Xaos MUD
Fantasy-themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) founded in 1997.
Ranked 305th of 786 worlds statistically.
Ranked 131st of 362 worlds in the Fantasy genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
5 (48 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
6 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
2 (last 30 days) ▼33%

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

[]                                                                            []
[]                                -=X-A-O-S=-                                 []
[]                                                                            []
[]                                                                            []
[]    Xaos founded by Ragnar                                                  []
[]    Merc created by Furey, Hatchet and Kahn                                 []
[]    Diku created by Sebastian Hammer, Michael Seifert, Hanz Stirfeldt       []
[]                    Tom Madsen and Katja Nyboe                              []
[]                                                                            []
[]                                                                            []
[]  Login as an existing player                                               []
[]  Create a new player profile                                               []
[]  Quick login a character                                                   []
[]  Exit Xaos                                                                 []
[]                                                                            []

Your command:
Xaos is a gigantic framework that eagerly caters to both the casual and hardcore player. Some of the highlights are: * 35+ PC races to choose, each with a distinct culture & region * A defined limit of trains to pick from over 500 skills & spells * Two dozen Combat styles that each influence your char's melee * Max hp/mana etc adjust dynamically as stats do, no lvling gear * Earn hero points from levels and quests, spend to define your char * Dynamic application of racial traits if you have such an ability * 40+ crafting and enchanting abilities to make & improve things * Possible to be part of unlimited amount of clans at once, NPCs too * A persistent that...
Read more at TopMudSites.Com

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English [1]

1997 [1]

Fantasy roleplaying and adventure [1]

Canada [1]

ROM - ROm 2.4 based, with HEAVY improvements [1]

Medieval Fantasy [1]

Xaos is a gigantic framework that eagerly caters to both the casual and hardcore player. Some of the highlights are: * 35+ PC races to choose, each with a distinct culture & region * A defined limit of trains to pick from over 500 skills & spells * Two dozen Combat styles that each influence your char's melee * Max hp/mana etc adjust dynamically as stats do, no lvling gear * Earn hero points from levels and quests, spend to define your char * Dynamic application of racial traits if you have such an ability * 40+ crafting and enchanting abilities to make & improve things * Possible to be part of unlimited amount of clans at once, NPCs too * A persistent world that saves all objects on ground * vMap - The mud's vast outdoors is mapped in intuitive asci live * Vast and automated arena system with over 150 NPC & PC competitors * Random item generator extremely popular for randomized loot * Enormous world, over 400 live areas (160K vnums) * Religions are deep, containing castes and unique traits etc * Mighty hero-inclined areas designed for groups of high-end PCs Apart from all that its got a growing community of players and staff from around the world all working towards making the place interesting and fun. Our two coders (Altair and Ragnar) work at a pretty constant rate to provide an influx of code changes and our builder staff led by Obscillesk strives to generate encompassing areas and expand the world's landscape with new places to explore, assault and conquer. Also with everyone on the account system the out of character channel keeps the familiarity of that player regardless of which character they are using while still allowing them to mask the true owner of one if they wish. Our forum is also linked directly to these accounts and as such most of our more formal OOC communication occurs within it. We joke that Xaos will always been in a perpetual Beta state but it boils down to the mud is constantly evolving on every front. As it is right now Xaos is 160,000 lines of code and occupies 170MB of ram when running, comparing that to its roots which were 35K lines of code occupying 5MB of ram?its grown a lot and will keep doing so. Come join us, there is definitely something here for everyone. We have recently implemented a HCRP bonus that allows our Hard Core Role Players gain experience for role playing! Players can give Kudos to each other for good RP and we have a special team of immortals that also reward RP points to characters they see RPing! [1]

  1. TopMUDSites.Com