New Moon
Fantasy-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1993.
Ranked 311st of 781 worlds statistically.
Ranked 138th of 360 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
3 (13 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
8 (last 30 days)

MudOS v22.2b9 DEV.

Average Connected:
2 (last 30 days) ▲100%

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

LPmud version: MudOS v22.2b9 DEV.

   -- /             \ --                   _\|/_
/    \      __       \    \                 /|\         *
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           *                    *
 The High Lord of New Moon is Bannor.                     *
 This Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) is intended for mature audiences.
 Please log on as 'guest' to look around.
 Web page:   Twitter:
*                               *                      *
Ezio, Raytheon and Spork are logged on.
Enter your name: 
New Moon is a world where epic tales of medieval fantasy are made. Everything you ever wanted from a MUD is here - rich location descriptions, interesting characters to meet, terrifying monsters to battle with, intriguing magic and mind-bending quests! New Moon's creative team have painstakingly created a realistic and engrossing medieval-fantasy environment for you to explore. Emphasis is on making a believable world with plenty of character development and interaction. New Moon features an original and innovative skills and training system, fabulous magic and spells and a myriad of special abilities including herbalism, boating, mining and metalcrafting. We are a sociable, newbie-friendly MUD and you will find the players and staff welcoming and helpful. Roleplaying is highly encouraged. It can be a game,...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

LP [1]
Lp MUD [2]

1993 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Fantasy [1]
magical, mythical, medieval adventure. [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

New Moon is a world where epic tales of medieval fantasy are made. Everything you ever wanted from a MUD is here - rich location descriptions, interesting characters to meet, terrifying monsters to battle with, intriguing magic and mind-bending quests! New Moon's creative team have painstakingly created a realistic and engrossing medieval-fantasy environment for you to explore. Emphasis is on making a believable world with plenty of character development and interaction. New Moon features an original and innovative skills and training system, fabulous magic and spells and a myriad of special abilities including herbalism, boating, mining and metalcrafting. We are a sociable, newbie-friendly MUD and you will find the players and staff welcoming and helpful. Roleplaying is highly encouraged. It can be a complex game, but it isn't daunting and we make it as easy as possible to get into your stride. Players can choose from 10 races and 11 guilds to join: 3 magical, 3 priestly, fighters, rangers, Chaos Knights, merchants and thieves. The game world is vast but not made that way by filling the world with spartan locations - there is attention to detail at every turn. It encompasses several cities (from western medieval to oriental in flavour), a myriad of towns and villages and many varied and intriguing wilderness locations. New Moon prides itself in its extensive range of quests and there are now well over 130 in the game, ranging from the newbie-friendly to the fiendishly mind-bending! [1]
New Moon is a world where epic tales of medieval fantasy are made. Everything you ever wanted from a MUD is here - rich location descriptions, interesting characters to meet, terrifying monsters to battle with, intriguing magic and mind-bending quests! New Moon's creative team have painstakingly created a realistic and engrossing medieval-fantasy environment for you to explore. Emphasis is on making a believable world with plenty of character development and interaction. New Moon features an original and innovative skills and training system, fabulous magic and spells and a myriad of special abilities including herbalism, boating, mining and metalcrafting. We are a sociable, newbie-friendly MUD and you will find the players and staff welcoming and helpful. Roleplaying is highly encouraged. It can be a complex game, but it isn't daunting and we make it as easy as possible to get into your stride. Players can choose from 10 races and 11 guilds to join: 3 magical, 3 priestly, fighters, rangers, Chaos Knights, merchants and thieves. The game world is vast but not made that way by filling the world with spartan locations - there is attention to detail at every turn. It encompasses several cities (from western medieval to oriental in flavour), a myriad of towns and villages and many varied and intriguing wilderness locations. New Moon prides itself in its extensive range of quests and there are now well over 130 in the game, ranging from the newbie-friendly to the fiendishly mind-bending! [2]
The best :) [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List
Time Connected Note
13m ago 3 players +2 players
1h ago 1 player -2 players
2h ago 3 players
3h ago 3 players Wulf connected
4h ago 2 players
5h ago 2 players 1 player left and Pez connected
6h ago 2 players 2 players left and Wulf connected
7h ago 3 players Wulf left
8h ago 4 players
8h ago 4 players Wulf connected
10h ago 3 players 2 players left, and Olly and Pez connected
11h ago 3 players 1 player left and Klauz connected
12h ago 3 players
13h ago 3 players +2 players
14h ago 1 player
15h ago 1 player -3 players
16h ago 4 players Khoji connected
16h ago 3 players -2 players
18h ago 5 players 1 player left, and Pez and Xaran connected
19h ago 4 players Wulfric connected
20h ago 3 players Xaran left
21h ago 4 players Xaran connected
22h ago 3 players Klauz left
23h ago 4 players 1 player left, and Klauz and Mideus connected
1d ago 3 players Shadokun connected
I'm a long term player of New Moon. In fact, New Moon has been around for most of my life(Well, since the early 90's atleast) and I keep coming back to it. I have played on other MUDs as well as other games such as WoW but New Moon (or NM as it is usually shortened) keeps pulling me back. One might wonder why. Well, for me it's not the monster slaying or mastering the skills of NM as it is for many other players but it is more about the over 100 detailed quests, the many exotic places designed to be fun to explore and the strong social aspect of New Moon. If that is what you look for in a MUD then NM is a good place to hang out in. New Moon has some shortfalls, just like any other MUD does, but if you allow yourself to get stuck in then it is a great place, both for the dedicated leveller and the casual gamer.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Mar 18, 2012
Pro's An easy to learn mud, a good leveling system. Sadly what was once a great mud has slowly turned bad over the years. Not enough High level areas. The easy leveling system makes it easy for number chasers to get 500+ which then turns into no more challenges in the npc world. PK is an option but frowned upon socially. Cre's not listening to players, and Cre's creating knee jerk reaction code to stem characters getting overpowered has forced the mud unplayable and forced majority of the players to search elsewhere for their mud fix. In its prime a great mud, but sadly that was many years ago, these days 0-5 players on at a time (peak), a few active cre's left (ego driven). Summary, Good mud to numberchase. But if you're looking fora challenge and a complete mud experience look elsewhere.
MudConnector.Com Review (Archived) by on Nov 8, 2010
New Moon is a place of great adventure. From a professionalised team of creators, a multifaceted set of players, ten player races to choose from, to the most intriguing room descriptions around, plus much more. With four starting guilds for players to choose from, each having advanced guilds to seek out and become a member of. New Moon is a place that can become very addictive, making you curious to seek out more, it can also have you wanting to tear your hair out, but it can also leave you feeling as though you have accomplised something great. But most importantly it's a place that you have to see, explore and get to know for yourself to really understand just how great of a place it is.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2005
New Moon is a great LP Mud that has managed to hold my attention since '96. Why? Because of the people(both creators and players) and the environment they have created. I'm a relatively casual gamer that likes variety, meaning I have many games that are only ever have finished. Some I play and never touch again. New moon is not that game. I've always come back to playing New Moon time and again. It is consistently interesting in that it provides diverse environments to explore. Descriptions of rooms, abilities, and characters are very well written. The imagery tends to just jump from the screen into an great visual. People are good about helping you and friendly most of the time. This mud allows a player to build that character anyway they want. If you want an evil trollish priest, that likes to sing for coins and brew beer....Go Nuts! The creators have implemented the skills offered very well, making it very simple to steer your character in the direction you want. Things in the MUD aren't perfect, bugs happen and the creators make changes to gameplay from time to time. But players are all informed of these changes as they happen and for the most part are told WHY these changes are necessary(spelling?). The game has changed dramatically since I began in 1996, but that is some of the fun of New moon. It does change and grow. So from a casual gamer's point of view, give it a shot and see if you like it.
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Feb 23, 2005
New Moon is a world of fantasy and adventure. Where Dragons still fly and Witch's still brew. If that doesn’t bring you into the world, the immense level of exploration will. The sights and sounds of an Old world is felt and heard with the attention to details. If you see a window, you can look at the window, If you see a tree you can look at a tree, there are several descriptions for an object as you look deeper into it. Non-Player characters are mostly interactive and highly entertaining. Whether they are there to add to the atmosphere or there to provide clues they help your mind envision what your character is experiencing at the moment. The World is rather large with several different towns and cities. Different languages and customs, and different behaviors and attitudes depending on where you are. The character you choose to play is customizable with points, so it is up to you to determine what kind of person you want to be. What strengths or weakness' you have and what enemies you will start out with, Elves are auto-attacked by NPC Orcs, as an example of enemies. They have several different classes to choose from ranging from Human, Drow, Orc, Elf, Troll, Hobbit, Gnome and Dwarf to Half-Ogre and Half-Elf. You are also able to make a player description and a player history if you choose to. These are steps to let you become your character. Role-playing isn't a must but it is strongly urged. You are in charge of your own destiny, whether is be for good, evil or neutral. Person killing is something you have to sign up for, but beware for the deal is sealed with blood and once they have you, you can never go back. Person stealing is another option but again, you must consent to it. Which means that if you are just beginning you don’t have to worry about stepping out of the newbie area and being slain right on the spot by another player then having all your things stolen from you. New or Old to mudding, this is a place for both. Most the people are friendly and helpful and most have no problem answering questions or helping out. If the gaming experience doesn’t bring you back, the players will. You have a large range of personalities and all of them add to the immense pleasure of the game. If you want to just kill things, this might not be the place for you, although they have things to kill a lot of them are marginally tough, especially if you don’t like killing animals. Also power-leveling is sort of frowned upon. If spilling the blood of innocence or ridding the world of evil isn't your thing, they also have quests. The Quests can be very rewarding with special items or other things depending on your alignment. Though they have quests a lot of the time is spent looking for them. Its difficult... Read More
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Dec 1, 2004
New Moon is a wonderfully detailed LPMUD. One that myself has been an addicted player of since the late 90's. It stretches over two continents covering such varied geographical locations as mountains, deep forests, arid deserts and thriving cities which in turn varies between the more common midevil city to the more exotic oriental. The magic system on New Moon is great, containing well over a hundred spells for the mages to choose from. But the best part of New Moon in my opinion is the quests which virtually litters the game world. For those more seasoned players who grow bored with just fighting monsters there is also the option to choose Player Stealer and Player Killer modes to engage in more, intense, player interaction. All in all it is a great, addictive place to spend your free hours. Hope to see you there!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 10, 2004
New Moon is an LP MUD. The creators have implemented wonderful quests, the world is fully original, the player base is incredibly nice, and overall this is one MUD that is very easy to get addicted to. I mean.. It's easy to enjoy oneself... So, come one, come all, it's fun, the more the merrier, you'll never feel alone!
TopMUDSites.Com Review by on Jun 6, 2004