts of good changes and updates. There are currently around 62 different species that you can play. Note though, that some of these are restricted based on the current time line, require an application to be able to select, or require you to spend some of your 'account' points to buy. This helps keep everyone from playing a Mandalorian for instance, which wouldn't make the galaxy very realistic. About the points, you earn points based on the amount of time you have played a character, how well you have roleplayed, for participating in special events, and for cinematic death scenes. Its really a reward for good playing, and allows you to buy various races or even some levels to start out with. A very nice feature for the players. The mud also has a great space flight system. Planets and objects are positioned based on an x y z coordinate system, and planets have an extra X, Y component. With the various ships you can get, space exploration and space combat can be really entertaining. Or maybe you just like to run cargo to earn lots of Credits. Its really up to you how you go about it. And what about the ever popular force? I love how force is a random (although kind of low) chance for any character to have. You can't really be 'sensed' until you hit level 100, which prevents people from just suiciding until they get a forcer. You can also send in applications to play a forcer, or use a lot of points to start off with the force. Again, this prevents everyone from being a Jedi, and makes it a bit realistic with the random percentage. LotJ also has a Roleplaying Council, a group of pseudo-immortals / staff people that are selected from the players (the run for office and are voted on). The RPC handles most of the roleplaying issues that might arise. Say some random Rodian murdered you for no apparent reason. You can take it up with the RPC, and if they didn't have a good RP reason for killing you, you would get a restore. I think this is another really good feature of the MUD, allowing those that invest time and effort in their characters to not just loose them to some PK happy power-gamer. Now, if there was good reason to kill you (maybe you stole his ship a few too many times, or he just happens to be a bounty hunter that a rival clan hired to take you out)... well then you stay dead. The immortal 'staff' of the mud are pretty cool too, helping when bugs pop up or other weird glitches effect the mud. They even reward people who find the bugs and report or... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
LOTJ is a phenomenal player driven roleplay environment that hooks players by the sheer depth of the game. Before I played LOTJ I barely knew anything about Star Wars and I had never participated in any form of table top roleplaying, such as D&D. I didn't play LOTJ because it had anything to do with Star Wars. It was quite the contrary in fact. LOTJ actually turned me into a Star Wars fan and showed me how rewarding a roleplay environment could be. It has a wide variety of professions to choose from that may be familiar to those who have played the SWR codebase, however there have been several changes over the years that have expanded the game to a great degree. There are several things to do whether you want to make millions creating the best equipment in the galaxy as an engineer, pickpocket and swindle your millions as a smuggler, make your millions claiming bounties as a bounty hunter, or endure a life on the run as a known criminal. The possibilities are endless. The game has something to offer to both people who enjoy roleplay and those who enjoy a player killing environment. However, PKers beware because death is final and there are no second chances. I have lost several characters in the past who have been involved in the shadier side of things and to stay ahead of the pack you have to be quick thinking and tactful. Though, the feeling of outsmarting your opposition is exhilarating. I have tried every class and every single class has its perks, but regardless of class your character will always have a diverse skill set depending on the race you pick. The game is very well regulated and the staff takes their positions very seriously. You don't have to worry about a corrupt staff here and there is a Role Play Council (RPC) that is elected by the player body to help assist in PK disputes and general roleplay technique. I invite anyone to come try this mud out. I know if you take the time to appreciate all it has to offer you will be around perhaps as long as I. Our players are helpful and we always welcome new players, because with a larger pbase the events of the game can get even more exciting and crazy than they already are!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
This mud is very well coded and thought out, with strict RP/PK Policy as well. It also takes a long time to develop your character. About 6 months later, and I still had yet to max all my sciences. New features have been added over time, a gathering system invented and makedroid feature adds a nice touch, and gameplay can be hours of fun if you find the right people to roleplay with. However, from a player standpoint I have yet to say that LOTJ has matured into the utopia of star wars muds that it could be. There is still corruption among immortal staff, some of whom tend to have vendettas (I've been the target of several). A personal account should explain it best. Here is my experience: I returned from a break of about two months and created a jawa just for fun. I'd been playing for about three hours, joking around like I usually do, with the people who AREN'T busy botting. When I noticed one of the 'friendly' imm staff had decided to set my jawa as a human for 'poor' roleplay. Mind you it had been awhile and I may have said a few nonsense things on IC channels, but nothing drastically over the boundaries of that race's RP. Now, their rules state that you'll be given a warning and a week to adhere to the roleplay rules if your're inconsistent with the RP for that race until that type of measure would be taken. For me it was different. I inquired about why I had been immediately stripped and was met with a rather rude response and even called an 'idiot'. This is the type of treatment you can expect from the staff if they don't like you. There is no diplomacy, nor is there negotiation. If you are vilified, then it will be clear they do not want you there and any good characters you roll, you can be sure to lose it somehow until you get the message that you are clearly not welcome there. Other than that, if you haven't made any enemies with the staff and get along fine with everyone, you have nothing to worry about. There is however, an occasional spammer here and there who sends rather obscene messages to the mud and causes it to crash totally at random. This could possibly be another disgruntled mudder who has taken matters into their own hands in an non-constructive way.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
I agree with some of the things said in this review - there is corruption. However, in my experience I have not seen a MUD without corruption, and the corruption in this MUD is minimal, from what I can tell. There is some bias, but cases such as this are rare from what I have seen. The /occasional/ spammer is even rarer, although the MUD does crash every so often due to bugs, as no MUD is perfect of course. Although most of the time the bugs are fairly fixed.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 25, 2008
It should be pointed out that this original reviewer is in fact someone who is very close friends with the aforementioned 'spammers'. The goal of the spammer was an attempt to 'blackmail' the staff into undoing the punishment that the original poster has mentioned. This spammer has since moved on to attempting to advertise another mud on our games channels, one that the original poster owns.
MudConnector.Com Review by on May 10, 2008
The above comment is yet another good example of LOTJ staff vendettas. This mud used to be ranked #23 on TMC, why it is they've resorted to this and are so desperate for a scapegoat is evidence enough that they've fallen by the wayside. Do not blame 'blackmail' for your failures. This could really be a great place to play if there wasn't so much drama and corruption. A desperate attempt at best to bring ratings back up if you ask me and also a rather sorry attempt to save face. As for knowing the spammer, I knew them at one point in early 2003. I have also tried my best to deter and discourage them from spamming LOTJ and even my own MUD. That would explain the rarity of their visits as of late. That person and I rarely speak, if at all and that you would even think to bring that ancient assumption up only extends my point further about the drama and vendettas. Now, you can sit and debate all day and nitpick and this and that and make excuses for why your MUD is doing so poorly. You can blame George Bush and the economy, maybe it's the economy. Perhaps the Planetary alignment is off, that could be it. You can even target me if you like, despite constant efforts to help remedy the situation with the spammer, sure, I'll be your reason for why you're not doing well, we can do that. Heck, you can even blame it on my MUD if you like, why, maybe because I just started a MUD it's shifting the laws of the universe and it's causing your MUD to fail. ...But I think you owe it to your players to do something about the evident abuse of power. Maybe just maybe, that'll work and put you back where you were, where you belong. At the top. I'll be back in a year or so to see if anything's changed, much like I have been doing for a long time now, in hopes that this great codebase can be perfected. Yours Truly, Fox
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jun 7, 2008
Vendettas? People who try to hold the mud hostage with pages of spam and arse-hattery can't have vendettas held against them, they get their just rewards. Don't make an *long unnecessary expletive removed* out of yourself to try and 'get back' at someone you don't like. It's not fair to all the other players. That being said; DO A BARREL ROLL
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 14, 2008
With LOTJ I played sometime last year, got extremely disinterested and left. Then a friend who continued to play, asked me to come back and give it another shot, so I did. I am still quite disappointed with the MUD. The game does have some decent features, plenty of races, your good ole Star Wars type classes with some good, thought out and sometimes downright impressive skills. The game is also quite newbie friendly, as long as you understand that some things cannot be answered on the newbie channel if the answer consists of In-Character information. It has a couple of quests beyond the 'give this box to (name)', but not too many (that I have found.) So with all of these grand skills and decent coding, what is the problem? The players, the RP and the character limitations that can be encountered. The staff, I have found to be helpful for the most part, every instance of where I legitimately used a request for assistance, I was properly assisted. My number one and primary issue is character development. When I create a character, I expect to be able to play my character the way he is meant to be played. If I make an engineer, I expect him to be able to make and repair stuff. I expect a medic to be able to learn first aid and cybernetic installations. All of the above works perfectly well, but for their system for bounty hunters this does not work so well. The bounty hunter system works great on paper, but then seems to die once put into action. You have hunter master, whom new hunters need to learn their skills from. But first you have to find them, then you have to hope they teach outside of their OOC groups. I've not experienced the refusal to teach, I have heard of it, and based on my experiences, I believe it; I have, however, experienced the inability to find a teacher. I play my character as a hunter, I expect him to be able to get the skills of a hunter, not to have to spend over 4 IRL weeks roaming around hoping to magically find some teacher and then pretend that he has no experience whatsoever and needs a master to guide him in things he has already been doing, but just doesn't have the hard coded skills to back up. Most of the RP I see, are arguments. At least once a day the IC channels seem to flare up with insults, arguments and IC anger. (Mind you this is in character, not players insulting players). The rest of the RP seems to happen within clans and organizations behind closed and locked doors. There are however, once in a while, major RP events. Like the most recent was this explosive mold infestation. While I admit, this is a genius way of stirring things up, the problem was solved within approximately 72 hours. Players that have been a... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 18, 2008
I began to play Lotj about a month ago, after I decided to give it a go when another Star Wars mud I have been playing decided to die out and just idle. It's a good mud, the code is great and offers a variety of things to do, classes to choose, equipment to wear. The players are generally a newbie friendly lot, but you get the occasional person who's a jerk. The downside to Lotj. They claim to support RP. Lotj's idea of RP is use code all the way, get an occasional say in, but code code code. 'RP' on Lotj is get shot. And the game has a rule established where if you disagree with your current situation, you cannot complain or try to go against it until the entire RP is over. This means possibly being left unable to do anything for up to 1-2 hours. If you complain about it to the immortals, they tell you to read the rules. If you enjoy good code, and shooting people Lotj is for you. If you dislike people shooting you first without emotes and reason, then run away.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 18, 2008
LotJ is a great MUD in my opinion. Although the name is slightly misleading, and may make you think that it's easy to become a jedi or forcer, it's actually not easy. Few are ever forcers, but there are tons of other fun things to do, and get involved in. I enjoy it very much, and someday will be able to RP as a forcer. All classes are unique and interesting to play, and all have an impact on the gameplay. Not only are the classes unique, but the races are as well. Though I would like to see special, unique abilities per race, who knows if it'd happen. Never even submitted the idea! I should though. In any case, two thumbs up for LotJ.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 18, 2008
I've been a long time running fan and player of Legends of the Jedi (LotJ). Sadly, I've in the military so the actual amount of time I've spent on LotJ is not since 98 or 99, but rather maybe a totally of five years at the most. This MUD has had its ups and downs. Way back in the day when Ghost and Raven ran things, the MUD was just blossoming. Very few of the current playerbase remember that far back, but we veterans are still here nonetheless. Over time Orion came to the MUD and things really started to kick. The MUD more or less took off and became (I feel) the number one Star Wars MUDs out there. Of course the trip is not without it's rocky roads, but dedicated players and an outstanding Staff have kept LotJ despite all the detours we've taken. For those of you that tried LotJ long ago, we have entirely new code, new planets, new features and new systems. This is truly a MUD that has taken the idea of Star Wars and presented it wonderfully on LotJ. LotJ normally goes through three stages, or eras as we call it. First being the Old Republic / Mandalorian / Sith era. This is generally when LotJ 'starts over' and the MUD has had a pwipe. The plot is player driven and eventually turns into the Galactic Empire / Rebellion era. Of course, we then move into the New Republic / Remnants era which is generally our 'last era' until we decide to start entirely over with the first era. As stated in a previous review, each era lasts a long time. Months, sometimes a year. Sometimes it could be short, who knows. As I said, it's player driven. Anyone out there looking for a RP heavy MUD, LotJ is for you. You want to be a badass and be a 'twink' of PK, you can do that here though, but expect it to still come with its fair share of RP. Star Wars fans and fanatics rejoice, LotJ was made for you.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 9, 2008
LOTJ. The bastion of Star Wars Mudding Paradise. A strong game of ample RP and more players than you could count on both hands. Creatively formed clans and true Star Wars drama permeated the place so heavily that OOC channels were practically phased out. So...What Happened? As the 'Era Changes' became more and more frequent, the game started to take on a rather odd quality. It remained good, but odd nonetheless. The constant PWipes and Clan changes took some serious getting used to, but it was something you could easily tolerate in order to enjoy the quality of this game...until now. The Era changed a few days ago, and such clans sprang up as 'A Neutral Government', yes, that's it's official title. 'Well...that's not TOO bad...' you say? It now has PETA. Yes, PETA. The very same PETA we have here on earth. At first I suspected it was merely a joke, simply a quip of good humor to welcome back it's players after the most recent PWipe, but when I inquired about it, people were offended. As if I'd just insulted the greatest idea they've ever had. I honestly believe that one of the greatest Star Wars muds ever has degenerated into a mockery of itself. Perhaps the constant era changes requiring complete revamps of planets and clans has exhausted the staff's creativity? Perhaps it's drawn every drop of imagination they've had out and wrung them dry, leaving us with Space PETA. I don't know the answer, I just know it's wrong...disappointing...and disheartening to see. Goodbye LOTJ. I knew ye well.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 12, 2007
Blar did not know anything about this mud. It is a great game. A PWIPE and Era change only occurs every 9 months or so. We had a era change and pwipe 2 days ago which probably made this person think that way about the mud. P.S. Nobody in the mud even knows who Blar is. Just a newb.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
I've been a regular player of this MUD for roughly 8 years now. In those 8 years, I've had more debates, arguments, and disputes with the staff regarding how I felt the MUD should operate than I would care to recollect. Through all of those arguments and all of these years, though, I've continued to contribute to LOTJ as a player and as an adviser when possible. I don't stay to satisfy an addiction to text-based RPGs. I stay because I genuinely feel that the staff has the best interests of the players in mind when making decisions, be they to implement a new rule or to conduct a pwipe and transition to a new era. In response to the 'constant pwipes', there is roughly one pwipe every 1.5 years. While this may seem frequent to those who are more accustomed to games which involve developing a character's storyline over long periods of time, such is not the nature of LOTJ. Legends of the Jedi is an RP-enforced, PK-driven MUD with a progressive timeline. The process of preparing a character to interact with the environment and other characters is not an arduous one; it can be done in a matter of weeks. To submit to the deletion of the characters and a new timeline every 1.5 years is vital to the prevention of stagnation, and is essential to keeping the MUD enjoyable for players, both new and old. As for the issue of a 'Neutral Government', the concept was taken far out of context. The Neutral Government is an all-inclusive title for every planet not controlled by the leading faction at this point in the era. Nothing more. As for 'PETA', it was the concept of a player who wished to try a new idea. This MUD allows for players to expand the boundaries of roleplay and traverse unexplored territory. Most consider this to be a good thing. It saddens me to hear that the MUD was not what this person was seeking, but do not judge it too harshly based on the review. Try it for yourself and form your own opinions; you'll be far better off for the experience. - Nield Rankosa
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
For almost two years, I have called LoTJ home. Literally overnight, I went from mudding on DBZ muds to mudding on this starwars themed mud. I can honestly say that there has never been a dull moment for me on this great game. PETA is something that will give the RP atmosphere some spice and breathe life into some original RP. The Neutral government clan is probably something that will be shaped later on in the storyline. I remember when you came in making a total jerk of yourself and asking about the clans. A few people, including myself, tried to explain to you that it was somethiing to give the storyline a bit more 'omph'. Next time, you might want to stick around and see what those clans are about ICly rather than go bonkers on the OOC channel, hm?
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
I think the situations within this review were both very trivial and completely unwarranted for leaving not this game, but really any game. Pwipes are nessecary for an game of LOTJ's story design, and it's the Era Changes that move the story along and keep it fresh. Would one rather is just get stagnant, like in games that have a single storyline? Because of the Era Changes...which aren't very often, things stay fresh. PETA? It was a joke. Lighten up. Neutral Government? Why would someone take offense to that at all if that's describing a planet's government? LOTJ has done nothing but improve from where it was some time ago, and if some of the recent additions are any sign, it will continue to.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
The Era only changes at most, twice a year. And when it does, sometimes, but not always, there is a pwipe. This is because many years have passed in some case, such as now that we are in the Imperial Era from the Old Republic Era, and to allow players to join this new era without having disadvantages to the veterans. Everyone who played in the last era was given 'end of era' points, which allow you to basically make a leveled character by simply spending points. You do not have to start as a level 1 character, unless you chose to spend your points to buy a special race, or the force, and so forth, or save them. The 'A Neutral Government' clan is only a placeholder, for ungoverned planets to use on the planets listing, and to keep the mud from sending out messages about 'X planet has no government.' It will not be a player clan, in any way. Yes, there is a minor organization called PETA. LotJ allows players to make their own clans in two ways, by application, or by using a new command to form a clan in exchange for credits, if the play also has a minimum number of other players willing to join. For more details on that, read about formclan on the LotJ wiki at http://www.legendsofthejedi.com/wiki/index.php/Clan
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 3, 2007
Blar, According to your post here, it looks like the product that you are looking for is different than the product that LotJ offers. LotJ would likely be unable to sustain its pbase of about 75 people during peak hours if we didn?t keep the storyline fresh. LotJ?s progressive timeline spans over a period between 12-18 months. We begin our timeline with a pwipe and everyone get?s to start over new. We then break the timeline up into three eras, each lasting between 6 ? 8 months depending on player feedback and our player generated storyline. We have a moving timeline, and we promote ourselves as such. I?m sorry that you were confused about what we offer. When we do conduct a pwipe, we advise the players for weeks in advance, and we compensate them with plenty of account points so that they are able to start the new timeline with the ability to spend their points to level their new characters. Our previous pwipe was 14 months ago, and this recent one was required because new code was introduced that affected pfiles and accounts, and how they interact on our new website, www.legendsofthejedi.com. Regarding PETA, and all of its 2 members, I?m sorry that you didn?t find it funny. LotJ has much to offer, that perhaps you didn?t consider. As I said above, we have a brand new website, over 200 /active/ players, a well educated coding staff who work as professional programmers by day, very creative builders, well trained in-game programmers, and staff who are always listening to player feed back to provide the best possible gaming experience that we can offer. The best part about all of this, Blar, is that you, and hundreds of others, get to enjoy all of this for the low, low, price of the player's gratitude. Happy mudding, Blar! Anna
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 4, 2007
Half of you say it's a joke and the other say it's to add spice. Even you can't make up your minds. Priceless.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 6, 2007
It's both, Blar. Both.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Nov 10, 2007
Legends of the Jedi, has certainly evolved over the years. From a poorly run, PK happy environment, to a better run PK justified world. Though I'm happy to announce that recently a more MUSH oriented part of the Galaxy has been built and opened for those who wish to RP rather than P v P, the Hapes Cluster. Hapes is off by itself, much like canon, and isolated from the rest of the Galaxy. Its built more towards heavy, adult oriented RP rather than the 'classic war' of the Empire vs the Rebs that is about to happen in the 'main galaxy.' The staff is the best its been in the 6 or 7 years I've played the game. They are courteous and helpful and willing to work with you on ideas you wish to introduce into the mud. The coding is fresh and vibrant, and the building is unique and well thought out. With over 30 people logged on during the 'slow' periods, there is still plenty to do for loners and those that require people alike. Come give it a shot, its voted one of the top 50 muds on TMC, and well worth it! Bliz.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Oct 24, 2007
Poor roleplaying overall. The typical thing on this mud is to shoot first and simply don't ask questions. Players tend to group up then search for reasons to kill others. Sadly it seems as the SWR world gets smaller the crummy players crawl out of the woodwork. If you're desperate for a mud with many players it's a good choice...but you wouldn't know since they don't let you see the who list.....hmmmm
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 18, 2007
This comment is such bologna. The RP is heavily enforced, and that is why you cant see the who list, is so you cant just go off and pk people. This mud in my opinion is the greatest star wars universe I've ever been a part of, better than Galaxies the MMPROG! Constantly evolving through timelines, constantly being fixed and worked on and built for... If you seek 'One MUD to rule them all' then play LotJ!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 13, 2007
I dont care for this person's post, on the sole basis of overgeneralizing things about ingame activities. There exist a large portion of players who roleplay over 'use of code.' As for searching for reasons, I still believe that this again depends on what sort of character you play. If you are, say a smuggler for instance, and you steal from someone... would you complain that the person you stole from sought retribution over you? There are noncombative classes here at Legends of the Jedi, which make it far better than most muds I've found. Classes like medic, scientists are some to name the few, but with creativity others can be roleplayed. For instance, CEOs of companies, cargo freighters, engineers, technicians, rescue pilots, etc. There are a lot of options here at Legends of the Jedi, which I've found to love. At any rate, the purpose of this message is to at the very least explain to others that the above user's post does not override -all- that happens.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 17, 2007
I've been playing LOTJ for 3 years now, coming on at the very beginning of a new timeline and I personally thought it was a blast. I played long enough to look into different avenues of roleplay and found multiple groups. The immship wasn't the best at the time, due to some problems behind the scenes but that was cured and has now been improved greatly. Right now we are in the process of implementing new areas to the mud and a new timeline has begun anew. We have our bad eggs like any other mud does, but the staff is working diligently to cure that as well. I as a player and RPC member(a group of players elected to handle roleplaying problems and interpret the rules)of the mud in its current state would have to apologize to this player but I think he probably just had one of the few bad experiences that everyone is bound to run into. We have a lot of roleplaying within the mud itself, and a lot of players that are really good at it. Please don't shoot us down over a few bad experiences.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 19, 2007
I agree that there are some players with very poor roleplaying skills who do attack first and RP later and it does detract from the game experience. However, it is a small portion of the playerbase. It is quite obvious from this review that you experienced a small portion of the game and have solely based your opinions on that. I've been playing for a while now and while I've seen the quality of RP on LotJ rise and fall, it's been in an improving trend for a few months now. Unfortunately, the way some players choose to initiate RP is to attack until you are stunned, drag you off somewhere, and then initiate actual conversation with you which is perfectly legal. Also, there are rules that allow your character to be restored if he is caught in one of the 'shoot first, don't ask questions' scenarious caused by some of the poor RPers. The staff of the game also work to correct those players with their deficiencies to prevent recurring instances. If you're interested in an SWR mud where the staff care about the players and are helpful, come try LotJ. Give it a few weeks or a month and see how you feel about a game. Anyone who has been mudding for a while knows you can't base a game off of just a few days of play or logging in on and off for a few months without any consistent playing time. Come check out the mud and see what it's all about. Be your own judge.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 23, 2007
Writer has limited knowledge of the MUD overall, and seems to have had a bad experience with part of the combat in the game and used that experience to portray the entire game as a whole. This is not an accurate representation, seeing as how LOTJ does enforce roleplay and has an active roleplay council as well as immortal staff. Players can't just run around killing each other for no reason, or look for reasons to kill someone with their buddies, as roleplay (and strong roleplay reasons) are required to permanently kill or 'perm' a character. On top of that most killed characters can log the incident and petition the roleplay council for a restore on the lost character if they feel that death was unfair or lacking strong roleplay reasons. Roleplay is a large part of this SW mud, and always will be. Simply cutting that out in a one paragraph review is neither fair to the mud itself or the players that work hard to create a community and to create a story of their own Star Wars Universe.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 24, 2007
Sadly, this post is true. PKers or 'role players' as they tend to call themselves are present and team up to seek weak excuses to perm other people.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 17, 2007
I came into the mud at the suggestion of a friend of mine from school (Jason a.k.a. Pyke). He told me about the mud, what kinds of things to expect, the different classes and races available. To be honest, I half expected it to be similar to other muds I have played. I have never been more happy to be proven wrong. The playerbase in general is very newbie friendly. The RP is very rich. Most players will go out of their way to RP with someone even if it is someone they don't know ICly. The main thing that really stands out in my opinion, however, is that there are so many paths you can take with your character. From being a lowly engineer on a meager salary, to a bounty hunter, to a smuggler with your hands in someone's pockets, to even a slicer with your hands in someone's bank accounts...the possibilities for character arc advancement are only limited to your imagination. If you have been bored with Star Wars muds before, I urge you to at least give LoTJ a shot. The immortals are friendly and always willing to help. Our Roleplay Council (RPC) are available for pointers on RP...as are the regular pbase. And in the words of the immortal race known as the Jawa....UTINNI!!! Viva la Jawa!!!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 7, 2007
I do not know where to start, except that really this is a great mud. Yes, there are those few renegades who will twink, be jerks, and other stuff, but every mud has those few people. What I really like about LOTJ is how the Staff and the Playerbase usually responds to it. The players do not bring it up ICly, and the Staff does what it can to punish/fix bugs/code in new features to make playing more enjoyable while keeping those select few limited on abusements. LOTJ, in my near year playing, has been constantly changing for the better with new code, planets, rp oppurtunities and Pbase growth. The staff is always willing to respond to problems, and have even implemented a feature that allows one to display their problem to the imms until one gets around to helping you. Newbie-friendliness has been greatly improved and only gets better as more and more players help out Newbies with problems and getting through confusing parts of the game. Truly, this is a great mud and one of the best SWR muds, and most certainly my favorite mud above all.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2007
I could go on and on about why LotJ is fantastic. It was a great mud when I started, it has improved more and more since I've been there, and it's still improving today. Sure, there've been some ups and downs. But I promise you this- if you've never played LotJ, and you like SWR Muds, or even just SW RPGs, this is the place for you. If you're willing to give it a chance, expect all the help you could need, whether you're a Mudding veteran or are completely new to the Mudding world. If you come to LotJ, and give it a chance, I promise you it will become your mud of choice.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 11, 2007
First off, not all of the people who complain about corruption in this mud are disgruntled players who aren't getting what they want, despite what Walldo has posted previously. Be aware also that Walldo is an immortal on LOTJ, and while this doesn't discredit what he says, it should be noted that there will be some bias in the review. This game has some good points and some bad points. You can be the judge of whether or not the good outweighs the bad. The good: Crafting - you can pretty much make anything in the game that you need. This is what makes LOTJ better than most of the other muds out there. Gameplay - Lots of things to do in this mud. Mob killing is just one aspect. There is a full blown economy, lots of player shops. You can make a living (well used to be able to) running cargo, smuggling goods, delivering items. Coding - Lots of good stuff added on a regular basis. Some people might view this as bad, but it keeps players from being stagnant. Accounts - You gain credit for characters that you make for your account, which helps offset the loss due to pkill, and losses due to pwipes. Permanent Death - This is probably my favorite part. Death is real, and it is for good. You would think that this would change the way people behave significantly, but it does not. The Bad: Coding - There is always a bad side to lots of code. The mud is not very stable. Lots of memory leaks, many of which have been fixed, but in terms of stability, this mud has a long way to go. Part of the problem is lack of testing. The other part is unavoidable when making lots of changes. Any piece of software destabalizes with code changes. Pwipes - Possibly because the timeline changes in the game, possibly because new code is added that requires old things to be removed, but regardless, it is disheartening to lose everything every 6 months or so because a new timeline is starting. Restores - I list this as a bad thing. I've never had to worry about getting a restore myself, but there is so much room here for abuse, and I have seen many cases of abuse. Restores are generally done when people are "permed" (killed) for a non-RP reason. OOC - Lots of OOC crap, from the player base. Some character that you have never met in-game might show up and steal/murder you because of something one of your alts did to one of his alts that was strictly within the confines of RP. Lots of time and effort by the admins have gone into trying to fix this, but it can't every be really fixed. Item Removal - With no warning or posted message, in-game items can be and will be removed from your character because some immortal decided that it was out of even... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 5, 2006
If you talk to some people, they will talk about player and immortal hostility, corrupt staff members abusing their abilities, etc. etc These peole are virtually all disgruntled former players who haven't gotten their way and have taken upon themselves to badmouth the mud.. I'm pleased to say that these problems have ALL been dealt with. Orion has gone a LONG way to improving newbie friendliness. All staff members who have created problems in the past are now gone, and there are now stringent rules governing immortal behavior. If you violate the immortal agreement, you can kiss your position goodbye. Orion adds new features, quite literally, on a weekly basis. In the last few weeks he put in newly-revamped pturrets, the aiming ability, wounds, and the TIPS system. The MUD is in the process of switching from the 'Old Republic' to the 'Empire' time frames and the Sith Empire has recently been introduced, so the roleplaying opprotunities and events have just increased tenfold. The staff is constantly trying to make the mud as newbie-friendly as possible. This ranges from a large project involving overhauling ALL the mud's helpfiles to being more receptive on OOC and immchat. You will find asshats and smart mouths on any mud, and LOTJ is no exception. Newbies may be intimidatd at first by these players, but the immortals are starting to crack down on players being rude to newbies. New players should keep in mind that most people are idiots, and they shouldn't be discouraged by the obnoxious behavior of a small percentage of the playerbase.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 18, 2005
I have been playing LotJ for almost 5 years now. The first SWR mud I ever played, it gave me a new view of Star Wars. I have tried to quit many times, not because I want to, because I just have to. It has always drawn me back with the 'I wonder what's new' philosophy. The current Immortal staffing is excellent, as well as the 'evolving storyline' we have. RPC(Roleplay Council, for the LotJ-impaired) elections happen at least 1 every timeline and are a good way to get involved. It seems like everyday the past few weeks have produced a new piece of coding from our mad-coding head coder/owner Orion. He is an extremely talented man and can code the bugs out of pretty much any system on LotJ, mostly because he's had something to do with it all. Building is handled on a builder's port, which really helps with the RP aspect, considering immortals aren't running around everywhere changing things. RP is something very enforced on this mud, but nonetheless, it is fun. Extremely helpful to newbies, come check in on us. Just disregard Madrox, he has a bad temper. Korr
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Oct 7, 2005
Star Wars - Legend of the Jedi Galactic War has broken out, and it's up to you to take part in how this war plays out! Engineers, Scientists, Diplomats, Spies, Soldiers, Bounty Hunters, Born Leaders, Smugglers, Pilots, and even Jedi Knights play a big part in the immersing story that IS LoTJ. I've personally played since April of this year, and I can't get enough. When I first started, I ran across some severe issues with a few members of the staff, but these issues have been resolved, and it's been hard to turn my head away from the computer since. As addictive as it is fun, Legend of the Jedi gives you the opportunity to roleplay WHO and WHAT you want. Most classes and races can be selected upon entry to the mud, the exceptions being very rp-intensive races, and force-sensitive characters. Every new character (besides Defels, Toydarians, Mandalorians and Gamorreans) has a random chance to roll force. Meaning you could be sought out by the Jedi, and eventually become a Jedi knight. A great community, the ability to be what you want, and a powerful storyline...What else could you want? How about new code added almost daily? How about a cool account system to keep track of your characters and account points? How about a whole heck of a lot of fun? All of this can be found on Lotj, Try it out.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Oct 4, 2005
LOTJ…where to begin. To start off, I’d like to say that I’ve been playing LOTJ for roughly 4 or 5 years…way before the current Immortal administration came into place. I devoted a lot of time and effort into the game back then, and I –thoroughly- enjoyed it (actually, I loved it). The game had a much, much smaller playerbase, creating a more communal environment, and the game pretty much remained stock, with some code and building modifications here and there. The two main Immortal administrators at the time were far from perfect, one who was seemingly addicted to the ‘slay’ command, and the other who liked to create godly, all-powerful mortals which he used to kill the rest of the players, but I loved the game nonetheless. Suffice it to say, I was an LOTJ addict. And now we come to LOTJ today. It’s clear to me, that things have drastically changed. Though it is true that I have been an on and off player since the current Immortal administration took over, I’ve been here long enough to make some clear distinctions between how things used to be run, and how things are run now. The current owners of the game, Anna and Orion, came to the game in 2003 as builders. With a rift between the then-owners of the game (Ghost and Raven), Anna and Orion somehow propelled themselves into full-time Immortals with much more power than builders. Raven eventually quit due to his disagreement with Ghost, and Ghost, realizing that he had no more time for the game, gave LOTJ away to Anna and Orion. In their two year reign as owners and head-Immortals…Anna and Orion have done a lot for the game. I mean a lot. They have spent –countless- hours coding and building new areas, with the product being some fantastic areas and game systems in place. They have hired a plethora of Immortals to take care of building and PR issues, and have created an RP Council…whose sole aim is to settle disputes between players. And their labor has indeed borne fruits, them being the 50+ players on average (as opposed to the record high of 20 back under the old Immortal administration). LOTJ has drastically grown and become one of the biggest and most known Star Wars MUDs out there. But sadly, for all the good they have caused, bad has also followed. There have been two drastic changes, and those two are the rise of nepotism, and the implementation of an Immortal driven storyline. It is my –strong- belief that the current stance on rules is absurd. Orion seems to have created a rule for everything (there are about 14 helpfiles telling you what you can or can’t do). I basically can’t even take a crap without violating some rule…it’s really frustrating. It –totally- ruins the MUD dynamic…and LOTJ is no longer a game, but it is more of a Immortal run story that the players are mere pawns in. We, the players, have no say in what we can or can’t do because it is the Immortals who decide everything for us. They decide when the timeline shifts (there are three timelines on LOTJ, Old Republic Era, Imperial Era, and New Republic Era), they decide who leads each clan (through application), and they decide what clan can do what. It drives me nuts. The other problem that I see is nepotism which seems to be practiced by the Immortals quite often. More and more I see incompetent, loud and annoying people placed into important roles (some are made PR Immortals, some are given leadership of clans). After observing and assessing their behavior, it strikes me as apparent that some of these people lack intelligence and leadership potential. So then I ask, why are they given such positions? Also, the people who are the loudest and most annoying on OOC (those considered “popular” via their constant stupidity over OOC) are usually the ones who are the leaders of the game. Mere coincidence? Personally, I think not. And it is also funny how the general populace bends over backward to cater to Orion’s needs. Orion is hailed and practically worshipped on LOTJ. Intelligent people, with experience and knowledge, are often times ignored and those who suck up the most get whatever they wish. An unfortunate situation. I would also like to add that many of the Immortals are rather unfriendly, and not very helpful. I rarely ever ask anything of the Immortals, and when I do occasionally ask a question via the ‘Immchat’, I am almost -always- ignored. What…art thou too holy to answer my pitiful questions? Am I not good enough? It’s strange….though I would just like to add quickly that Lydia, a PR Immortal who deals with players, is fantastic, and the few times that I have personally messaged her, she has always responded with kind and courteous replies. Compel, another PR Immortal, also does a good job. For the most part though, most Immortals totally ignore people and only cater to the needs of those who suck up, or their friends. The conclusion I came up with is that if you are a quiet, intelligent person who wants to log on to play a game and RP, and who wants to contribute to the game through action and not baseless rhetoric, than the game is not for you. The rules will stifle your potential and character RP, and you’ll end up being just another ‘filler’ for the IMMs and their story. Constrained by the rules and the sheer amount of Immortal controlled puppets who will not give up their seats of power, you will feel powerless and will quickly lose interest in the game. The game I loved is no more. But than again, that is just my opinion. I would encourage anyone and everyone to try out the game, and draw your own conclusions. What works for one, might not work for another, and vice-versa
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 22, 2005
First and foremost, I think it's hilarious--simply hilarious--how you claim you receive no response from the imms on immchat. Every thing I say, even if it isn't a question, is responded to unless there are no imms online. Are we talking about the same imms here? Second of all, most of the rules aren't taken seriously nor applied harshly unless you REALLY overstep their boundaries. We're not talking America to Mexico boundaries, we're talking walking across the Canadian border, through the United States, past Mexico, and to the southern end of Brazil. I mean common knowledge rules, by the way. As in, don't say OOC things IC, don't break the perm rules, don't multiplay, etc... Third, everyone is going to worship the person who runs a MUD everyone likes. You may not like it. You may claim to be the rebel... In truth, though, everyone does it not out of necessity or will, but rather they do it, most of the time without noticing, simply because they really like the guy (or gal). He's your drug dealer, after all, so to speak. Fourth, the storyline is not as imm run as you think. While immortal interaction, in my opinion, does help the story line out a bit, it is not used a great deal. We don't have to seek permission to capture planets, take prisoners, kill people, bombard planets, etc. before hand. We, the players, develop the story more than you claim to know. I've been there and done that, my actions have or will make an impact. Fifth, have you ever heard the term, 'The squeaky wheel gets oiled first' ? If you were an intelligent person, you wouldn't be quiet. I complain and moan and whine until my voice is heard. Orion, the Imms, and the RPC may not like it at times, but it gets things done. Trust me on this one. So please, before you start slinging crap and insulting people and the MUD, review your thoughts and settle your personal problems. By the way this 'review' looks, you got a bad deal somehow and are not willing to accept that life isn't fair--even in a MUD. It's happened to me, and I'm still playing and love LotJ.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 27, 2005
By far, this Mud is the most well done Star Wars experience EVER. It slams SWMud flat out. I entered the game awed at the many cooperative players. The skill system is superb. Even the room descriptions are well done. I have played lots of muds, but lotj is the first one I have played where I "just clicked." The information on the database page is outdated. So far, I see an average of 40 to 50 players on at once with 113 players as a high. The web site url is lotj.wolfpaw.net . I reccommend this mud to anyone interested in a very well done Mud environment. A word of caution though: Linux users may be warned that the only working graphical client for this game on Linux is MudMagic right now. This may be a bug.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 23, 2005
This mud is pretty bad. In terms of interacting by yourself its excellent, but when it comes to dealing with other players especially the admin, you are met with extreme hostility. The admin, although they will deny this, are extremely biased towards their friends which isn't hard to see but it is hard to fight against. For the most part becoming a Jedi is nearly impossible even if the odds of rolling one are high as they say. The Jedi council is infested with people who don't know how real Jedi are supposed to act even if they watched the entire Star Wars series. To quote a friend "The mud only exists for 10 people" if you aren't one of those 10 people good luck trying to do anything productive as you will be permed by an alt of an admin member or a buddy of an admin member with no possible chance of getting a restore. I recommend staying away from this mud unless you truly enjoy getting shafted by other people.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 12, 2005
I've been playing this MUD off and on for the last 5 years now and I have to say, it's been getting better and better. The great thing about this MUD, is that combat isn't the main focus. I just recently came back to LOTJ after a LONG hiatus and so far I've had two characters that I've really just RPed with and I've never been bored. LOTJ offers many different races and professions based on the official Star Wars Universe and Extended Universe. You could be a bounty hunter, a jedi, a slicer, a soldier, a dancer, ANYTHING you want to RP. The Immortal staff is great, Orion is a wonderful admin (way better than slay-happy Ghost or Mr. Mset Raven of yore), as well as Anna and the other higher ups. LOTJ also has a great RP Council which oversees all RP on the MUD so that everything is kept fair. Unfortunately, the MUD, as of late, has been having issues staying up during peak times which is bad for those of us who work a day job and want to come home and just play our favorite MUD. All in all, LOTJ is a great MUD ran by great people. I'd recommend it to anyone, as long as they aren't Drel.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 21, 2005
Well, this mud was the second SWR mud I ever tried. My first was Hunter's Network (god rest it's soul), and then I came to this. This was when it was owned and governed by Raven and Ghost, and at the time, I was blown away. I started playing, BOOM, pwipe. I was so disappointed I had found such an awesome mud and didn't get to play :(. Anyway, I have played and IMMed on this mud on and off since 2001, mostly played. It has almost always been a very enjoyable mud. I had great fun when Raven and Ghost were around, then it switched over to Anna and Orion. I admit, I hated the new feel to it at first, I couldn't stand Anna and Orion. I even quit for a couple months, came back to a new timeline, then got a little angry over a bad incident, left for probably 4 more months, and now I am back again. I get on for the first time in 4 months, and, it is like my first time on there all over again. I was blown away. All this new code, a new class, new races, and....60 people! HOLY CRAP! Never been this many on! Wars are wars now, and, 60 PEOPLE! Did I mention, 60 PEOPLE! It is the most heavily populated SWR right now (I think...). The mud is very stable, and most people are very friendly. There aren't as many newbie perms either, it is actually pretty safe to wander around as a newbie, unlike it used to be. The RPC is not corrupt, the IMMS help out. Overall, the best SWR out there. I suggest everyone try it, cuz it has a little of everything. Old Republic, Civil War, New Republic. My views, I would like to say, are educated, because I have played so long and I built ships there for a while. So, please take this to heart and try out the BEST SWR out there. Thanks Orion, you really brought the game around...
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 2, 2005
I started playing at LotJ quite some time ago, and I must say, it just hasn't been the same lately. It's hard for me to honestly enjoy adventures in the Star Wars universe with the extreme amount of rules that this MUD employs. As of this writing, there are 5 pages of rules, 53 in total. These range from the necessary to the absurd. Regardless of the amount, however, the control of Immortals over players is almost absolute, and seems reminiscent of life in East Germany during the 1950s. Another issue with the MUD is its 'RolePlay Council.' This is a group of players who are supposedly united to handle issues arising from breaking the rules. In my experience, they are simply a cabal of self-serving Immortal pets. I don't want this review to seem a childish insult, but every run-in I had with this RPC was ill-fated, and they generally choose their friends when it comes to resolving a dispute. The MUD's codebase is very nice. It is perhaps the most advanced I have played on, and I particularly am fond of the space system and the myriad new skills. However, this amazing coding is overshadowed by the police-state nature of the game. Only today, as I logged on, I was threatened that I was not to use the AOL Instant Messenger while playing, or I would be reported as a rulebreaker. While this MUD has strengths, such as a diverse playerbase and a strong codebase, I would strongly advise against playing here, unless you like your course in the game being dictated by page upon page of rules and regulations. My path seemed ironically rather narrow even in the face the great potential the codebase could provide.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 20, 2005
I happen to agree with Sintaka. I once believed that the immortals were nothing but power-hungry freaks. I was totally wrong, however. I need to emphasize that yes, there ARE a lot of rules. But every single one has been made to prevent an activity that could degrade the playing experience of another person. Many, if not all of these rules are completely reasonable for everybody. And to the comment about AOL Instant Messenger, you can use it all you want. However, you cannot divulge in-character secrets over an out- of-character medium. Comparing the MUD to East Germany is just an childish insult. Orion and Anna have put in THEIR time to make this game what it is today. It's much more diverse and fun than it was a couple years ago. The rules have been changed and added to, yes. But many of the originals were quite useless, like not insulting the genitals of an immortal. Tons of new commands, skills, and areas have been added, and more new things are on their way. As for the Roleplay Council..If you don't break the rules, you usually won't get into their path. If you've been wronged, a proper log of the event will clear your name pretty fast. They can cross-check it with the MUD's log and confirm your story. It's not their fault you can't provide proper proof. The system is exactly as fallible as the system of court that we use today. Decisions are made based on the evidence that is given. Despite any shortfalls that may be perceived or imagined, this game has always been and probably always will be a great place to be. We recently just hit 90 players on at once. Why would they be there if it wasn't fun?
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 7, 2005
My only comment is on your comment about being threatened not to use AIM. You're allowed to use AIM while playing the mud, the admins just don't want people spreading IC information over AIM or anyother OOC means. It's a free world, you can use AIM if you want to, but if you're talking to another player over it and you're spreading IC info, that other player may turn you in and your character will be disciplined.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 4, 2005
I've made chars on Legends of the Jedi twice. The first time, I had met the former coder on another MUD and tried it out. I got bored pretty fast, though I must admit it was extremely well coded. The second time, after a spark in curiosity, I tried again. Man, what a bad idea. Frankly put, this is one of those 'Muds that were really really good, but then some imms decided to take over and make it their ego-feeding project.' My char was hardly 10 hours old when I had my first run in with an imm who had a jedi. Not only was I pkilled, my equipment was totally lost. I thought they had maybe some newbie friendliness, I asked for them to let it slide. What did I get? 'Stop your complaining, deal with it.' Geeze. I'm new, give me a break. So, I asked for help a little more. Not only was my equipment permanantly lost for some reason, but I felt degraded, bullied, and ultimately, just another newbie to abuse. Simply put, I wouldn't be surprised if this MUD slowly vanished into a bare-bones playerbase of a few rigged and immortal-supported chars. My advice? If you're looking for a good roleplaying SWR MUD and don't mind taking lots of b/s, this is the MUD for you. If you're a human being with a sense of pride, dignity and don't want to be treated like turd, this is NOT the MUD for you.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 2, 2005
I find it somewhat absurd that you're complaining about the rules on LotJ. If you read over them carefully you'll notice that they don't restrict characters in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, this huge number of rules that we have is a result of abuse through the players. Whenever a problem becomes somewhat widespread, we write up the rule against it and thus prevent it from becoming an issue. Would you rather have players that are allowed to do whatever they please? If you ask me, having a large number of rules that prevent idiocy from occuring when you're trying to RP is something I'd enjoy any day. I also find it disturbing that you think that we immortals have control over characters akin to East Germany. If you can give an example of a situation where we've controlled what a player can do I'd sure like to hear about it. I honestly don't see any basis for that accusation. If we actually did control what players were doing, what would be the point in playing? LotJ wouldn't ever have any RP. Then there's the accusation that you've made about the RPC council being a group of self serving pets for the immortals. This has to be the nth time that I've heard that accusation and it always bewilders me. The RPC was selected by the PLAYERS in a vote which we held allowing anyone to run for the position. And now that they've been selected you're complaining. Aside from that, I'd like to see some basis for these accusations that are always leveled at the staff. I think its ridiculous that someone might accuse us of being self serving when you have situations like an immortal playing a Stormtrooper character. Self-serving indeed! As far as the RPC council choosing their 'friends' in votes, once again I think that is quite an unfair accusation. For every vote done by the RPC they have to have a basis for it and the immortals review these decisions to make sure that everything was fair. Sintaka
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 2, 2005
Lex, chances are you had a run in with Raven, who mset all his characters. He got fired and the MUD has since changed ownership. The new ownership is somewhat more put together than the old set of staff.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Apr 21, 2005
Legends of the Jedi is a uniquely coded SWR knockoff currently being (primarily) worked on by Orion. There are several unique things that recommend this mud, but nothing is there that can overcome the level of active hostility to new players by both player and immortal alike. While Orion and Anna, the MUD owners, are both gracious and helpful to new players, in my brief time playing I was bombasted not only by players over standard chat channels, but by multiple members of the 'Roleplaying Council' and by multiple immortals including Don and Sintaka. In addition to insults and hostility, I had the misfortune to be online shortly after an argument when one of the immortals shut down the chat channels. In my twelve years of mudding, I haven't seen anything quite like that particular instance, and the chat channels stayed down for an hour on the first occasion. When asked about it, the Immortal I spoke to apologized, said they'd forgotten it was off, and turned it back on. Later in the day, the same thing happened. And again the next. While in and of itself, this isn't a bad thing, all immortals in stock SWR have a silence command and can take care of individual offenders using such a command rather than shutting the whole channel down, which opens the potential for new players to be unable to ask questions about the game itself (as I was unable to do). Later discussions have shown that the majority of the staff is both hostile toward the playerbase and unsympathetic with new players. Having said that, the storyline perspectives of the mud as a whole are interesting; the mud runs a six-month cycle, starting in the Old Republic, and jumping amongst the canon Star Wars timeline so that it's players have an opportunity to play in every era. Also, the clanning system can give rise to some friendships and/or roleplay opportunities that stock SWR doesn't have. There are several ship coders, and planet builders that are at work, and much of the standard skillset in stock SWR has been changed for the better. In summation: Don't bother with this mud. The hostility of the players and staff does not make up for the exquisite coding. There is much that is good here, but there is much that is good elsewhere without the abuse as well. Blakfyre themudreview@yahoo.com
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jan 16, 2005
Hmm, some interesting points you bring up. I agree with you that many of the players are pretty insensitive to new players and I've had to tell them to quit it several times. But I'm really surprised that you claim that the staff is hostile to new players. The only time that the members of the RPC/Immortal staff ever get on the case of a player is if they've been repeatedly ignoring either of us. As far as the disabling of the OOC channel, I don't see a problem with that. We shut it down when it gets to be quite a few people causing problems on the channel and it's dealt with by closing the channel for some time. Also, your claim that by shutting down OOC we're preventing new players from asking questions is pretty baseless. LotJ has a RPC and IMMCHAT channel that directly sends a message to either of us. Doing this almost always gets you a response if we're there. As far as the staff being unsympathetic, I really don't know what you're talking about. I've seen tons of new players helped out and we do our best to make sure that you're not going in totally blind. Just one last thing too...if a player is causing grievances, it helps to use some common sense (not so common in this case, it appears) and let one of the staff members know. We'll deal with it. Sintaka
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Feb 2, 2005
When I started playing Legends of the Jedi two years ago it was a breath of fresh air in the SWR world. The code was new and exiciting, the playerbase was large averaging 20 players at peak times. It simply was the best SWR out there. Leap ahead two years... Now it seems the new Admins Orion and Anna have taken the best SWR on the net, and IMPROVED it. The code is continually updated, marking the most significant breakthroughs seen thus far in the SWR world. I would not even attempt to delve into the new and exciting ideas implemented, because I have only 10000 characters here! The areas, though somewhat slow in being implemented are of such a high quality, that it makes quantity seem less important. This by no means, its a small MUD, its actually quite large, but LOTJ has resisted the temptation to toss an area a week into the mix, instead preferring to take a month or two to build a quality product for our enjoyment. The staff though small, and exceedingly busy developing and improving the galaxy, is FAIR, evenhanded, and user friendly. The playerbase has grown from the 20-30 people to over 40 on an average with a record 68 trying to survive in the galaxy at large at one point. The RP is on a continuing timeline, and is very intensive, just shooting em up won't give you much satisfaction here. If you want to enjoy your time at LOTJ, developing a charachter through leveling is just a small part. Developing their personality and interacting with other characters within the MUD is essential to enjoy the full LOTJ experience. If you are stuck in what seems to be a stagnant mud, LOTJ is a must for you. Come by and check them out, they are truly one of the best muds on the net.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jun 21, 2004
I totaly agree with Chizzel! This is one of the best muds around. The force system is one of a kind featuring many unique powers. The clan system well, the best I've seen anywhere including pay to play muds. The ships even though they took out some of my favorites for now, are very detailed and a combat with them is just as so. The normal combat in the game is a large improvement over the standard SW codebase. They have so many new and exciting features you would have to be a staff member to catch even a small fraction. Though that doesn't mean they are out of reach of the players. The classes are all well balanced and have a large and plentiful skill set. I must admit even though I dislike to that there are a few bugs here and there, but if they are reported they are quickly taken care of. The staff are helpful and cooperative. Also they actually read e-mails you send to them. Unlike a good amount of other muds out there.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Jul 31, 2004
Chizzel is right. I've seen some of the other SWR muds that claim to be to LOTJ's caliber. No where near it. I have been here since what many, including myself, consider Neo-Nazi Raven's regime. Nowadays we have the wonderful Anna and Orion. These guys are great. Stop by and enjoy our mud!
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Sep 18, 2004
this is a bad mud... no roleplay... imms are cheat for their friends on there.. don't play it!!!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 16, 2002