Social-themed MOO (MUD, Object-Oriented).
Ranked 111st of 781 worlds statistically.
Ranked 9th of 74 worlds in the Social genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
13 (17 hours ago)

Maximum Connected:
16 (last 30 days)

0.1.0beta8 of the LambdaMOO server code.

Average Connected:
13 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
11 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
This world is Pueblo 1.10 enhanced.
MOOId: #-11603
Welcome to MOOMellow
Now celebrating our 25th year!

How to connect:

connect Guest                  Connect as a Guest
connect <player> <password>    Connect to an existing player

A web client is also available at

If you don't have an existing player, connect as a guest and talk to us.
We look forward to meeting you!
MOOMellow is an online community of men and women from different backgrounds who have joined together to create a thriving social community. Its players are marked by a strong sense of humor, thick skin, and a willingness to help one another. Many of the players have been active for over fifteen years. We look forward to meeting you!
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Season
Server Type:
MOO [1]

Funny worlds [2]
RPG [3]

Multi-themed [1]

English [3]

Welcome to MUSHMellow! Creative worlds, puzzles, interesting people, irreverence, that sort of thing. We walk like camels. We compose haiku. We fling afterbirth. We get chased down and shot by Yul Brynner. We're down to earth. We have paintball wars in Mayberry. We have fresh pie. Join us, join us, join us. [1]
Welcome to MOOMellow! Creative worlds, puzzles, interesting people, irreverence, that sort of thing. We walk like camels. We compose haiku. We fling afterbirth. We get chased down and shot by Yul Brynner. We're down to earth. We lost Mayberry somewhere. We have fresh pie. Join us, join us, join us! [2]
A social/non-serious/multiple themed game. [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. Pueblo/UE World List
  3. MOOList.Com
  4. The MUSH Warehouse