Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1996.
Ranked 276th of 779 worlds statistically.
Ranked 124th of 354 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
3 (48 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
6 (last 30 days)

ROM 2.3

Average Connected:
3 (last 30 days) ▲50%

Minimum Connected:
1 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

  _____________________________________   __________________________________
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|||.                       .--------+   :     %%T%%HE IMMORTAL COUNCIL      |||
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|||    . .      /&&\   .   '--------+   :        WELCOMES YOU TO THE        |||
|||  +      *  /&&&&\  . .    __  __|   :                                   |||
|||      .    /&&&&&&\   /\  [::][::]   :  ___|=======================|___  |||
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|||  .      /&&&&&&&&&&\&&&&\ |::::|    :   > |     UTOPIAN DREAMS    | <   |||
|||      +  |-=-=-=-=-=|    |_| __ |__  :  /__|=======================|__\  |||
|||         |::[]::[]::|   [::][::][::] :                                   |||
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||| [::][::][::]:::::::|  ___|:::[]:|   :  <<Give them the reward that they |||
||| |-=-=-=-=-=|:::::::| ////|::::::|   :    have earned.>>  Proverbs 31:31 |||
||| |:[]:[]:[]:|=============|:[]:::|   :                                   |||
||| |::::::::::|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|::::::|   : Thanks to: Nyobe, Madsen          |||
||| |::+----+::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Staerfeldt, Seifert, Hammer for   |||
||| |::|\XX/|::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Diku; Furey, Hatchet, Khan for    |||
||| |::|XXXX|::|:::::::::::::|::::::|   : Merc; Alandar for ROM2.3; and our |||
||| |::|/XX\|::|____________/._.._.._\  : hosts              |||
|||____________________________________ : __________________________________|||


The mission of the Realm of Utopian Dreams (RUD, est. 1996) is to provide players an enjoyable and challenging mix of role-play, hack-and-slash, and talker features within a FREE mud setting. Some of RUD's design choices emphasize role-play configurations: titles, character descriptions, pk ability, and nobility. Other features respond to player needs for communication and interaction: channels, committees, the court system, and implementing player opinion and ideas--expressed in our Yahoo Group polls--in order to improve the game and to make the environment more exciting and friendly. We offer 16 races, 16 classes, 12 remort-races, 16 remort- classes, and 18 alignment-based original classes, each with special skills and abilities. Try your hand, for example, at playing a Geomancer, Samurai, Psiblade, Merchant, Ghostwalker, Pyromancer, or We...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
Average Players Connected By Week
Average Players Connected By Day
Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[Rom] uniquely and heavily modified [1]
DikuMUD - heavily modified [2]
Rom [3]

1996 [2]

USA [1] [2]

Middle Ages Fantasy [1]
Middle Ages-Fantasy [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

The mission of the Realm of Utopian Dreams (RUD, est. 1996) is to provide players an enjoyable and challenging mix of role-play, hack-and-slash, and talker features within a FREE mud setting. Some of RUD's design choices emphasize role-play configurations: titles, character descriptions, pk ability, and nobility. Other features respond to player needs for communication and interaction: channels, committees, the court system, and implementing player opinion and ideas--expressed in our Yahoo Group polls--in order to improve the game and to make the environment more exciting and friendly. We offer 16 races, 16 classes, 12 remort-races, 16 remort- classes, and 18 alignment-based original classes, each with special skills and abilities. Try your hand, for example, at playing a Geomancer, Samurai, Psiblade, Merchant, Ghostwalker, Pyromancer, or Espion. We provide automated mapping, an automated quest system and noble-run quests, random mud-wide bonuses, random mud-wide remort and pk options, an on-line builder and one of the largest systems of on-line help files around. Challenge yourself by becoming a Noble of the Realm, attempt 9 levels of Nobility, and earn special perks: build and add to your castle, extend your lands and influence, rent rooms to other players, tax citizens, jail criminals, run special quests, appoint deputies, serve as judges, host special role-play events, participate in individual and team pk when you wish, enjoy perks to your weapons, gain bonus quest points, and add to your Noble webpage. EXPLORE THE MEDIEVAL FANTASY. Visit our Yahoo group at: --Aequitas, Hierarch (on behalf of the Immortal Staff) [1]
Since 1996, the Realm of Utopian Dreams (RUD) has offered a free and unique middle-ages world of fantasy and make-believe in which players can create imaginary characters to participate in challenging adventures, perilous quests and dark-ages politics, and can enjoy making new friendships. RUD is an eclectic mix of role-play and hack-n-slash adventure. We offer dozens of unique races and classes: 12 mortal races, 12 remort races, 11 original alignment-based races, 16 mortal classes, 16 remort classes, and 18 original alignment-based classes, each with special skills and abilities. Try your hand, for example, at playing a Geomancer, Samurai, Psiblade, Merchant, Ghostwalker, Pyromancer, Espion, or Executioner. We proudly offer a large variety of modes of communication including an expansive note system, and more than thirty channels. We provide automated mapping, an automated quest system and player/noble-run quests, random mud-wide bonuses, random mud-wide remort and pk options, and one of the largest systems of on-line help files around. For those who would like to build their power and prestige after their time of adventuring, we have 9 levels of Nobility: become a Chevalier, Count, Marquise, Archduke, or Prince. Build and add to your castle, extend your lands and influence, rent rooms to other players, tax citizens, jail criminals, run special quests, host special role-play events, participate in PK with other PK-ers when you wish, buy special soliders, attend court, add to your Noble webpage, and more. Browse the RUD Book of Nobles to check out current noble players. Please visit our exciting world and give us a try. You can telnet in and start playing right away. You can visit our website or join our Yahoo! Group. Our free Yahoo group offers dozens of player and character photos; databases; great links; and dozens of sample images of RUD races and classes, polls in which you can voice your opinion and preferences, the results of which help to determine the direction of and changes and improvements to the mud. Give Mudmagic's Game of the Month a try! Join us and Explore the Medieval Fantasy! [2]
Since 1996, the Realm of Utopian Dreams (RUD) has offered a free and unique middle-ages world of fantasy and make-believe in which players can create imaginary characters to participate in challenging adventures, perilous quests and dark-ages politics, and can enjoy making new friendships. RUD is an eclectic mix of role-play and hack-n-slash adventure. We offer dozens of unique races and classes: 16 races, 16 classes, 12 remort-races, 16 remort-classes, and 18 new alignment-based original classes , each with special skills and abilities. Try your hand, for example, at playing a Geomancer, Samurai, Psiblade, Merchant, Ghostwalker, Pyromancer, Espion, or Executioner. We proudly offer a large variety of modes of communication including an expansive note system, and more than thirty channels. We provide automated mapping, an automated quest system and player/noble-run quests, random mud-wide bonuses, random mud-wide remort and pk options, and one of the largest systems of on-line help files around. NEW! We've just added 9 levels of Nobility: become a Chevalier, Count, Marquise, Archduke, or Prince. Build and add to your castle, extend your lands and influence, rent rooms to other players, tax citizens, jail criminals, run special quests, host special role-play events, participate in pk with other pk-ers when you wish, buy special soliders, attend court, add to your Noble webpage, and more. Browse the RUD Book of Nobles to check out current noble players. Please visit our exciting world and give us a try: Realm of Utopian Dreams Visit our web-site at: Realm of Utopian Dreams Web-Site Finally, join our FREE Yahoo group at: Realm of Utopian Dreams Yahoo Group . Our free Yahoo group offers: dozens player and character photos; databases; great links; and dozens of sample images of RUD races and classes, polls in which you can voice your opinion and preferences, the results of which help to determine the direction of and changes and improvements to the mud. Give Mudmagic's December 2004 selection of Game of the Month a try! Join us and Explore the Medieval Fantasy! [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Mud Magic
We're a classic game constantly trying to improve the experience. Our world has twenty years of content wrapped in stories and legends, waiting under the surface to be discovered. You can run a vendor, join a religion, build areas as a Noble, and rank up your character with our deep remort system that unlocks epic points. Bank vaults? We got em. Crafting? Yep, and the weapons scale with level when you use it! You can build a player home that gets permanently linked into the world, or start a quest using our quest powers to challenge other players in a scenario of your making. RUD is the fantasy dream where your imagination is the key to unlocking the depths of Lantarea, the Realm of Utopian Dreams.
MudConnector.Com Review by on Sep 1, 2017