Fantasy-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1989.
Ranked 139th of 774 worlds statistically.
Ranked 64th of 357 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

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Players Connected:
8 (36 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
15 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
9 (last 30 days) ▼10%

Minimum Connected:
6 (last 30 days)
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                             / /    \ \              / /
  ____________ ____  _____  /_/_  ___\ \ ____  _____/ /____________ _________
 (___________ /    \ \___ \/    \/  \ \ \___ \/  _  \/    \__   __/__________)
     (________\  \  \/  _  \  \  \   \ \/  _  \  ___/\  \  \ \  \ _______)
         (_____\__\_/\_____/\__\_/\____/\_____/\____/ \__\_/  \_/____)
                        / /              \ \    / /
                       / /                \ \  / /
  Use 'guest' if      /  \                 \ \/ / 
  you just want to    \__/                  \  /  
  look around.                               \/   

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Nanvaent is not a simple game. It cannot be finished, for it expands continuously. It cannot be beaten, for its first and last goal is to provide you, the player, with entertainment. It can be approached in a myriad ways, and success at it is not reached by rote or mere button pushing. To become great in Nanvaent, you will need the talents simpler games do not require - cleverness and quickness of thought, communicativeness and cunning, perseverance and passion. We believe Nanvaent is enjoyed best through deep involvement with others, making friends - and sometimes enemies, debating and joking, forging alliances and competing with your fellow travelers in our world. At its most exciting, Nanvaent is a scene of touching friendships and conflicts...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1] [2]

[LP] Driver: NANVAENT 3 (MudOS v22.2b14) [1]
Lp MUD - Driver: NANVAENT 3 (MudOS v22.2b14) [2]
LP [5]

1989 [2]

United Kingdom [1] [2]

Medieval [1]
Medieval Fantasy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]
Swords and Sorcery worlds [3]

Nanvaent is not a simple game. It cannot be finished, for it expands continuously. It cannot be beaten, for its first and last goal is to provide you, the player, with entertainment. It can be approached in a myriad ways, and success at it is not reached by rote or mere button pushing. To become great in Nanvaent, you will need the talents simpler games do not require - cleverness and quickness of thought, communicativeness and cunning, perseverance and passion. We believe Nanvaent is enjoyed best through deep involvement with others, making friends - and sometimes enemies, debating and joking, forging alliances and competing with your fellow travelers in our world. At its most exciting, Nanvaent is a scene of touching friendships and bitter conflicts - a place of extremes, of both honour and villainy, and not a sugary, bland environment of easy progress, pointless experience gathering, or tedious, impersonal killing. [1]
Nanvaent is not a simple game. It cannot be finished, for it expands continuously. It cannot be beaten, for its first and last goal is to provide you, the player, with entertainment. It can be approached in myriad ways, and success at it is not reached by rote or mere button pushing. To become great in Nanvaent, you will need the talents simpler games do not require - cleverness and quickness of thought, communicativeness and cunning, perseverance and passion. [2] [3] [5]
Better than the best :-) [4]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Pueblo/UE World List
  4. Zuggsoft MUD List
  5. Mud Magic
Nanvaent is one of the oldest muds there is. It's a highly developed medieval style mud with a huge play area, over 30 races and 14 guilds - something to suit every play style. Nanvaent is very newbie friendly When you start, you will appear in the immigration office as a human. A short hop north will take you into the newbie area, where you can learn all about the races, guilds and basic commands. There is a CHAT and NEWBIE channel to speak to other players and to get help. I have tried quite a few other muds but Nanvaent is always the one I go back to. Very simple to get the hang of (the easiest I have found). I have yet to start a character without being kitted out and given money by higher players within a few hours. If you are new to muds, fancy a change or are just curious - try Nanvaent. We are a happy, friendly bunch from both sides of the pond. Join Nanvaent, have fun, make friends - become one of us. See you there
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 21, 2012
Nanvaent is one of those rare things, a game that can keep me coming back to it. You know how it buy a new game for your pc, and no matter how much fun they are, you always get bored eventually. Not so with Nanvaent. I?ve been playing since two of my friends got me hooked when they went to University in 1996. I played for a bit, and was told that I should go to the next ?Nan Party?, so I went along. It turned out to be a weekend full of fun ? drinking, laughing, telling stories about Nan, meeting new people. All in all, great fun. So when I got home, I logged on again. This time I recognised some of the names, and was able to talk to a few more people than just my two mates. This helped me no end. As a newbie, I found that I got lots of help from various kind hearted people, especially when they quickly realised that I hadn?t a clue what I was doing ? this is still my first MUD! However, once I got to a slightly higher level, I found that I was a target for serial killers, which led to me starting new characters. Eventually I became tired of having to change character every time one of these serial killers logged in, and I drifted away for around 3 years, before coming home drunk one night and logging in. Now, I?ve got a character in almost every guild (10 out of 13), and most of them are fairly high level. I?ve got three addicts (level 100+), including one character that reached the dizzy heights (at the time) of level 211, and became the Guild Master of the Clerics guild. The serial killers have gone away now, or limit themselves to established players, so as not to scare off newbies, which is a good thing IMO. Admittedly, the days of regularly having 30 players on at a time are gone, and no-one spends their Saturdays playing and competing with each other to get the latest football scores onto the Sports channel any more, but it?s still fun. There have been more and more (and more!) quests added since I?ve been playing, and even two new guilds. The guilds have all been beefed up, and the arena fights have brought a new lease of life to the game ? PVP without losing a life is a lot more attractive than being unexpectedly slaughtered ?with extreme style and precision?. It?s my 11th year here now, but I still come back time and time again, because of the people. I?ve made lots of friends here, and no matter how you? re feeling, there?s always something to laugh at, someone to talk to, something new to do, somewhere new to explore. I?ve been to over 10 Nan parties and meets, met loads of people IRL, including some of the players who came over from the Netherlands Greece,... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Apr 7, 2007
Nanvaent was once a great mud with a helpful playerbase, in the last few years the mud has gone downhill. In the attempt at keeping players the admin have 'relaxed' the rules on swearing over channels, are actively 'turning a blind eye' to cheating, char sharing, etc. If you are not apart of the 'in crowd' you have rumours started accusations start. In the last 6 months a lot of players have left the mud due to this. In short if your either not 'apart of the incrowd' or female (and willing to do 'stuff' on webcam as some have done) your not going to have a good time playing this mud. In 1998 when i started I could rate nanvaent as a 13+ mud due to the fact of graphic discriptions of killing, etc. Now in 2005 with the relaxing of rules, I wouldn't be happy seeing any kid playing this mud due to a few players and creators happily spamming the chat channel with swearing and harrassment. This is my personal opinion and I've personally seen the cheating/harassment going on.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2006
When I first started, back in '94, with Nanvaent it struck to me that it was a huge place. There are about 6 Domains, each with there own towns and landscape. Huge forests and plains follow each other up, and there are many off roads and mountain trails. You first enter in the village Nanvaent (some races begin elsewhere) where guilds, shops, and a library can be found. And it easy to travel to cities with the coach when you are a newbie. Also following the main roads takes you to the main cities. There a lots of races and guilds to choose from so you can play anything you want. Be it a fireballing Wizard to a frenzying Barbarian. Teaming is also encouraged, but most of the guilds can solo their way up. Some better then others. I play in the Wolf Pack. Its a Guild consisting only with the wolf race and its a Fighter's subguild. About the players I can be short, some are helpful(most are), and there are the nasty kind who try to attack you. Just as in real life. We are a small group and most of us know each other in real life. We sometimes have parties where there is a lot of fun and the beer flows abundantly. The builders are very active in creating new area's to play with, but on the downside the Guilds have recently halted in progression. But everyone agrees that once we find the right people the Guild domain is going to be active again. Have a look at telnet:// or visit See you there, Jaguara(Jag)
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Nov 2, 2005
So a few reviews have given Nanvaent a bad press. Is this warranted? I have been playing Nanvaent since 98 and it's testamony to it's playability that I still love it. I have done some coding, some quality control and I am currently Guildmaster for the Elementalists. So here is my view. Elitism - Nanvaent has had the term "Elitist" thrown at it. I would disagree here. We are open and friendly to new players as a whole, and I personally make sure all the lowbies get to come XPing with me. Yes there are a core set of players that have been playing it and are very friendly with each other, and we will look out for each other. This is part of the Nanvaent charm, as you too can easily become one of the core. We are not arrogant bullies but people out to have fun with like minded folks. Connection problems? I play from the UK where the mud is based so I have never had any problems of this sort. It's stable and only occasionally lags when some newbie coder GREPs for the letter E *Cough cough* PvP occurs and tension can mount. This is no bad thing as PvP is usually a fast and furious thing that can get the adrenaline truly rushing. Sometimes people do it just because they can. It can seem harsh but if you are smart and quick then you should be able to avoid it. Finally can I just say that once you are sucked into nanvaent then you will want a char from every guild. Barbarians - Tanking Berserking Fighters that throw damaging wobblies. A dangerous guild Bards- The richest members of nanvaent as they charm equipment and money off the NPCs around them. Wolf Pack- Become a wolf and hunt your prey, Sneak up behind them before you throttle them to death Thief- Sneaky stealy stabby muggy! Wizard- Don't like someone? Web them to the spot while you throw nasty spells at their face. Elemental- Don't like someone? Make them asplode (be careful not to make yourself go boom Necromancer- Don't like someone? Kill them and use their carcass to make your latest minion Fighters- Some find these chaps boring.... until they are on the recieving end of their nasty assails. Knight- Protect the innocent... and wear a big metal jacket! Cleric- MEDIC!!!!!!! Monks- Training is hard, lengthy and repetitive. However you will be able to dodge blows matrix, style and kick arse at the same time. Can happily show a frenzied barbarian it's own intestines.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 31, 2005
Nanvaent was one of the first muds i learned to play, it is easy to learn and really pretty basic. I have yet to explore the whole mud which is really cool after a few yers of playing. However nanvaent is elitist. Unfortunatly if you are not one of the old time players you will not find nanvaent overly welcoming, as well as being a mud it is also a chat room for long time friends, if you offend one of them you have offended them all, this leads to public mud ridicule, charater harrassment and player killing. Some disliked characters are constantly hunted for a pk the moment they log in to navaent. In addition the consequences of player killing is having a bounty (meaning that u can be hunted freely in return for your crime), fortunalty for the elite characters of the game (who do most of the pk'ing)this is not a problem as the bounty is quickly removed with help from another elite player. There are immortals in nanvaent who watch over the mud, unfortunatley they are neither objective nor consistent in what they do, though this is a free mud and how much can be expected of them? The estimate that between 36 and 50 players are in navaent on average is laughable, unfortuantly, yes it is a great game, however over the last two or three years i have never seen 30 let alone more than that in nanvaent at any one time. Nanvaent is idealy suitable and fun if you have friends already playing the game and if you log in at a time when the proportion (there are quite a few) of abusive players are off line. Abuse both in terms of playing ability and personal is frequent and really quite nasty in nanvaent, for many of the elite is is humerous, but some new players may find it highly offensive.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 30, 2005
I started playing Nanvaent a few years ago. It was one of the first MUD's I'd tried and I liked it immediately. It is a highly addictive MUD (or at least it was for me), but I feel I should warn you now... I have found the site lacking in player numbers (this site quoting avg online as 36-50 is just silly - I havent seen that many online at once in two years - I'd actually be surprised if more than 50 different people had active characters). I have found the site quite laggy, and often the connection is unreliable. There are always people "reconnecting" for what ever reason, and surely it can't all be their fault. And yes PK-ing does exist, recently to me, but what erk's me, and has turned me off the site completely, is the complete lack of fairness - I was PK'ed after I lost link - due to a lovely windows unrequested reboot - so that's it, a years worth of "effort" gone because my character stood on unsafe ground while I waited to be able to reconnect. So all in all - good fun, but unless you don't mind losing everything to a "bug in the system", look for better.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Oct 30, 2005
When I first started with Nanvaent it struck me that it was a huge place. You first enter in the village Nanvaent (some races begin elsewhere) where guilds, shops, and a library can be found. And it easy to travel to cities with the coach when you are a newbie. Also following the main roads takes you to the main cities. The world has many jungle's, plains, deserts where you can get lost and wich makes the experience more real.. About the players I can be short, some are helpful(most are), and there are the nasty kind who try to attack you. Just as in real life. The builders are very active in creating new area's to play with, but on the downside the Guilds have recently halted in progression. But everyone agrees that once we find the right people the Guild domain is going to be active again. Have a look at telnet:// or visit See you there, Jaguara(Jag)
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 4, 2005
Nanvaent is a great mud, you never get bored, because there is always something to do whether that is killing countless npcs with friends that you will make or going on one of the 84 different quests of varying difficulty. The age difference in Nanvaent is quite large. I, myself, am one of the youngest players starting when I was 13. Some of the people i have met, are over 40. People are always there to help you, and most guilds are easy to get used to. I only play one mud, and this is the one, some people have been playing it for over 10 years and ive met one or two people that have been playing for longer than i have been alive. I hope to see you on Nanvaent sometime, its great fun, and new players are always welcome.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 2, 2005
Nanvaent is the MUD of choice for me for many reasons. [quest and kill medieval setting mud] DETAILS There is great detail in a concentrated way for most areas. You will often notice ambient messages, nearly always varied [you won't see the same exact ambient msg repeated over and over]. The environment can be heavily examined and often this leads to quests or new areas or just fun surprises [ and deadly surprises]. There are varied texts for many thing, although not everything. For example, one monk skill, slam, has over 40 random descriptions that can be generated during it's use. Although it is not one of the most colored MUDS, it certainly has many colored texts, especially for important texts. Races are generally quite different and unique, rather than simply different cosmetics and stats [ not always though ] Many races have unique commands and some have unique equipments they can wear. Even the best players/creators who have played forever still only know probably 80% of the game, there are incredibly large amounts of secrets, secret areas, etc although not always useful or good [aka deathtraps]. QUESTS There's a wide variety of quests that are very unique and designed to be realized and solved by the play as they play [Partly Nonlinear]. The rewards ranging from befriending npcs who will aid you, to powerful items or skills that you may keep, to a simple thanks =P, all quests give quests points which increase skill. While asking for quest info in public is discouraged, if you have trouble, most players are willing to talk with you privately to provide aid. GUILDS/JOBS The different jobs[guilds/classes whatever] are designed to be unique from each other, and generally feel that way, basically meaning that each job will bring a totally new experience and style of play as opposed to 'different' jobs with nearly similar skills named differently. All the standard jobs[fighter,wizard,knight,cleric,thief,bard] are there, with many more unique jobs such as necromancers, monks, foresters, barbarians, wolf pack, and elementalists. While some guilds such as necromancers are 'subguilds' each guild has its own separate skills, which will not carry over. Necromancers aren't a continuation of wizards, they have their own skills and lose their wizardry, wizard too have their own skills for people who choose to stay wizards. ENVIRONMENTS: Built from scratch basically, many unique and large environments, while areas may not be large from a simple run, they often have multiple hidden, or connected areas that increase their size and complexity. Night/Daytimes. Weather [often but not always cosmetic], diseases [bad, very bad]. Complexity and detail are key. COMMANDS: There is a pretty powerful alias system [ one of my turnoffs to a MUD is a weak alias system ] that allows aliases within aliases, and multiple chained commands. Syntax feels pretty natural most of the time [ open with , put in , get all , 2 , and 3 -> third z in the room] RPIN: Rping is rather weak, done,... Read More
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 2, 2005
What an excellent review from Kuch. I would like to add that this as is an English based mud, so the humour is as such. For people based in the Uk and on the continent, the server lag is minimal and most of the players are during UK & European time zones. This is a refreshing change for me as I've only ever played on US muds before. I thoroughly enjoy creating new areas and monsters for this mud and there is always scope to let your imagination run wild :)
MudConnector.Com Review by on Jul 23, 2005
As Muds go, Nanvaent is one of the few that has the qualities that make you want to come back. The skill tree is well developed to enable you to advance at a pace that suits you. Along with the mindless destruction of NPC's (which is also fun), you can also test out your skills against other players in domains such as The Arena. There is a great questing system which allow you carry on advancing your character, giving bonus's along the way on certain quests. There are a variety of guilds to join, which make it challenging in different ways depending on which guild you are in... I've been playing it since 98...and I'm still there.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 21, 2005
I've been around for a bit, seen places, played muds of all sorts and sizes in the past years. So far there's only 2 or 3 muds I keep returning to but I always like to broaden my horizon and emerge myself in new experiences. So I logged on Nanvaent because what I saw from the website and other sites looked promising. So what that it's a pk-allowed mud, I'm used to that so that's not gonna stop me. I log on as a guest since I dont want to waste space and I don't know if there's a suicide command on the mud for when I don't like it for whatever reason and look through command helpfiles, do a newbie course... So I create a proper character...ask where I can find the forester guild...two things happened....silence..and an answer that didn't help me at all: "The tour guide will bring you there". Well no, that fool just brings you to 3 places..and no guilds. How the fuck can a newbie know that a certain guild is located in a certain town? Why do players give useless answers on newbie channels anywayz? Anyhow, eventually somebody gave me an answer that really was of great help and I found the guild I intended to join. *cheers!* Check around some more...start killing in a newbie area for an hour...get some skill points...kill more... And there I sit happily hacking away on some monster when some dude called Calandor or whatever barges in the room, immediately starts to kill the monster I was attacking (macro?)....I prod him..say hi...say wtf are you doing..he ignores me..well, not really he examinates me and ignores me....gosh...not a client after all, just a fucker. So I go ask on the newbie channel..gosh is it normal for this mud to steal kills...and the answer is...Yes.... In short: Muds where stealing kills is normal are just bad. They only do it to the weak, fucking up lots of work, while they cower and suck up to the powerful. Personally I couldn't be arsed to stick around Nanvaent any longer to find out if the 3 ppl who answered 'yes' were actually liers or not and suicided. And there I was, off to search for another challenge that's more fun. Nanvaent unfortunately didn't meet my expectations in the 3 hours or so that I checked it out.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Sep 14, 2004
Nanvaent is a friendly and interesting mud with many different guilds and areas. From wild mountains to the creepy underdark where dark elves roam, from the coppermines full of rodents to the mining settlement which has a curse on it at night, from the big cities and bright lights to the remote fishing villages reachable by scow. They all have their charm and now with the most recent additions, two remote celtic villages in the wilds of Mhaolain, we the players have yet more to explore and discover. For that is the trademark of Nanvaent, to encourage exploration and discovery. There are so many ways of being addicted to Nanvaent and at level 100, you become a full blown addict!! You may not find it such a doddle to get there though.... come and find out!
MudConnector.Com Review by on Aug 24, 2003
I first started playing Nanvaent in Feb 2002 as it was recommended by a friend. It is an excellent mud to play as there are so many things to do, quests to figure out, nasty creatures to kill and lots of players to get to know! You can even bet on the lottery or go put money on the wolf racing in certain towns. Its great fun and a place I highly recommend visiting... you won't be able to leave!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Apr 1, 2003
It's a huge place and still expanding. I haven't tried lots of muds, perhaps 5 but none were able to keep me playing. But Nanvaent did just that. Started in '95 or '96 and I'm still there, that does say something. I suggest you take a look at the homepage ( ) to check it out, read the general descriptions of the guilds for example. Or log in and have a peek. But take your time to get used to it. You won't be able to slay dragons in 5 mins so take your time and I'm sure you'll like it. Good luck!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Aug 26, 2002
I've been coming to Nanvaent since 1996 but this is the first time that I've seriously played there. It has been enhanced beyond all expectation, the areas are nicely done, the quests well written and really make you think. Above all the people are friendly and helpful to newbies. Its definitely a great mud to play!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 19, 2002
I've played lots of MUDs in my time but this is now the only MUD I come back to time and again. The user interface and nicely designed feel to the MUD make this both ideal for newbies and mudding addicts alike. A comprehensive questing , skill tree and guild based system make this MUD as challenging or as easy as you like, plus given it's size you're unlikely to ever explore it all. I give it 10/10.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 1, 2001
I played this game, and I have to say its the best mud around. I has been around a long time and is very mature, with none of the uniformity which plagues more modern muds.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jan 11, 2001