Rusted Promises
Furry (Fantasy)-themed MUCK (Multi-User Character Kingdom) founded in 2012.
Ranked 500th of 779 worlds statistically.
Ranked 18th of 17 worlds in the Furry genre statistically.

Db Size:

Players Connected:
0 (31 minutes ago)

Maximum Connected:
2 (last 30 days)


Average Connected:
0 (last 30 days)

Minimum Connected:
0 (last 30 days)
Connection Screen

         | :: |
         | :: |    ______          _           _                             
         | :: |    | ___ \        | |         | |                            
         | :: |    | |_/ /   _ ___| |_ ___  __| |                            
         | :: |    |    / | | / __| __/ _ \/ _` |                            
         | :: |    | |\ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ (_| |                            
         | :: |    \_| \_\__,_|___/\__\___|\__,_|                            
         | :: |                                                              
         | :: |                    ______                    _               
         | :: |                    | ___ \                  (_)              
         | :: |                    | |_/ / __ ___  _ __ ___  _ ___  ___  ___ 
         | :: |                    |  __/ '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| / __|/ _ \/ __|
         | :: |                    | |  | | | (_) | | | | | | \__ \  __/\__ \
         | :: |                    \_|  |_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|_|___/\___||___/
         | :: |                                                              
 1       | :: |       1    
 8b      | :: |      d8   Welcome to Rusted Promises:
 88b   ,%| :: |%,   d88                                  
 888b%%%%| :: |%%%%d888   Type:   
  "Y88888[[[]]]88888Y"      connect <name> <password>  
         [[[]]]                - To log in      
         [[[]]]           Type create <name> <password> to make a character.
         [[[]]]           Names must be one word.   
         ||||||           Play on the web!  -  
        {{{{}}}}          For more info     - 
        {{{{}}}}          ( port 23)
0 players on right now.  Log on and become another one!
This world is Pueblo enabled!
Fortunes are changing for the nation of Sweetwater. A second shadow nest has been invaded and scattered. The siege of Cliffside has been repelled. It seems victory and peace are at hand. A council meeting has a shadow pleading for sanctuary and citizenshipdespite the angry cries of those who would prefer blood to peace. A strange vision rattles many to the core as an assembled device gives a new glimpse of the Creators. The shadows claim they only do as the Creators bid them, what could this mean. Have the beings of Promise fallen so far from grace that their gods would have them all destroyed? What were they apologizing for, the Creator that hung heavy with age, looking so sad and guilty. have...
Read more at MUDConnect.Com

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English [1] [2]

[MUCK] ProtoMUCK [1]
MUCK - ProtoMUCK [2]

2012 [2]

USA [1]
Texas [2]

Furry Fantasy [1] [2]

Furry MUDS [2]

Fortunes are changing for the nation of Sweetwater. A second shadow nest has been invaded and scattered. The siege of Cliffside has been repelled. It seems victory and peace are at hand. A council meeting has a shadow pleading for sanctuary and citizenshipdespite the angry cries of those who would prefer blood to peace. A strange vision rattles many to the core as an assembled device gives a new glimpse of the Creators. The shadows claim they only do as the Creators bid them, what could this mean. Have the beings of Promise fallen so far from grace that their gods would have them all destroyed? What were they apologizing for, the Creator that hung heavy with age, looking so sad and guilty. What have we done to displease our Creators? Cults of the Old Ones grow outside the city, claiming that there are beings that are older than even the Creators, and wield more terrible power. Turning their back on their progenitors, they follow a path that seems even darker than the shadows they had just driven away. The future seems uncertain at best. It's a time in need of heroes. Join the story. 9630 [1] port 9630 // // The Creators have given your people a world after a millennium of faithful service. The world of Promise is well loved, but wild. Your people, created from the wild animals of the Creator's world, have done much to make this home, but this tenuous peace was not to last. The moon shattered, peppering Promise with fragments of her. Raquestia was no more. In its place, horror. The shadows emerged from the larger impacts and began terrorizing and destroying the beings they came into contact with. Soul stealers, wielders of terror, formless and unwilling to negotiate. You are a soulless, born without a soul of their own, with the power to borrow the talents and abilities of your ancestors. You have the power to protect your people, but what sort of being are you? Features: Flexible Job System(Soul System) allows you to mix and match powers to your play style and swap up as situation or whim demands. Player economy, build your own equipment the way you want it. Forget lists of static items, make things smaller, larger, faster, slower, and customize it to your own needs. Less need for alts: You can earn new souls(jobs) and mix and match as you go. Mobile Play: Earn points on the go, craft, gain levels, shop, and more through the web interface. You can chat and play from the web without a client. Free to play: Game will always be free. Pay what you want, but never pay to win or pay to play. Constant Story: Scenes run frequently by staff and player judges(earn premium currency by running plot) Join the story port 9630 // // [2]

  1. MUDConnector.Com
  2. TopMUDSites.Com