Fantasy (Medieval)-themed LpMUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1991.
Ranked 125th of 770 worlds statistically.
Ranked 55th of 356 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
11 (35 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
17 (last 30 days)

DGD vDGD 1.7.3

Average Connected:
11 (last 30 days) ▲10%

Minimum Connected:
4 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen
              /\        ,                          .        /\          
             / _\      /|   ||  //                 |\      /_ \         
            /_/..\    ///   || // o |  o      _    \\\    /..\_\         
             |  |    ///    ||//  | |/ | |/\ / |    \\\    |  |         
             _\(    ///     ||/   | |\ | | | \_|     \\\    )/           
            / --\ \///      |/  _______________/      \\\/ /-- \          
            | | |\/\/                                  \/\/| | |          
            |\ \|/\/\                                  /\/\|/ /|           
            | \__\/     Hosted by Domeneshop, Norway     \/__/ |
            |   |        Running since Feb 7th 1991        |   |

       Use the name 'guest' if you just want a look.
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There are currently eleven players on.
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Viking runs in DGD and offers several guilds (classes) for players, including for example Samurai, Monks, Frog (an easy-to-learn guild mainly for newbies), Frost (cold-hearted mages), and others. It is based in Norway, and usually yields an average of 50 players connected at a time. Players are separated into three main classes. From lowest to highest, they are: mortals, eternals, and wizards. Mortals are the newbies, eternals are more experienced players, and wizards are those who choose wizardry instead of becoming an eternal. Wizards cannot interfere with game play, but are granted more sys privileges and have the ability to code new areas for the mud. It's a very structurally organized mud with friendly people, and any user would enjoy it. Alternate server site:...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

Average Players Connected By Hour
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Average Players Connected By Season
English [1] [2]

[LP] DGD 1.4.5 patched for Viking [1]
Lp MUD [2]

1991 [2]

Norway [1] [2]

Medieval / Fantasy [1]
To gain exp, and explore [2]

Medieval Fantasy [2]

Viking runs in DGD and offers several guilds (classes) for players, including for example Samurai, Monks, Frog (an easy-to-learn guild mainly for newbies), Frost (cold-hearted mages), and others. It is based in Norway, and usually yields an average of 50 players connected at a time. Players are separated into three main classes. From lowest to highest, they are: mortals, eternals, and wizards. Mortals are the newbies, eternals are more experienced players, and wizards are those who choose wizardry instead of becoming an eternal. Wizards cannot interfere with game play, but are granted more sys privileges and have the ability to code new areas for the mud. It's a very structurally organized mud with friendly people, and any user would enjoy it. Alternate server information site: [1]
The VikingMUD is a very popular mud. Players from all over the world plays regular. It is a LP based MUD, and it contains lots of quests, guilds, and some clubs. You have the Paladin guild, which is a guild consisting in paladine knigths fighting for their gods. You have the Necromancers. Foul creatures who fight for evil. And you the Blue Knights. These are neutral players, who pray to the gods of neutrality. Other guilds are: Frog (This is a newbie guild, they claim), Monks (The Monks of the Jadeh Path), Berserker (Massive Fighters), Samurai (Awesome sword masters), Army (Commanders who run around with soldiers) and some new guilds are under construction. There are also some guilds sworn to secrecy, and you will have to discove them on your own. There are 2 major clubs to join. We have the bastard battalion (Bastards talking Bastard talk) and The Eagle club. You have to ask around to figure out how to join. This is a highly recommended MUD, easy to start in, and with lots of nice players. [2]
Running on a server in Norway,VikingMUD is one of the largest ones of it kinds, and has a wide variety of players. It is based upon the lp3.2.x LP-mud system, but has long since customized the lib beyond recognition.VikingMUD features:* Lots of guilds* Societies and clubs* 19 player levels and 10 eternal (immortal) levels.* VERY extensive areas, built over a period of now almost 8 years* An admin staff that is efficient and keeps things running [3]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com
  3. Zuggsoft MUD List