From my first days at Mirkwood, it was clear to me that the people there placed fun and social interaction high above 'realism' or other similar RPG buzzwords you might think of. There were frequent reboots for system upgrades, new areas being added, new races (I remember when Treants first hit the scene), new skills, color, you name it. The world has grown geometrically since those early days, and credit goes to the IMMs for encouraging area submissions and allowing new and innovative equipment ideas. (Ever heard of +dam gender-changing Daisy Duke shorts, right off Daisy Duke?) What started out as a lightly modified ROM codebase has evolved into a completely different animal. But I'm getting off my point. Mirkwood's about people and fun, and that's why it's the only MUD I still play on, 17 years after I started mudding. (I'm not tellin' how old I am) Through the years there have been many characters who were indeed 'characters', and will always be remembered because of that. Maybe you could be someone's happy memory, or a friend who helps them through a bunch of levels. It's worth while to make people laugh, and most of the IMMs I remember made an effort to bring that. IMO, Mirk's definitely worth a try, especially if you're looking for laid-back RP and some hackin' and slashin'. Jim, aka Shto, Hussk, Slim, Feyd
This mud is absolutely awesome. I've been going since about 1997. The staff is awesome, the code is rock solid. There's tons of stuff to do on the MUD from quests to random trivia, to player quests from the IMMs. Top notch mud. You can find me somewhere on there, name's Praxis.
Mirkwood is everything a mud should be and more. Simple words to describe this game would be fun, exciting, addictive (in a good way), interesting and active. The Immortal Staff and players go out of their way to make you feel welcome and also help new players become adjusted to playing the game. Having been a member of Mirkwood for a long time, I have seen muds come and go and through it all, Mirkwood proves time and time again why it is one of the best places to MUD. Built on a solid code foundation, the game has been enhanced with options not found else where. And the clans (or Tribes as they are known on Mirkwood) are second to none. Join any one of the fabulous Tribes and form lasting friendships with fellow players that share your roleplaying and real life interests. Don't take my word for it however. Give Mirkwood a try today!
Mirkwood is not your normal heavily modified ROM! Come visit a land based on the works of JRR Tolkien. Mirkwood contains great tribes to help you out, great areas to explore, and a really cool concept of remort that is not overpowered, nor underwhelming. Each life is unique, and brings out new forms of fun. Raelin Calodriel, The Point of the Blade
I’ve been playing Mirkwood for a few months now and love it. The coding is professional and the mud is one of the most stabile I’ve seen. The players here are friendly and have helped me find my way around, advising me with the best equipment to use and the funniest areas to fight in. Best of all, the world here is huge and so realistic, I’ve slaughtered dragons and flirted with the Sultan’s harem girls. This place rocks!
I’ve played on several muds and even got caught up in WoW for awhile, but I always felt they were missing something that I’ve found it this place. It’s not just the great coding, the tons of areas to explore, it’s the sense of family that this place has. The way that its members care about each other, and will take the time to help out a newb like myself is truly unique. You guys should come here there might not be 50 million people signed on at one time but the quality more than makes up for the quantity. Hope to see you soon, Alicia
I recently started playing Mirkwood after reading some of the other reviews, I was hooked instantly. The players and immortals of Mirkwood are a little crazy but some of the most fun people I have met. I can understand why when I ask some of the players how long they have been here they tell me years, some as long as 7-10. This world is huge and I have just started to explore it I can't wait to see the rest. You should check this place out! DK
Mirkwood is one of the greatest Muds of all time. It has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and just gets better every year. With original areas, professional coding, and some of the best players in the world Mirkwood offers an experience that is second to none. Newbie friendly the game is addictive from the start and with remort, personalized quests, and new areas/ideas being imped older players keep coming back for more.
Mirkwood is the only mud that's ever held my attention for more than 10 minutes. I started mudding about 6 years ago, and since then a lot of things have changed, remort being the biggest thing the IMM's have added (yah!). The IMMs on Mirkwood are very active and social, helping to create a very (newbie) friendly atmosphere. Mirkwood is a mud for both newbies and hardcore mudders. There are tons of area to explore, both original stock and player submitted areas like Alice in Wonderland and the Rocky Horror Show. Player rooms are being beta-tested as I write this, this is something we've been craving for a long time, and the IMMs have finally found a great way to implement it. \o/ New skills and spells are added relatively frequently, without destryoing the balance a MUD depends on. I can highly recommend Mirkwood!!!
Mirkwood is high in fun & originality. New areas and items and skills are still being added, even after 9 years. The immortals staff even take the time to write customized individual quests for players. Our ideas are taken into consideration, and some are even implemented quickly. We can Remort after heroing, and player rooms are underway. Go Mirkwood!
Played this MUD almost from its inception - great base and depth. Still addicted almost 10 years later :)
Mirkwood is my first and only mud. I?ve tried others, but have always ended up going back to Mirkwood. I started playing in 1996 and have been addicted ever since. Mirkwood?s players are very helpful, its staff is very approachable. We are strict non-PK (although we do have some arena options) as we feel that PK would be detrimental to our friendly atmosphere. Mirkwood has changed a lot over the years, replacing the standard main city of Midgaard with Bree?converting a whole continent to Tolkien themed areas, while sending our other (but equally fun) areas to a southern continent. On the southern continent you can find anything from a Rocky Horror Picture show themed area to an Alice in Wonderland themed area. The staff has also added a very cool remort system, lots of cool new spells and skills, and of course is always looking for ways to better the mud! (This past year I got the chance to become an immortal on Mirkwood and get to see all the hard work the coding types put into it?I run quests and pick on the other immortals? I think that?s my job:P ) Anyway, come check us out (say hi to me!), we?re fun!