Moral Decay
Fantasy-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1992.
Ranked 307th of 783 worlds statistically.
Ranked 138th of 354 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
8 (22 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
10 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
2 (last 60 days)

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
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                               new website URL
The players currently logged onto Moral Decay are as follows:
Total: 3
Mortals: Arcane Dovii Thunder

By what name do you wish to be known? 
Moral Decay is an advanced fantasy LPMUD. Its main features include: * A detailed, limb-based combat system * A dynamic, player-run economy featuring 6 available types of businesses * Eight interesting and diverse classes * Weapon and non-weapon skills, trained through use * Racial language system, also trainable through use * Wide variety of original areas, including six major cities * Built-in party system to allow player cooperation * Player Killing allowed, but discouraged... not a PK-wild mud * Experienced players willing to help newbies get started * Well-established environment: Moral Decay was started in 1992 * Lots of fun!
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1] [2]

LP [1]
Lp MUD [2]

1992 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Medieval Fantasy [1] [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Moral Decay is an advanced fantasy LPMUD. Its main features include: * A detailed, limb-based combat system * A dynamic, player-run economy featuring 6 available types of businesses * Eight interesting and diverse classes * Weapon and non-weapon skills, trained through use * Racial language system, also trainable through use * Wide variety of original areas, including six major cities * Built-in party system to allow player cooperation * Player Killing allowed, but discouraged... not a PK-wild mud * Experienced players willing to help newbies get started * Well-established environment: Moral Decay was started in 1992 * Lots of fun! [1]
Moral Decay is an advanced fantasy LPMUD. Its main features include: * A detailed, limb-based combat system * A dynamic, player-run economy featuring 6 available types of business (Smelter, Weaponsmith, Armoursmith, Corpse processor, Distiller, Pub) * Eight interesting and diverse classes (Fighter, Cleric, Thief, Monk, Mage, Necromancer, Druid, Barbarian) * Weapon and non-weapon skills, trained through use * Racial language system, also trainable through use * Wide variety of original areas, including six major cities * Built-in party system to allow player cooperation * Player Killing allowed, but discouraged... not a PK-wild mud * Experienced players willing to help newbies get started * Well-established environment: Moral Decay was started in 1992 * Lots of fun! [2]
SmallOldLPPKAddictive [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List
Moral Decay is one of the most entertaining muds around. The added layers of a player-run economy makes it more than just a hack'n'slash then quest mud. The relatively low number of required quests also makes it a joy to play. When you are wanting to try out a new class, multiple character creation is encouraged. The new web page is
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 12, 2009
This was the first MUD I had ever tried, and I was instantly hooked by the unique limb-based combat system, and the challenging leveling curve with threatening death penalties. There are class styles to suit every player in this game, you can blast enemies with magical thunderstorms and conflagrate them filling rooms with flames and destruction. You can let loose and go berserk swinging your weapons faster than an eye can blink, spinning and whirling while dealing immense physical damage to all who may be in your path, you can sneak through the darkness, lurking through the shadows, waiting to unleash your wrath of poison and neck-slitting on an unsuspecting victim. You can even bring ferocious beasts to life, sending them to mutilate your opponents with relative ease. With the amazing different types of classes, spreading from magic to melee, tanks to burst damage, evil to holy, any person can easily find at least one class they thoroughly enjoy. My personal favorites are thief and mage. Another very fun feature in this game, is the fact that there are countless mini-quests, and hidden items/areas to be found in the most unsuspecting places, from cities in the sky, entered through mysterious magical ropes, to centaur havens, hidden in the most curious wilderness. Unlike most games, where you find all of the best players using the same equipment and fighting the same monsters, you can work hard to find some unique equipment and monsters to kill, in areas no other players have found, making this game very unique. The combination of resets and a vault also make the game much more fun, and challenging. Lastly, I love this game because it flows so perfectly, the balance is so awesome that you can play the game at any level, and never feel like it is too easy to too hard. Many other muds I have tried are just simply 'too' something, whether it is too complicated, too simple, too easy, too boring, too spammy, whatever it may be, Moral Decay tops it all, and has various interesting minigames within, such as poker, paintball, and many others! I hope you give Moral Decay a try, if only to see a functional limb-based combat system! See you in there! Jared (Riko/Whiar/Silther)
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 19, 2008
Moral Decay is one of the more realistic muds in existence today. I started playing myself more than 10 years ago, and although it was much harder back then, it keeps you interested because of the depth of each room and npc. We don't simply fight a monster with such and such hp. The monsters have history and background. Sometimes you need to explore to find this background, sometimes you can talk to certain creatures to find out more about what they know. This leads you to very interesting quests with rewards from cash and xp to unique items. I am now a wizard there, coding for the world that will always be part of my life because of the rl friends and good times i've had while logged in.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 9, 2008
Can you handle the challenge? Only time will tell. Where to begin? Well first off, yes there will be things you do not like about this MUD and there will be, I promise a lot more things you like about it than dislike. I have been apart of this MUD off and on for going on 9 years, I began when I was 11...that alone should tell you a lot about this MUD, that it could catch an 11 year olds attention and get them to stay for as long as I have. I have been to many different MUDs of many different code bases and this is the most detailed and thorough well thought our MUD I have played. The wizards or immortals(whichever you are used to) are all about the playing atmosphere and making the game challenging and always there to catch your attention. Most of the wizards here have been in your shoes before and are always there to listen and give you feedback when you need it. Among the wizards are the most respectful, helpful and willingful players that you will feel you have known for all your life. Going on to the game play. This is the, I mean THE most challenging MUD and if not then show me another that will provide such a great challenge and involve so much fun. Starting out yes, very tedious....isn't it that way everywhere else? Yes, it is. Don't expect to create and not have to put forth a great effort to become a good player. The wizards are in the process of making newbie life much more friendly and keep the short attention spanned mind children happy, which I do not agree with. With creating a newbie friednly system the wizards have recruited players such as myself that devote their time to helping out new members to give them a nice grip on how things go down and what to do. If you want to be good and know your stuff you would want to go through alot of helpfiles. Oh yeah to let you know the MUD is on a system that reboots itself every 6 hours. You WILL NOT save your equipment from each boot to boot. That is in my mind the most fun part of this MUD. I am one who loves a challenge and that is what this MUD is all about. Advancing further and further into the game is when the fun really starts to kick into over-drive. Each class has many different ways to go about how you play. There are 8 races and 8 classes which are - Dwarf/Gnome/Halfling/Half-Orc/Half-Ogre/Elf/Half-Elf/Human as the races and Barbarian/Cleric/Monk/Fighter/Mage/Necromancer/Druid/Thief, YES I know lots of old school players look for MUDs that have something new there to take their intrest and with the new school MUDders are just looking for something more SCI-FI. Trust me you DO NOT need all of that stuff here. There are many different ways of making it for... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 23, 2005
This may get removed since it's only a reply to the review by LonehawkPilot but I'll give it a whirl anyway. As a player of MD for the past 9 years, I can say that your encounter with a bug like that (where you lost your hearbeat repeatedly) is very, very rare. And typically when you do find a bug and report it, you get rewarded (ie some coin or some experience points (XP). Another plus of the game ;) Unfortunately, from what I was told, new code was added with the intent of making player experiences even more enjoyable but it blipped. As soon as it was discovered, it was fixed promptly Anyway, a highlight of this game is its constantly changing dynamics, which you encountered with this bug. It's never boring or the same. Things change daily. While this can be frustrating some times at higher levels (unexpected ass-kicking from some newly beefed monster for example ;)) it keeps you on your toes and makes for more excitement. Also adding to the game are quests. There are 6 quests required to aristo and a whole slew of mini-quests a player can tackle. Some of the best times I've had playing this game are when questing. Your review was pretty well done for someone who had played for such a short time. It's too bad you encountered any bug at all, but if you are interested in trying more of the game look me up when you log on and I'll give you a tour and help you out :) That goes for anyone else reading this review too. Look for my character name Galraith.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 31, 2004
I had just finished my review of a previous MUD to poke about and opted to go to bed. The next day I saw my review was pushed down and about to fall off from the latest player reviews. Very well, I thought to myself, let me see if any of these other reviews are just that or mere advertisements. Let us see, Moral Decay, It seems you have been in a little flurry of attempting to get attention lately. (Reviews on: 3/19/04, 3/25/04, 3/26/04 and 3/27/04) Like an Evil Genie I shall grant your Wish. You will get what you wish but will you wish what you get? Here lies the rare true review so few MUDs receive, keep two things in mind however 1. This is a true review. Not just spouting out all the good things, nothing is perfect and I've taken it upon myself to nit-pick to dig up negative things. If I found nothing bad, I'd look harder or Not write anything. 2. I have a warped sense of humor. They say there is a MUD for anyone. At least in theory, I do not know who They are or if they actually said that. I do believe that I shall call this MUD the perfect place for Alcoholic Necrophiliacs. All right, perhaps I make a jest. Or perhaps not. Here the players do perform unspeakable acts with corpses. As a true act of self sacrifice I shall force myself to speak of these acts so I may review Moral Decay. I proceeded to creating a character to give Moral Decay the review attention it sought. During the process you'll be asked for a surname (last name), nothing new but still uncommon enough to warrant mention. The statistic selection process was also different then typical. The five basic scores (Str, Dex, Con, Int and Wis) are used with the addition of the often thrown out Charisma stat. In Moral Decay Charisma affects the chance of an aggressive monster attacking you. Higher charisma characters, in theory, would be able to pass by agro mobs without any problem. In the process of creation you are also asked for two weapons to be proficient in. With the desire to play a rakish, charming, rogue I made these choices. Charisma, Dexterity, Strength, Constitution, Intelligence and Wisdom. I figured I could skimp on the wisdom as a sly rogue and live with a decrease in intelligence. I also chose swords and knives as my choices weapons of course. Before I finished the character creation process the game hit me with one I've never seen before. 'If you were referred to Moral Decay by an existing player, who was it?' Player referrals? I guess they must really be ready and eager for new players here. You start the game in Sanctuary, a safe place where no fighting can occur. Just up from it I found: A Book (Official FAQ of Moral Decay) along with another bulletin board (Sanctuary one... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 30, 2004
I've tried a few MUDs before.. but have given up on them because they were either too confusing or they were inactive. This MUD *always* has someone that's pretty experienced online and all of them are always willing to help out. Through this MUD has come alliances for other games, hundreds of friendships, even a few marriages. :) It's an amazing tradition in the name of Moral Decay. Join us. You will be amazed.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 27, 2004
This mud is like no other. It isn't a Dystopian type. It wasn't coded by a machine in ten seconds then added onto and reformatted. The ENTIRE Mud was written by people, people that for the most part still play the game. Every room is a mystery and can hold a secret. You don't die with HP, which is unrealistic, you die from getting your head chopped off, or your body being destroyed. The MUD is run completely by the players. If you want eq, you need to find a guild that sells your size and get some. You need to process corpses and get money, find silver on NPCs. Risk your life to kill and you get to raise stats with exp, not equipment. The MUD is genius, and the people here are incredible. We would love to get more recognition and at least be given a chance. All MUDs would, but most MUDs are only alive because they are written about a book or game you liked. This one could be written by YOU. Come by, play, learn, be addicted, meet new people, and maybe one day become a wizard and code! Lee/Dumbledore
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 26, 2004
This MUD is the first I've played and I'm addicted. The people on it are great; there is always someone there willing to party, help out or just talk. Test it out and I'm sure you will love not only the game, but the people as well. -Rotz
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 25, 2004
What can I say, other than I love this mud. We are in the middle of a newbie recruiting drive, and it is working so far. What I love are the people. Ive met some very close online friends on moral, we help each other with spells, etc, and just chat when we dont feel like killing. What I also love is the player-run economy..we make our own armor/weapons/alcohol(to heal), from metals and corpses processed by other players, then turn around and sell back to them, its just great :) Try us out, youll like it im sure!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Mar 19, 2004